936 research outputs found

    Normal state bottleneck and nematic fluctuations from femtosecond quasi-particle relaxation dynamics in Sm(Fe,Co)AsO

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    We investigate temperature and fluence dependent dynamics of the photoexcited quasi-particle relaxation and low-energy electronic structure in electron-doped 1111-structure Sm(Fe_{0.93}Co_{0.07})AsO single crystal. We find that the behavior is qualitatively identical to the 122-structure Ba(Fe,Co)_{2}As_{2} including the presence of a normal state pseudogap and a marked 2-fold symmetry breaking in the tetragonal phase that we relate to the electronic nematicity. The 2-fold symmetry breaking appears to be a general feature of the electron doped iron pnictides

    Magnetotransport studies of Superconducting Pr4_4Fe2_2As2_2Te1x_{1-x}O4_4

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    We report a detailed study of the electrical transport properties of single crystals of Pr4_4Fe2_2As2_2Te1x_{1-x}O4_4, a recently discovered iron-based superconductor. Resistivity, Hall effect and magnetoresistance are measured in a broad temperature range revealing the role of electrons as dominant charge carriers. The significant temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient and the violation of Kohler's law indicate multiband effects in this compound. The upper critical field and the magnetic anisotropy are investigated in fields up to 16 T, applied parallel and perpendicular to the crystallographic c-axis. Hydrostatic pressure up to 2 GPa linearly increases the critical temperature and the resistivity residual ratio. A simple two-band model is used to describe the transport and magnetic properties of Pr4_4Fe2_2As2_2Te1x_{1-x}O4_4. The model can successfully explain the strongly temperature dependent negative Hall coefficient and the high magnetic anisotropy assuming that the mobility of electrons is higher than that of holes

    L4Fe2As2Te1-xO4-yFy (L = Pr, Sm, Gd): a layered oxypnictide superconductor with Tc up to 45 K

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    The synthesis, structural and physical properties of iron lanthanide oxypnictide superconductors, L4Fe2As2Te1-xO4 (L = Pr, Sm, Gd), with transition temperature at ~ 25 K are reported. Single crystals have been grown at high pressure using cubic anvil technique. The crystal structure consists of layers of L2O2 tetrahedra separated by alternating layers of chains of Te and of Fe2As2 tetrahedra: -L2O2-Te-L2O2-Fe2As2-L2O2-Te-L2O2- (space group: I4/mmm, a ~ 4.0, c ~ 29.6 {\AA}). Substitution of oxygen by fluorine increases the critical temperature, e.g. in Gd4Fe2As2Te1-xOyF4-y up to 45 K. Magnetic torque measurements reveal an anisotropy of the penetration depths of ~31.Comment: 8 figures, 4 table

    Multi-band superconductivity in LaFeAsO_{0.9}F_{0.1} single crystals probed by high-field vortex torque magnetometry

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    To probe manifestations of multiband superconductivity in oxypnictides, we measured the angular dependence of the magnetic torque τ(θ)\tau(\theta) in the mixed state of LaO0.9_{0.9}F0.1_{0.1}FeAs single crystals as a function of temperature TT and magnetic fields HH up to 18 T. The paramagnetic contribution of the Fe ions is properly treated in order to extract the effective mass anisotropy parameter γ=(mc/mab)1/2\gamma=(m_c/m_{ab})^{1/2} from τ(θ)\tau(\theta). We show that γ\gamma depends strongly on both TT and HH, reaching a maximum value of \sim 10 followed by a decrease towards values close to 1 as TT is lowered. The observed field dependencies of the London penetration depth λab\lambda_{ab} and γ\gamma suggest the onset of suppression of a superconducing gap at HHc2/3H \approx H_{c2}/3.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of field dependent core size on reversible magnetization of high-κ\kappa superconductors

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    The field dependence of the vortex core size ξ(B)\xi(B) is incorporated in the London model, in order to describe reversible magnetization M(B,T)M(B,T) for a number of materials with large Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ\kappa. The dependence ξ(B)\xi(B) is directly related to deviations in M(lnB)M(\ln B) from linear behavior prescribed by the standard London model. A simple method to extract ξ(B)\xi(B) from the magnetization data is proposed. For most materials examined, ξ(B)\xi(B) so obtained decreases with increasing field and is in qualitative agreement both with behavior extracted from μ\muSR and small angle neutron scattering data and with that predicted theoretically

    Manifestations of fine features of the density of states in the transport properties of KOs2O6

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    We performed high-pressure transport measurements on high-quality single crystals of KOs2O6, a beta-pyrochlore superconductor. While the resistivity at high temperatures might approach saturation, there is no sign of saturation at low temperatures, down to the superconducting phase. The anomalous resistivity is accompanied by a nonmetallic behavior in the thermoelectric power (TEP) up to temperatures of at least 700 K, which also exhibits a broad hump with a maximum at 60 K. The pressure influences mostly the low-energy electronic excitations. A simple band model based on enhanced density of states in a narrow window around the Fermi energy (EF) explains the main features of this unconventional behavior in the transport coefficients and its evolution under pressure