14 research outputs found

    Innovations In Eye Care

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    Innovations In Eye Car

    Interpersonal Communication in Eye Care: An Analysis of Potential Impacts on Cataract Surgery Candidates’ Expectations and Behaviors

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    Purpose: To identify cataract surgery candidates’ knowledge, beliefs, desires and emotions as they relate to cataract surgery generally as well as to their behavioral intent to adhere to a doctor-recommended pre-surgical ocular surface prep routine designed to improve refractive outcomes and prevent surgical complications. Methods: This national, noninterventional, cross-sectional, mixed methods survey included 278 US adults ages 65 and older with no history of cataract surgery in either eye. Results: Only 20% of participants said they want to have cataract surgery, and even fewer (8%) said they wish they could have cataract surgery right away. Fear was the predominant emotion in one out of every three respondents and was correlated with intention to delay having cataract surgery for as long as possible (r = 0.44). Fewer than 2% of participants said their doctors recommended home-health strategies to combat the risks of ocular surface disease preoperatively. However, most say they would use a pre-surgical prep kit if their doctor gave them one (87%), asked them to buy one (83%), or directed them to obtain one online (71%). Conclusion: These findings negate the popular assumption that patients are in a hurry to have their cataract surgery right away and, therefore, may resist physician recommendations to address ocular surface disease pre-operatively

    Besifloxacin: a novel anti-infective for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis

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    Bacterial conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is demographically unbiased in its prevalence and can be caused by a variety of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Timely empiric treatment with a broad-spectrum anti-infective, such as a topical fluoroquinolone, is critical in preventing potentially irreversible ocular damage. However, the rise in ocular methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates and the patterns of fluoroquinolone resistance for patients with other ocular bacterial infections mandate the need for new agents targeted for ocular use. Besifloxacin, a novel broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone, is approved for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. It has a uniquely balanced dual-targeting activity that inhibits both DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV and is associated with a lower incidence of resistance development. Besifloxacin is not marketed in other formulations, ensuring that its exposure is limited to bacterial populations in and around the eye. This specifically precludes any bacterial exposure to besifloxacin resulting from systemic use, which further reduces the likelihood of emergence of bacterial resistance. In vitro, besifloxacin has demonstrated equivalent or superior activity compared with other commonly used topical antibiotics. In clinical trials, besifloxacin has consistently demonstrated efficacy and safety in the treatment of patients with bacterial conjunctivitis. Besifloxacin is considered safe and is well tolerated with no observed contraindications

    Dry Eye Diseases and Ocular Surgery: Practical Guidelines for Canadian Eye Care Practitioners

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    In 2014, the Canadian Dry Eye Disease Consensus Panel published Guidelines for screening, diagnosis and management of dry eye diseases (DED). These did not address the implications of DED for individuals who are being considered for or have recently undergone ocular surgery. DED is common in certain surgical cohorts, and the perisurgical setting poses specific challenges, both because surgery can complicate preexisting DED and because symptomatic and non-symptomatic DED place the patient at risk of poor surgical outcomes. The Consensus Panel has developed this Addendum to the 2014 Guidelines to offer guidance on DED care before and after ocular surgery

    Expert consensus on the identification, diagnosis, and treatment of neurotrophic keratopathy

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    BACKGROUND: Neurotrophic keratopathy (NK) is a relatively uncommon, underdiagnosed degenerative corneal disease that is caused by damage to the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve by conditions such as herpes simplex or zoster keratitis, intracranial space-occupying lesions, diabetes, or neurosurgical procedures. Over time, epithelial breakdown, corneal ulceration, corneal melting (thinning), perforation, and loss of vision may occur. The best opportunity to reverse ocular surface damage is in the earliest stage of NK. However, patients typically experience few symptoms and diagnosis is often delayed. Increased awareness of the causes of NK, consensus on when and how to screen for NK, and recommendations for how to treat NK are needed. METHODS: An 11-member expert panel used a validated methodology (a RAND/UCLA modified Delphi panel) to develop consensus on when to screen for and how best to diagnose and treat NK. Clinicians reviewed literature on the diagnosis and management of NK then rated a detailed set of 735 scenarios. In 646 scenarios, panelists rated whether a test of corneal sensitivity was warranted; in 20 scenarios, they considered the adequacy of specific tests and examinations to diagnose and stage NK; and in 69 scenarios, they rated the appropriateness of treatments for NK. Panelist ratings were used to develop clinical recommendations. RESULTS: There was agreement on 94% of scenarios. Based on this consensus, we present distinct circumstances when we strongly recommend or may consider a test for corneal sensitivity. We also present recommendations on the diagnostic tests to be performed in patients in whom NK is suspected and treatment options for NK. CONCLUSIONS: These expert recommendations should be validated with clinical data. The recommendations represent the consensus of experts, are informed by published literature and experience, and may improve outcomes by helping improve diagnosis and treatment of patients with NK

    Lignes directrices pratiques pour les professionnels canadiens des soins oculovisuels concernant la sécheresse oculaire et la chirurgie de l’œil

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    En 2014, le Groupe de consensus canadien sur la sécheresse oculaire a publié un document intitulé Dépistage, diagnostic et prise en charge de la sécher-esse oculaire : guide pratique à l’intention des optométristes canadiens. Ce guide pratique ne traitait pas des répercussions de la sécheresse oculaire chez les personnes en voie de subir une intervention chirurgicale de l’œil ou ayant récemment subi ce genre d’intervention. La sécheresse oculaire est courante dans certaines cohortes ayant subi une intervention chirurgicale, et le contexte périopératoire pose des problèmes précis; d’une part parce qu’une intervention chirurgicale peut compliquer une sécheresse oculaire préexistante et, d’autre part, parce la sécheresse oculaire symptomatique et asymptomatique expose le patient au risque d’obtenir des résultats chirur-gicaux médiocres. Le groupe de consensus a élaboré cet addenda au guide pratique de 2014 pour offrir des conseils sur les soins relatifs à la sécheresse oculaire avant et après une intervention chirurgicale aux yeux

    Demodex Blepharitis: A Comprehensive Review of the Disease, Current Management, and Emerging Therapies

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    Demodex blepharitis is a common disease of the eyelid, affecting approximately 25 million Americans. This article reviews what is known about the mechanisms and impact of Demodex blepharitis, risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnostic techniques, current management options, and emerging treatments. Demodex mites contribute to blepharitis in several ways: direct mechanical damage, as a vector for bacteria, and by inducing hypersensitivity and inflammation. Risk factors for Demodex blepharitis include increasing age, rosacea, and diabetes. The costs, symptom burden, and psychosocial effects of Demodex blepharitis are considerable. The presence of collarettes is pathognomonic for Demodex blepharitis. Redness, dryness, discomfort, foreign body sensation, lash anomalies, and itching are also hallmarks of the disease. Although a number of oral, topical, eyelid hygiene and device-based options have been used clinically and evaluated in studies for the management of Demodex blepharitis, none have been FDA approved to treat the disease. Recent randomized controlled clinical trials suggest that lotilaner ophthalmic solution, 0.25%, is a topical treatment with the potential to eradicate Demodex mites and eliminate collarettes and eyelid redness for an extended period

    The science behind the "stain"

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    It has been almost fi ve years since I fi rst published the article entitled “Much Ado About Staining” in Review of Optometry, which explored what we really knew in 2006 about the relationship between “corneal staining” and contact lens multipurpose solutions (MPS). This was published just prior to the controversial “staining grid.” While the Grid showed MPS-associated hyperfl uorescence under the slitlamp at two hours, it did not explain the “what” or “why” behind it; even so, many proponents of the Grid continue to suggest that it shows us which solution/lens combinations are “biocompatible” and which are not. New evidence suggests that the preservative-associated transient hyperfl uorescence (or PATH) observed at two hours after lens insertion is a benign phenomenon due to an interaction between fl uorescein, MPS preservatives, and corneal cell membranes. The misinterpretation of PATH as “real” corneal staining, like that observed in pathological conditions, may be due in part to the fact that there is not a lot of teaching regarding the true properties of fl uorescein and what is actually occurring when we see either PATH or corneal staining. To discuss the science of fl uorescein, corneal staining, and PATH, I have asked some of the preeminent research experts in the study of fl uorescence spectroscopy and corneal staining from around the world to share their new research and personal opinions on these topics..


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    Clinical Ophthalmology Dovepress submit your manuscript | www.dovepress.com Dovepress 235 O r i g i n a l r e s e a r C h open access to scientific and medical research Abstract: A single-center, open-label study consisting of two visits over the course of approximately 2 weeks was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Retaine™ ophthalmic emulsion in improving the signs and symptoms of dry eye. Forty-two subjects were enrolled and received 1-2 drops twice daily of Retaine™ beginning at the first visit (day 1) and ending at the second visit. Subjects were instructed to complete a symptomatology diary twice daily prior to drop instillation through the morning of the second visit. Ocular sign and symptom assessments, visual acuity procedures, and comfort assessments were conducted during both visits. A statistically significant reduction was observed in mean breakup area on the second visit between the predose time and the postdose time (P=0.026). On the second visit, subjects had significantly less corneal fluorescein staining in the superior (P=0.002), central (P=0.017), corneal sum (P=0.011), and all ocular regions combined (P=0.038) than on the first visit. On the second visit, statistically significant reductions in dryness (P0.001), grittiness (P=0.0217), ocular discomfort (P=0.0017), and all symptoms (P0.001) were also seen as measured by the Ora Calibra™ Ocular Discomfort and 4-Symptom Questionnaire (0-5 scale). Subjects reported a statistically significant improvement in their abilities to work with a computer at night (P=0.044). Mean drop comfort scores ranged from 1.29-1.81 on the Ora Calibra™ 0-10 Drop Comfort Scale, on which 0 is very comfortable and 10 is very uncomfortable. Retaine™ demonstrates promising results as a novel artificial tear option for individuals suffering from dry eye. The unique mechanism of action of Retaine™ provides enhanced comfort and improves the quality of life of dry eye subjects while reducing the ocular signs of dry eye