74 research outputs found
Ecofeminist Analysis of Environmental Economics
The qualitatively new ecological situation is primarily a consequence of the consumer productive activity, which is based on confidence in the inexhaustible natural resources. But gender stereotypes that cause the interaction between nature and man, also greatly inhibit the solution of environmental and economic problems. In Western philosophy and economics, men’s activity in nature is identified with work and productive force, while women’s activity is manly recognized as natural and reproductive activity, subsumed into men’s production, and valued only individually and instrumentally. Contemporary environmental economics has to exclude this kind of identification. Acknowledging and valuing of women’s work and its absolute necessity should be discussed, like that of inputs from the natural environment, for the continuation of economic processes. We argue that an ecofeminist discourse improves the process of valuing in environmental economics. Ecofeminist analysis of environmental economics helps to overcome the bias of the dualistic methodology in this field of the economic theory
Etnopedagogiczne i etnopsychologiczne zasady kształtowania charakteru dzieci ukraińskich w dziedzictwie Mykoły Shlemkevycha
The article deals with the aspects of development of the spiritual sphere of Ukrainians as proposed in the works of Mykola Shlemkevych which are related to understanding of the essence of the national character, the inflence of the history of the people, upbringing traditions, folk customs, life in the family. The authors have also revealed the influences of human activity on the formation of a person’s character features. According to Shlemkevych, the national character reflcts the attitude of people to reality, culture of those people, their literature, language, architecture, etc., and it is embodied in their particular way of thinking, feelings, typical behaviour, emotional reactions to actions. This does not exclude changes in the character of an individual during his/her lifetime, but typical features of one’s character are manifested in certain inclinations, disposition of the vast majority of representatives of the nation. According to Shlemkevych, these are the following traits of Ukrainians: faith in God, patriotism, hard work, emotionality, love of songs, respect for mother and family, freedom of love, hospitality.W artykule omówiono aspekty rozwoju sfery duchowej Ukraińców zaproponowane w twórczości Mykoły Shlemkevycha, a związane ze zrozumieniem istoty narodowego charakteru oraz z wpływem historii ludzi, tradycji, wychowania, obyczajów ludowych i życia w rodzinie. Autor ujawnił także wpływ działań człowieka na słownictwo, na kształtowanie cech charakteru danej osoby. Według Shlemkevycha charakter narodowy odzwierciedla stosunek ludzi do rzeczywistości, kultury danego narodu, jego literatury, języka, architektury itp. Objawia się on w szczególnym sposobie myślenia, uczuciach, typowych zachowaniach, reakcjach emocjonalnych oraz działaniach. Nie wyklucza to zmian charakteru jednostek w trakcie ich życia, zarazem należy dodać, że typowe cechy tego charakteru przejawiają się w pewnych skłonnościach, usposobieniu ogromnej większości przedstawicieli narodu. Według Shlemkevycha są to następujące cechy Ukraińców: wiara w Boga, patriotyzm, ciężka praca, emocjonalność, miłość do pieśni, szacunek dla matki i rodziny, wolność miłości, gościnność
Transportation Management in a Distributed Logistic Consumption System Under Uncertainty Conditions
The problem of supply management in the supplier-to-consumer logistics transport system has been formed and solved. The novelty of the formulation of the problem consists in the integrated accounting of costs in the logistic system, which takes into account at the same time the cost of transporting products from suppliers to consumers, as well as the costs for each of the consumers to store the unsold product and losses due to possible shortages. The resulting optimization problem is no longer a standard linear programming problem. In addition, the work assumes that the solution of the problem should be sought taking into account the fact that the initial data of the problem are not deterministic. The analysis of traditional methods of describing the uncertainty of the source data. It is concluded that, given the rapidly changing conditions for the implementation of the delivery process in a distributed supplier-to-consumer system, it is advisable to move from a theoretical probability representation of the source data to their description in terms of fuzzy mathematics. At the same time, in particular, the fuzzy values of the demand for the delivered product for each consumer are determined by their membership functions.Distribution of supplies in the system is described by solving a mathematical programming problem with a nonlinear objective function and a set of linear constraints of the transport type. In forming the criterion, a technology is used to transform the membership functions of fuzzy parameters of the problem to its theoretical probabilistic counterparts – density distribution of demand values. The task is reduced to finding for each consumer the value of the ordered product, minimizing the average total cost of storing the unrealized product and losses from the deficit. The initial problem is reduced to solving a set of integral equations solved, in general, numerically. It is shown that in particular, important for practice, particular cases, this solution is achieved analytically.The paper states the insufficient adequacy of the traditionally used mathematical models for describing fuzzy parameters of the problem, in particular, the demand. Statistical processing of real data on demand shows that the parameters of the membership functions of the corresponding fuzzy numbers are themselves fuzzy numbers. Acceptable mathematical models of the corresponding fuzzy numbers are formulated in terms of bifuzzy mathematics. The relations describing the membership functions of the bifuzzy numbers are given. A formula is obtained for calculating the total losses to storage and from the deficit, taking into account the bifuzzy of demand. In this case, the initial task is reduced to finding the distribution of supplies, at which the maximum value of the total losses does not exceed the permissible value
The Ukrainian Ideal of Education in the Works of Mykola Shlemkevych (1894–1966)
The article highlights the views of Mykola Shlemkevych – a Ukrainian scholar, educator, philosopher and public figure - on the ideal, purpose and content of the education of Ukrainian youth. The main concepts of the ideal of education are revealed: value orientations (God, nation, family, social environment, language, culture, history, tradition); moral (love, faith, kindness, truth, beauty) and national values (the Ukrainian idea, national unity, national consciousness, patriotism, national interests). Attention is focused on the spiritual origins of the Ukrainian people, encompassing the principles of nationalism and humanism; on patriotism; on achieving personal freedom; advocacy of democratic ideas
Gender study of the student youth’s psychological well-being during coronavirus lockdown: a comparative analysis
Research conduction and substantiation of gender semantic parameters of psychological well-being of students (n = 101) during coronavirus self-isolation using empirical and theoretical methods. The findings revealed that student youth experience anxiety and depressive symptoms (t = -2.2; p =.05). Boys were discovered to have cyclothymic, abrupt binary mood swings (t = 2.4; p =.05). Respondents tend to focus on the various activities available in a lockdown setting to protect their mental state. It was stated that the proclivity to displace anxious thoughts is a distinct feature of Group 1 (boys, n = 49). It is noted that future attempts to “escape” from the current situation may result in depression in Group 1 respondents (t = -2.2; p =.05). Group 2 (girls, n = 52) has been shown to be psychologically more vulnerable to the effects of forced lockdown and the increase in morbidity due to social distance and isolation, uncertainty about the future, and hypochondriac tendencies. It is argued that Group 1 respondents are psychologically vulnerable to the coronavirus situation because they have feelings about the future, but personal alienation, secrecy, and the ability to abstract mitigate the self-isolation’s negative effects on their psychological well-being
Коммуникативная ситуация откровенного общения в англоязычном семейном дискурсе
У статті йдеться про комунікативну ситуацію відвертого спілкування в сучасному англомовному родинному дискурсі та її прагмалінгвістичні особливості.В статье речь идет о коммуникативной ситуации откровенного общения в современном англоязычном семейном дискурсе и ее прагмалингвистические особенности.Underpinned with the postulates of the pragma-discourse approach, this article considers a variety of means of strategies' and tactics' realization in the situation of frank communicationin the modern English family discourse
Коммуникативная ситуация откровенного общения в англоязычном семейном дискурсе
У статті йдеться про комунікативну ситуацію відвертого спілкування в сучасному англомовному родинному дискурсі та її прагмалінгвістичні особливості.В статье речь идет о коммуникативной ситуации откровенного общения в современном англоязычном семейном дискурсе и ее прагмалингвистические особенности.Underpinned with the postulates of the pragma-discourse approach, this article considers a variety of means of strategies' and tactics' realization in the situation of frank communicationin the modern English family discourse
The Relationship between Oil Prices and Exchange Rate in Russia
This paper studies the relationship between oil price and the exchange rates in Russian Federation. There is a close interrelation between the currency rate of dollar to ruble and oil prices. The regression model has accurately shown this interrelation. The interrelation with a foreign policy factor - sanctions of the USA and the European Union is also revealed. There is a close interrelation between the currency rate of dollar to ruble and oil prices. The regression model has accurately shown this interrelation. Oil prices of the Brent oil is the dominating factor in a currency exchange rate formation mechanism of ruble, at least, in the long term. When world oil prices are stabilized and sanctions cancelled, currency fluctuations and uncertainty will be minimized. The findings of this paper may be used by foreign and domestic investors while taking decisions because all the shocks impact on the economy in short and long term.
Keywords: oil price, exchange rate, interrelation with a foreign policy factor
JEL Classifications: C58, F31, Q3
Influence of network organizational structures on innovation activity of industrial enterprises
The interrelation between the innovation activity of enterprises and various types of network cooperation is of practical importance for the effective strategic management of network structures. In the present study, on the basis of indicators that measure innovation and technological effects and are adapted to the standards of statistics of the EU countries, the weighted aggregate innovation index of light industry companies in Ukraine and the EU countries is justified and calculated. On the basis of correlation and regression analysis, the relationships of varying strength are established between the integrated innovation index and different types of network innovative cooperation of light industry companies of the EU countries. The high-strength relationship is revealed between the innovation index of light industry and the indicators of the share of companies that had partners within their group of companies; that were involved in any type of network innovation partnership; that had partners in innovative cooperation among universities; that were involved in any type of partnership with a foreign partner from the EU countries, the EFTA countries or the candidate countries for accession to the EU. The construction of a correlation-regression model of the dependence of the innovation index of light industry on the share of innovation-active companies involved in any type of network innovation partnership and the share of innovation-active companies involved in network cooperation with a foreign partner from the EU countries, the EFTA countries or the candidate countries for accession to the EU given the possibility to predict the level of innovation of domestic companies of light industry depending on the level of their involvement in different types of network innovative cooperation
Моделювання транспортних потоків для обґрунтування проектів дорожнього будівництва на умовах концесії
A method for studying the expected traffic flow distribution between toll and alternative roads based on user behavior principles is proposed. It is assumed that the user’s behavior is rational: he always chooses the most suitable option. The proposed model takes into account the cost of fuel and lubricants, the time and toll of toll and alternative routes. This means that if the cost of toll and alternative roads is the same, the user will not care which route to choose. By changing the toll for 1 km, it is possible to affect the cost of the “expenses for the toll route” component and the corresponding traffic flow. Saturation of the road with vehicles will occur until, due to the complication of traffic on it, the total costs exceed those when driving another road.Analytical models are developed and proposed for:1) toll determination;2) traffic flow distribution between toll and alternative roads.The models provided information on the expected traffic flow distribution between toll and alternative routes. It is necessary for:1) economic justification of project attractiveness for private investors and project feasibility under concession;2) determination of traffic intensity, below which it is impractical for the authorities to set concession payments under the concession agreement.The use of the models proposed by the authors is presented on the materials of the project of the construction phase of the Great Kyiv Ring Road (Ukraine)Предложен метод исследования ожидаемого распределения транспортных потоков между платной и альтернативной автомобильными дорогами, в основе которого лежат поведенческие принципы пользователей. Предполагается, что поведение пользователя является рациональным: он всегда выбирает наиболее выгодный для себя вариант действий. В предложенной модели учитываются: стоимость расходов на горюче-смазочные материалы, затрат времени и расходов на оплату за проезд платным и альтернативным маршрутами. Это означает, что в случае обеспечения одинаковой стоимости затрат при движении платной и альтернативной автомобильными дорогами пользователю будет безразлично, какой маршрут выбрать. Меняя тариф за проезд 1 км платной автомобильной дорогой, можно влиять на стоимость составляющей «расходы на оплату движения платным маршрутом» и на соответствующий транспортный поток. Насыщение автомобильной дороги транспортными средствами будет происходить до тех пор, пока, из-за осложнения движения по ней, общие затраты не превысят такие затраты при движении другой дорогой.Разработаны и предложены аналитические модели:1) определения тарифа за проезд по платной дороге;2) распределения транспортного потока между платной и альтернативной автомобильными дорогами.В результате использования моделей получена информация об ожидаемом распределении транспортного потока между платным и альтернативным маршрутам движения. Она является необходимой:1) при экономическом обосновании привлекательности проекта для частных инвесторов и целесообразности реализации проекта на условиях концессии;2) для определения интенсивности движения, ниже которой органам власти устанавливать в условиях концессионного договора требования по оплате концессионных платежей нецелесообразно.Использование предложенных авторами моделей представлено на материалах проекта очереди строительства Большой кольцевой дороги вокруг г. Киев (Украина)Запропоновано метод дослідження очікуваного розподілу транспортних потоків між платною та альтернативною автомобільними дорогами, в основі якого лежать поведінкові принципи користувачів. Передбачається, що поведінка користувача є раціональною: він завжди обирає найбільш вигідний для себе варіант дій. В запропонованій моделі враховуються: вартість витрат паливно-мастильних матеріалів, витрат часу, витрат на оплату руху платним та альтернативним маршрутами. Це означає, що у разі забезпечення однакової вартості витрат на рух альтернативною та платною автомобільною дорогами користувачу буде байдуже, який маршрут обрати. Змінюючи тариф за проїзд 1 км платною автомобільною дорогою, можна впливати на вартість складової «витрати на оплату руху платним маршрутом» і, відповідно, на транспортний потік, що буде ним рухатись. Насичення автомобільної дороги транспортними засобами буде відбуватись доти, доки вартість складових «витрати часу», «спожиті паливно-мастильні матеріали» через ускладнення руху нею, не призведуть до перевищення загальних витрат користувача при русі іншою дорогою.Розроблено та запропоновано аналітичні моделі:1) визначення тарифу за проїзд платною дорогою;2) розподілу транспортного потоку між платною та альтернативною автомобільними дорогами.В результаті використання моделей отримана інформація про очікуваний розподіл транспортного потоку між платним та альтернативним маршрутами руху. Вона є необхідною:1) під час економічного обґрунтування привабливості проекту для приватних інвесторів та доцільності реалізації проекту на умовах концесії;2) визначення інтенсивності руху для платної дороги, нижче якої органам влади передбачувати сплату концесійних платежів в умовах концесійного договору недоцільно.Використання запропонованих авторами моделей представлено на матеріалах проекту черги будівництва Великої кільцевої дороги навколо м. Києва (Україна
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