15,797 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT KARTIKA. Effect of Tenure on Job Productivity to Employees PT. Kabelindo Murni Tbk, Jakarta. Script, Jakarta: Office Administration Concentrations of Education, Economics Education Studies program, Department of Economics and Administrations, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. 2013. The purpose of this research is to detect effect of tenure on job productivity to employees PT Kabelindo Murni Tbk Jakarta . The research is done during for three months since July to September 2012. The method of research is survey method with causal comparative approach. The population research was all of manufacturing employees with total 270 employees. Employees’s reach population are production employees with total 106 employees. For sampling used 84 employees with proportional random sampling as a method. Instrument that used to get variable data X (Tenure) measured by documentation data from the company. For Variable Y (Employee Job Productivity) was also measured documentation data from the company. Technique of data analysis in this research begins with a search for normality test by using a test Liliefors for the variable X2 obtained L0 = 0,0879 with n = 44. Ltabel for n = 44 significant (=0,05) are 0,1336 because L0 < L means the data had normal distribution. While for the variable X3 obtained L = 0.0998 with n = 30. Ltabel for n = 30 significant (=0,05) are 0,1618 because L means the data had normal distribution. In homogeneity test with formula F by Fcount = 1,35 and Ftabel = 1,79, so that 1,35 < 1,79 (fcount <f ). It means that both of them had homogeneous data. The next step was hypothesis test. Pursuant to result of calculation ttbel was hence obtained by t Count = 2,815 then it compare with t are 2,02 with significant 5% (0,05). In this thing occur that, if tcount t tabel are inacceptable and H so H100 tabel 00 2,02. It means that there is an effect of employee’s job productivity who had long tenure, medium tenure and new tenure


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    Penggunaan benih bermutu dan bersertifikat adalah langkah awal untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dalam suatu usaha pertanian. Permasalahannya, persepsi dan apresiasi petani terhadap benih bermutu dan bersertifikat masih sangat beragam. Oleh karena itu diperlukan kegiatan penyuluhan untuk memberikan wawasan dan pemahaman kepada para petani tentang benih bermutu dan bersertifikat didalam usaha pertanian. Kegiatan penyuluhan terkait benih bermutu dan bersertifikat dilakukan dalam kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik di Desa Payabenua Kabupaten Bangka. Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri oleh petani dan masyarakat. Narasumber berasal dari Balai Pengawasan dan Sertifikasi&nbsp; Mutu Benih dan Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Digunakan kuisioner untuk mengetahui respon petani setelah mengikuti kegiatan penyuluhan. Persepsi dan apresiasi petani di desa Payabenua berubah setelah mengikuti penyuluhan. Para petani yang awalnya belum menggunakan benih bermutu dan bersertifikat setelah mengikuti kegiatan penyuluhan akan menggunakan benih bermutu dan bersertifikat untuk kegiatan usaha taninya. Terdapat kendala di petani untuk dapat mengakses benih bermutu dan bersertifikat yaitu terkait harga dan kesesuaian varietas. Perlu dilakukan kegiatan penyuluhan yang terjadwal dan rutin agar wawasan petani yang bertambah dapat diikuti dengan pemahaman tentang pentingnya benih bermutu dan bersertifikat. Kata kunci: Payabenua, persepsi, apresiasi ABSTRACT The use of quality and certified seeds is the first step to increase productivity in an agricultural business. The problem is that farmers' perceptions and appreciation of quality and certified seeds are still very diverse. Therefore extension activities are needed to provide insight and understanding to farmers about quality and certified seeds in agricultural business. Counseling activities related to quality and certified seeds were carried out in the Thematic Real Work Lecture activities in Payabenua Village, Bangka Regency. The activity was attended by farmers and the community. The resource persons came from the Center for Supervision and Certification of Seed Quality and the Center for Agricultural Technology Studies of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Questionnaires were used to find out the response of farmers after participating in counseling activities. The perception and appreciation of farmers in Payabenua village changed after attending counseling. Farmers who initially did not use quality and certified seeds after participating in extension activities will use quality and certified seeds for their farming activities. There are obstacles for farmers to be able to access quality and certified seeds, namely related to price and suitability of varieties. It is necessary to carry out scheduled and routine extension activities so that farmers' increased insight can be followed by an understanding of the importance of quality and certified seeds. There are obstacles for farmers to be able to access quality and certified seeds, namely related to price and suitability of varieties. It is necessary to carry out scheduled and routine extension activities so that farmers' increased insight can be followed by an understanding of the importance of quality and certified seeds. There are obstacles for farmers to be able to access quality and certified seeds, namely related to price and suitability of varieties. It is necessary to carry out scheduled and routine extension activities so that farmers' increased insight can be followed by an understanding of the importance of quality and certified seeds. Keywords: Payabenua, quality seeds, perceptions, appreciatio


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    Comply with the law is to be done by every citizen . As with the enactment of Law no. 22 of 2009, regarding Traffic and Transportation . In Article 107 requires a two-wheeled vehicle riders should always turn on the headlights , and article 112 , every motorist to change lanes or turn and should provide a signal 30 meters before, and turn off the lights and signals after moving lane or turn . However , riders wheeled vehicles often forget to turn on the main lights are always on and off after the turn signal lights . In this study, the authors make the automation to turn on the main light by using light neutral ( at the time porsenling neutral position ) , if the light is neutral on the main lights off and if the neutral light off the main lights on . For turn signal lights / moving point , in accordance with the provisions required distance , by exploiting holes in the brake disc front disc and using optho-interuptter sensor , then the distance can be calculated . From the experimental results , obtained sensor headlights are always on when porsneling not neutral , while the proximity sensor to turn the signal lights / moving point with average error is 0.0375 % &nbsp

    The Effect of Visual Aid and Games on Reading Performance of Down Syndrome Children

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    Children with Down syndrome might demonstrate slow progress in reading. In fad some of the children might be able to read but did not understand the concept o reading. They might not remember what they had read, especially when the reading method gave emphasis to alphabet memorization and spelling. However, Down Syndrome children might learn to read better using visual stimuli to compensate their fewer memory channels (Oelwein, 1995). They also learned best using a hands on approach with activities that are meaningful to them (Dunaway,2005). A specific reading program then was designed to help the children acquiring better reading performance. This program was intended to modify the previous reading program tho emphasized on spelling method. it employed the playful approach including the use visual aid, such as specially designed pictorial books and cards, and games such as matching cards, word play, role-play and sports. The subjects of the program were three Down Syndrome children within age range of 8- 10 years old, and IQ range between 50-65. The intervention process of this program, and its varied effects on children reading performance (including matching, selecting and naming) will be explained. The obstacles and suggestions will be further discussed

    I Admire His Willingness In Helping Others…": Lesson Learned By A Peer Buddy In an Inclusive Classroom

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    As argued by Lewis (1 995) that regular student can gain advantage from interaction with special needs students. One of the interaction model can be achieved through peer buddy. Peer buddy is an approach which can be used to create a mutual relationship between regular students and students with variation of disability. The purpose of this study is to describe the belief, attitude, behavior of a peer buddy toward his special needs mate, and to portray his perception of what he gaim from this relationship. The authors used a qualitative case study design. Data was gathered from interview toward a peer buddy of a special need student with Cerebral Palsy in an inclusive classroom. The data was analyzed compared to interview data of the special needs mate, also data from classroom teacher and special needs teacher. Transcribed interview texts were analyzed to identify themes and key issues related to peer buddy characteristics, his belief, attitude and behavior toward the special needs student. The study produced findings, i.e, first, positive belief tend to lead to positive attitude and behavioral intention toward special need friends. Secondly, the benefit for peer buddy is increase in awareness of diversity and their friends' unique capabilities. As it is reflected by the peer buddy, as followed "Usually kid like him is the one who receives helps, but instead he helps other.. .. I admire his willingness in helping others ... .. " The findings from this study suggest that in order to provide the special students better, there are a need in enhancing classmate comprehension of special needs, improvement in school accessibility and facilities for special needs, and factors to be considered in peer buddy selection


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    This study aims to determine: 1) the influence of awareness of learning to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 2) the influence of family environment to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 3) the influence of school facilities to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 4) the influence of student discipline to the learning achievment in SMA N 2 Temanggung, 5) the influence of awareness of learning, family environment, school facilities and student discipline be shared equally to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung. Sample in the study was 128 students in SMA N 2 Temanggung. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and documentation. This study is using descriptive, analysis techniques, linearity, multicolinearity tests, regression and multiple regression analysis. the multiple regressions to determine the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The result indicate: 1) there is positive and significant awareness of learning to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x1y=0,331 and influence of 25,53% , 2) there is positive and significant family environment to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x2y=0,284 and influence of 11,19%, 3) there is positive and significant school facilities to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x3y=0,295 and influence of 10,87%, 4) there is positive and significant student discipline to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with r2 x4y=0,271 and influence of 6,41%, 5) there is positive and significant awareness of learning, family environment, school facilities and student discipline to the learning achievement in SMA N 2 Temanggung, with R2 x1234y=0,54, F=36,148 and influence of 54%. keyword: awareness of learning, family environment, school facilities, student discipline, information and communication technolog

    The Effect of Counseling in Self and Career Development to Enhance Students Awareness of Their Personal and Study Problems

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    Gifted students may insufficiently have insight of their problem-solving and lack of certain skills to solve their problems in various areas. Preliminary survey on students in l0th and 12th grade of acceleration program for gifted students reveals that, besides unsuitable teaching methods, mastery of academic content, and incompatibility between academic content and evaluation, most of them have problems in self-regulated learning and personal problems. The problems related to self-regulation mostly are time management and motivational problems. Meanwhile, the students also have personal problems, such as: stress management, emotional control, impulse control (lack of discipline), boredom, tedious life, loneliness, etc. The third highest order of the personal problems are: first, emotional control, second, impulse control (lack of discipline), and then boredom. For the 12th grade, they also face difficulty in choosing the right career suits to their ability and interests. In response to that, counseling in self and career development is designed to improve students' insight and problem solving in those areas. The paper reports the preliminary survey, the design of the counseling and its' effects on students' problem solving. It also discusses some barriers arid alternative suggestions for future intervention


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    Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) telah dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 10 Yogyakarta selama dua setengah bulan sejak 1 Juli – 17 September 2014. Tujuan Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) adalah melatih mahasiswa agar memiliki pengalaman faktual tentang proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan kependidikan lainnya di sekolah, sebagai bekal untuk mengembangkan diri menjadi tenaga yang profesional yang memiliki pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan meliputi kegiatan profesional yang terdiri dari observasi pembelajaran di kelas yang dilaksankan pada saat KBM berlangsung dan pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran yaitu membuat program tahunan, program semester, penentuan nilai kriteria ketuntasan minimal, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan format penilaian. Kegiatan praktik mengajar dimulai dari tanggal 4 Agustus – 15 September 2014 dengan mata pelajaran geografi dan jumlah jam mengajar 3 jam per minggu di kelas XII IPS1 hari Selasa(jam ke 3) dan Sabtu (Jam ke 1-2). Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan dapat memenuhi target frekuensi mengajar yang telah ditetapkan sebanyak minimal 8 kali pertemuan. Hambatan yang ditemui oleh praktikan dalam melaksanakan PPL adalah : (1) Dari praktikan, penguasaan kelas yang kadang masih kurang tepat, (2) pembagian waktu dalam mengajar kurang efektif, (3) dari siswa, terdapat beberapa siswa yang terlalu ramai sehingga dapat menganggu siswa lainnya dan kegiatan pembelajaran dikelas. Saran untuk keberhasilan PPL dari praktikan yaitu agar ada kerjasama yang baik antara pihak universitas, sekolah dan praktikan itu sendiri sehingga mahasiswa dapat menyiapkan diri, baik secara fisik maupun mental dan penguasaan kompetensi pembelajaran serta meningkatkan kualitasnya. Pihak sekolah hendaknya meningkatkan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar, kepercayaan pihak sekolah terhadap praktikan PPL sangat diharapkan dalam rangka memotivasi dan membangun rasa percaya diri praktikan dalam proses pengajaran. Sekolah juga perlu menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan mahasiswa setelah program pengalaman lapangan berakhir


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    PPL adalah suatu mata kuliah yang bersifat praktek, aplikatif dan terpadu dari seluruh pengalaman belajar yang telah dialami oleh mahasiswa, oleh karena itu PPL diharapkanakan dapat memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa agar mengenal lingkungan sekolah secara langsung dengan segala persoalannya baik permasalahan siswa, manajemen sekolah, pembelajaran, permasalahan guru, lingkunganbelajar, media pembelajaran, sertamasalah yang lainnya. Perwujudan“long life education” meskipun seorang mahasiswa akan menyelesaikan teorinya atau sering disebut dengan bebas teori, tetapi pendidikan itu tetap berjalan sepanjang hayat dan tidak pernah berhenti. Dalam hal ini disekolah merupakan tempat dimana mahasiswa melakukan kegiatan PPL, seorang mahasiswa akan belajar bersama-sama dengan siswa, guru, kepala sekolah, staf tata usaha, teman-teman sejawat dansemua yang berhubungan dengan PPL untuk menambah ilmu, penganalaman, wawasan, pengetahuan guna menciptakan profesionalisme seorang guru. Peningkatan hubungan antara perguruan tinggi dengan pemerintah daerah, sekolah dan berbagai lembaga yang terkait. PPL tahun 2015 yang dilaksanakan di SMA ANGKASA ADISUCIPTO mulai dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Agustus sampai 12 September 2015. Kegiatan PPL tersebut yang berfokus pada proses belajar mengajar di kelas. PPL dilaksanakan di kelas XI IPA 2 2015/2016. Proses belajar mengajar yang dilaksanakan di kelas tersebut dapat dikatakan lancar. Diharapkan dari proses belajar mengajar yang telah dilaksanakan dapat diambil pengalaman yang merupakan tujuan utama dari PPL. Adapula, pengalaman tersebut dapat menambah bekal bagi mahasiswa PPL untuk menjadi guru yang professional
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