3 research outputs found

    Reakcja kukurydzy uprawianej na ziarno po zastosowaniu osad贸w 艣ciekowych

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of the agricultural use of sewage sludge in corn for grain, in the year of application and follow up effect after one and two years after its application. The study was conducted on the variety PR39G12 on the field after the 5-year monoculture corn. Sewage sludge was used in accordance with the Directive of Minister of Environment allowing application of 10 t dry mater per ha-1 once every five years. Fertilization with sludge of maize grown for grain did not cause differences in the growth and development of plants, compared to mineral fertilized objects, as well as did not exceed the limit value for heavy metals content in above-ground plant parts. Maize grown using sewage sludge yielded higher than the objects fertilized with mineral, especially in conditions of extreme drought, which occurred in 2006. Beneficial effect of sewage sludge was maintained in the next two years after application and stabilized the grain yield of maize.Celem pracy by艂a ocena efekt贸w rolniczego wykorzystania komunalnych osad贸w 艣ciekowych w uprawie kukurydzy na ziarno, w roku zastosowania oraz w kolejnych dw贸ch latach dzia艂ania nast臋pczego. Badania przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem odmiany PR39G12, na polu po 5-cio letniej monokulturze kukurydzy. Osad 艣ciekowy stosowano zgodnie z 贸wczesnym rozporz膮dzeniem Ministra 艢rodowiska dopuszczaj膮cym aplikacj臋 w dawce 10 ton s.m.路ha-1 raz na 5 lat. Nawo偶enie osadem 艣ciekowym kukurydzy, uprawianej z przeznaczeniem na ziarno, nie spowodowa艂o r贸偶nic we wzro艣cie i rozwoju ro艣lin w por贸wnaniu do obiekt贸w nawo偶onych mineralnie, jak r贸wnie偶 nie powodowa艂o przekroczenia dopuszczalnych zawarto艣ci metali ci臋偶kich w nadziemnych cz臋艣ciach ro艣lin. Kukurydza uprawiana z wykorzystaniem osad贸w 艣ciekowych plonowa艂a wy偶ej ni偶 na obiektach nawo偶onych mineralnie, zw艂aszcza w warunkach ekstremalnej suszy, jaka wyst膮pi艂a w 2006 roku. Korzystne oddzia艂ywanie osadu 艣ciekowego utrzymywa艂o si臋 w kolejnych dw贸ch latach od jego zastosowania oraz stabilizowa艂o plon ziarna kukurydzy

    Evaluation of damage and control of cream-bordered green pea (Earias chlorana H眉bner) caterpillars in a 4-year old plantation of common willow (Salix viminalis L.)

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    Abstract The aim of the current study was to assess the degree of damage caused by the cream-bordered green pea (Earias chlorana H眉bner), belonging to the family Noctuidae, as well as evaluate the potential control of this pest in a 4-year old plantation of common willow (Salix viminalis L.). Analyses were conducted in the years 2010 and 2011 at the Research and Education Centre Gorzy艅, Z艂otniki Branch, Pozna艅 University of Life Sciences. The occurrence of cream-bordered green pea on clone 1100 of common willow (Salix viminalis L.) was evaluated in two unifactorial experiments. The aim of the first experiment was to assess the residual effect of sewage sludge applied in the year of plantation establishment, while the second experiment analysed the effect of insecticide applications. Analysis of variance did not show any significant residual effect of sewage sludge on the proportion of shoots damaged by the pest, while the application of chemicals significantly limited the volume of damage caused by cream-bordered green pea caterpillars. In both 2010 and 2011, the greatest efficacy in the reduction of the damaged shoots by the cream-bordered green pea (87.2% and 87.8%, respectively) was obtained after the application of esfenvalerate. The highest yield increment in comparison to the control was recorded in 2010 (6.9 t ha -1 , 32.7%)