1 research outputs found

    Modelling of the diffusion of carbon dioxide in polyimide matrices by computer simulation

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    Computer aided molecular modelling is used to visualize the motion of CO2 gas molecules inside a polyimide polymer matrix. The polymers simulated are two 6FDA-bases polyimides, 6FDA-4PDA and 6FDA-44ODA. These polymers have also been synthesized in our laboratory, and thus the simulated properties could directly be compared with “real-world” data. The simulation experiments have been performed using the GROMOS1 package. The polymer boxes were created using the soft-core method, with short (11 segments) chains. This results in highly relaxed and totally amorphous polyimide matrices. The motion of randomly placed CO2 molecules in the boxes during molecular dynamics runs was followed, revealing three types of motion: jumping, continuous- and trapped motion. The calculated diffusivities are unrealistic, but possible shortcomings in our model are given