5 research outputs found

    Win32 api emulation on unix for software dsm

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    This paper presents a new Win32 API emulation layer called nt2unix. It supports source code compatible Win32 console applications on UNIX. We focus on the emulation of specific Win32 features used for systems programming like exception handling, virtual memory management, Windows NT multithreading / synchronization and the WinSock API for networking. As a case study, we ported the all-software distributed shared memory (DSM) system SVMlib- consisting of about 15.000 lines of C++ code written natively for the Win32 API- to Sun Solaris 2.5 with absolutely no source code changes

    Computing on a Cluster of PCs: Project Overview and Early Experiences

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    . This paper summarizes some projects that deal with parallel computing on clusters of PCs. Although quite different approaches have been chosen, they have in common that they aim at shared data parallelization on the cluster platform. One approach is based on a SCI (Scalable Coherent Interface) network that provides transparent remote memory access. A programming interface as well as first application parallelization results are summarized. The second approach relies on SVMlib, a new all-software Shared Virtual Memory subsystem (SVM) for Windows NT. In this paper, we discuss design issues, implementation details and first performance measurements of SVMlib. 1 Introduction As the performance of commodity off-the-shelf PCs approaches that of workstations, they become increasingly attractive for performance-critical applications, both from the technical computing area as well as from the commercial sector. The growing number of Beowulf-like clusters and their successful applica..