51 research outputs found
Obitelj i ovisnost o drogama (Family and Substance Abuse)
Namjera je u ovom članku predstaviti jedan model razvoja ovisnosti o drogama uzimajući u obzir evolutivni razvoj obiteljskih odnosa. Model je rezultat višegodišnjeg istraživačkog i kliničkog rada grupe obiteljskih terapeuta iz Novog centra za proučavanje obitelji u Milanu. Tijek procesa razvoja ovisnosti, koji prolazi svaki ovisnik odvija se u sedam stadija (faza), uz naglasak da razdoblja ne treba shvaćati strogo rigidno. Osnovne pretpostavke podjele na razdoblja sintetizirane su na slijedeći način:a) Kako bismo razumjeli izvor simptoma potrebno je voditi računa o svojevrsnom scenariju međusobnih odnosa i utjecaja članova triju generacija.b) U povijesti obitelji u tri generacije može se naići na razne događaje koji su po svojoj priroditraumatski,a koji kao takvi nisu (svijesno) evidentni.c) Odnosi između supružnika su na različite načine poremećeni, ali takvi da ne dovode u pitanje sami brak, nego što je češći slučaj stvaraju patogenetsku transgeneracijsku trijadu u koju uključuju jednog od članova prve generacije.d) Analiza diadičnih odnosa, te istraživanja traumatskih aspekata i aspekata lišavanja u odnosima svakog roditelja naspram djeteta imaju veliki značaj.e) Sama ovisnost ima svojevrsnu autoterapijsku funkciju i predstavlja znak deprivacije koju unutar obitelji trpi dijete, a koja se temelji na intergeneracijskom prijenosu netretirane traume. Vodeći računa o ovim premisama određen je diakronični razvoj jednog scenarija međusobnih odnosa u obitelji ovisnika
Spatial planning for fisheries in the Northern Adriatic: working toward viable and sustainable fishing
none10siGiven the great overfishing of the demersal resources in the Northern Adriatic Sea (geographical sub-area [GSA] 17), along with the fishing pressure in marine habitats, evidence strongly supports the need to evaluate appropriate management approaches. Several fishing activities operate simultaneously in the area, and the need to minimize conflicts among them is also a social concern. We applied a spatially and temporally explicit fish and fisheries model to assess the impact of a suite of spatial plans suggested by practitioners that could reduce the pressure on the four demersal stocks of high commercial interest in the GSA 17 and that could promote space sharing between mutually exclusive activities. We found that excluding trawlers from some areas has lowered the effective fishing effort, resulting in some economic losses but providing benefit to the set netters. Not every simulated fishing vessel is impacted in the same way because some fishing communities experienced different economic opportunities, particularly when a 6-nautical mile buffer zone from the coast was implemented in the vicinity of important fishing grounds. Along this buffer zone, the four stocks were only slightly benefiting from the protection of the area and from fewer discards. In contrast, assuming a change in the ability of the population to disperse led to a large effect: Some fish became accessible in the coastal waters, therefore increasing the landings for rangelimited fishers, but the discard rate of fish also increased, greatly impairing the long-term biomass levels. Our evaluation, however, confirmed that no effort is displaced onto vulnerable benthic habitats and to grounds not suitable for the continued operation of fishing. We conclude that the tested spatial management is helpful, but not sufficient to ensure sustainable fishing in the area, and therefore, additional management measures should be taken. Our test platform investigates the interaction between fish and fisheries at a fine geographical scale and simulates data for varying fishing methods and from different harbor communities in a unified framework. We contribute to the development of effective science-based inputs to facilitate policy improvement and better governance while evaluating trade-offs in fisheries management and marine spatial planning.noneBastardie, Francois; Angelini, Silvia; Bolognini, Luca; Fuga, Federico; Manfredi, Chiara; Martinelli, Michela; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Santojanni, Alberto; Scarcella, Giuseppe; Grati, FabioBastardie, Francois; Angelini, Silvia; Bolognini, Luca; Fuga, Federico; Manfredi, Chiara; Martinelli, Michela; Nielsen, J. Rasmus; Santojanni, Alberto; Scarcella, Giuseppe; Grati, Fabi
Personality traits and career calling as determinants of counterproductive work behaviour
Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti u kojoj mjeri neka sociodemografska obilježja pojedinca, njegove osobine ličnosti i važnost karijere mogu objasniti nepoželjno organizacijsko ponašanje. Nepoželjno organizacijsko ponašanje definirano je kao namjerno ponašanje zaposlenika kojim se krše organizacijska pravila ponašanja i norme te takvo ponašanje narušava dobrobit organizacije. U prijašnjim istraživanjima sociodemografske karakteristike pojedinca i osobine ličnosti pokazale su se kao dobri prediktori nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja, a s obzirom da do sada nije istraživan odnos nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja i važnosti karijere, željeli smo otkriti u kakvom su odnosu. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 360 hrvatskih zaposlenika koji rade u državnom i privatnom sektoru. U ovom istraživanju korišteni su Upitnik o općim demografskim podacima, Upitnik devijantnosti na poslu, Upitnik HEXACO-60 te Upitnik Karijera kao poziv. Rezultati upućuju kako postoji statistički značajna negativna povezanost nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja s osobinama ličnosti - iskrenosti/poniznosti, savjesnosti i ugodnosti te važnosti karijere. Osim toga, muškarci iskazuju nešto više nepoželjnih organizacijskih ponašanja, u odnosu na žene. Nadalje, osobe koje rade u privatnom sektoru nešto češće pribjegavaju nepoželjnim organizacijskim ponašanjima. Približno 17% varijance nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja može se objasniti navedenim varijablama, pri čemu najveći doprinos objašnjenju nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja imaju osobine ličnosti. Najznačajniji prediktori iz domene ličnosti su iskrenost/poniznost i savjesnost, a karijera kao poziv objašnjava dodani, mali, ali značajni, dio varijance nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja.The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which an individual's sociodemographic characteristics, personality traits and career importance may explain the counterproductive work behavior. Counterproductive work behavior is defined as violating employee's behavior which is not in accordance with the organizational rules and norms. Such behavior is harmful and it has a negative effect on the well-being of the organization. In previous research, the sociodemographic characteristics of the individual and personality traits have proven to be good predictors of counterproductive work behavior, but so far the relationship between counterproductive work behavior and the importance of career has not been examined. According to that, we would like to explore their relationship in this study. The study involved 361 Croatian employees working in the state and private sector. The questionnaires used in this study are: Demographic Questionnaire, Workplace deviance Questionnaire, HEXACO-60 Questionnaire and Career calling. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant negative correlation of counterproductive work behavior with personality traits – Honesty / Humility, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness, and Career calling. In addition, men exhibit slightly more counterproductive work behavior than women. Furthermore, participants who are working in the private sector are more likely to report about the counterproductive work behavior. About 17% variance of counterproductive work behavior can be explained by these predictors. The best predictors of counterproductive work behavior are personality traits. The most significant personality traits are honesty / humility and conscientiousness. Career Calling explains the added, small, but significant, variance of counterproductive work behavior
Personality traits and career calling as determinants of counterproductive work behaviour
Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti u kojoj mjeri neka sociodemografska obilježja pojedinca, njegove osobine ličnosti i važnost karijere mogu objasniti nepoželjno organizacijsko ponašanje. Nepoželjno organizacijsko ponašanje definirano je kao namjerno ponašanje zaposlenika kojim se krše organizacijska pravila ponašanja i norme te takvo ponašanje narušava dobrobit organizacije. U prijašnjim istraživanjima sociodemografske karakteristike pojedinca i osobine ličnosti pokazale su se kao dobri prediktori nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja, a s obzirom da do sada nije istraživan odnos nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja i važnosti karijere, željeli smo otkriti u kakvom su odnosu. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 360 hrvatskih zaposlenika koji rade u državnom i privatnom sektoru. U ovom istraživanju korišteni su Upitnik o općim demografskim podacima, Upitnik devijantnosti na poslu, Upitnik HEXACO-60 te Upitnik Karijera kao poziv. Rezultati upućuju kako postoji statistički značajna negativna povezanost nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja s osobinama ličnosti - iskrenosti/poniznosti, savjesnosti i ugodnosti te važnosti karijere. Osim toga, muškarci iskazuju nešto više nepoželjnih organizacijskih ponašanja, u odnosu na žene. Nadalje, osobe koje rade u privatnom sektoru nešto češće pribjegavaju nepoželjnim organizacijskim ponašanjima. Približno 17% varijance nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja može se objasniti navedenim varijablama, pri čemu najveći doprinos objašnjenju nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja imaju osobine ličnosti. Najznačajniji prediktori iz domene ličnosti su iskrenost/poniznost i savjesnost, a karijera kao poziv objašnjava dodani, mali, ali značajni, dio varijance nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja.The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which an individual's sociodemographic characteristics, personality traits and career importance may explain the counterproductive work behavior. Counterproductive work behavior is defined as violating employee's behavior which is not in accordance with the organizational rules and norms. Such behavior is harmful and it has a negative effect on the well-being of the organization. In previous research, the sociodemographic characteristics of the individual and personality traits have proven to be good predictors of counterproductive work behavior, but so far the relationship between counterproductive work behavior and the importance of career has not been examined. According to that, we would like to explore their relationship in this study. The study involved 361 Croatian employees working in the state and private sector. The questionnaires used in this study are: Demographic Questionnaire, Workplace deviance Questionnaire, HEXACO-60 Questionnaire and Career calling. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant negative correlation of counterproductive work behavior with personality traits – Honesty / Humility, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness, and Career calling. In addition, men exhibit slightly more counterproductive work behavior than women. Furthermore, participants who are working in the private sector are more likely to report about the counterproductive work behavior. About 17% variance of counterproductive work behavior can be explained by these predictors. The best predictors of counterproductive work behavior are personality traits. The most significant personality traits are honesty / humility and conscientiousness. Career Calling explains the added, small, but significant, variance of counterproductive work behavior
Personality traits and career calling as determinants of counterproductive work behaviour
Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti u kojoj mjeri neka sociodemografska obilježja pojedinca, njegove osobine ličnosti i važnost karijere mogu objasniti nepoželjno organizacijsko ponašanje. Nepoželjno organizacijsko ponašanje definirano je kao namjerno ponašanje zaposlenika kojim se krše organizacijska pravila ponašanja i norme te takvo ponašanje narušava dobrobit organizacije. U prijašnjim istraživanjima sociodemografske karakteristike pojedinca i osobine ličnosti pokazale su se kao dobri prediktori nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja, a s obzirom da do sada nije istraživan odnos nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja i važnosti karijere, željeli smo otkriti u kakvom su odnosu. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 360 hrvatskih zaposlenika koji rade u državnom i privatnom sektoru. U ovom istraživanju korišteni su Upitnik o općim demografskim podacima, Upitnik devijantnosti na poslu, Upitnik HEXACO-60 te Upitnik Karijera kao poziv. Rezultati upućuju kako postoji statistički značajna negativna povezanost nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja s osobinama ličnosti - iskrenosti/poniznosti, savjesnosti i ugodnosti te važnosti karijere. Osim toga, muškarci iskazuju nešto više nepoželjnih organizacijskih ponašanja, u odnosu na žene. Nadalje, osobe koje rade u privatnom sektoru nešto češće pribjegavaju nepoželjnim organizacijskim ponašanjima. Približno 17% varijance nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja može se objasniti navedenim varijablama, pri čemu najveći doprinos objašnjenju nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja imaju osobine ličnosti. Najznačajniji prediktori iz domene ličnosti su iskrenost/poniznost i savjesnost, a karijera kao poziv objašnjava dodani, mali, ali značajni, dio varijance nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponašanja.The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which an individual's sociodemographic characteristics, personality traits and career importance may explain the counterproductive work behavior. Counterproductive work behavior is defined as violating employee's behavior which is not in accordance with the organizational rules and norms. Such behavior is harmful and it has a negative effect on the well-being of the organization. In previous research, the sociodemographic characteristics of the individual and personality traits have proven to be good predictors of counterproductive work behavior, but so far the relationship between counterproductive work behavior and the importance of career has not been examined. According to that, we would like to explore their relationship in this study. The study involved 361 Croatian employees working in the state and private sector. The questionnaires used in this study are: Demographic Questionnaire, Workplace deviance Questionnaire, HEXACO-60 Questionnaire and Career calling. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant negative correlation of counterproductive work behavior with personality traits – Honesty / Humility, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness, and Career calling. In addition, men exhibit slightly more counterproductive work behavior than women. Furthermore, participants who are working in the private sector are more likely to report about the counterproductive work behavior. About 17% variance of counterproductive work behavior can be explained by these predictors. The best predictors of counterproductive work behavior are personality traits. The most significant personality traits are honesty / humility and conscientiousness. Career Calling explains the added, small, but significant, variance of counterproductive work behavior
Comparision of a Kr-stabilized laser and a holographic filter for use as an optical frequency control element for high dense WDM systems
The relative optical frequency stability of a narrow bandwidth lithium niobate optical holographic filter stabilized laser in comparison with an optical reference unit at 1547.825 nm was examined. The two optical signals were heterodyned to measure the frequency stability of the holographic filter stabilized laser, which is better than 1.65.10-8 at 30 s sample time
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