75 research outputs found

    Generalized Orlicz spaces and Wasserstein distances for convex-concave scale functions

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    Given a strictly increasing, continuous function ϑ:R+→R+\vartheta:\R_+\to\R_+, based on the cost functional ∫X×Xϑ(d(x,y)) dq(x,y)\int_{X\times X}\vartheta(d(x,y))\,d q(x,y), we define the LϑL^\vartheta-Wasserstein distance Wϑ(μ,ν)W_\vartheta(\mu,\nu) between probability measures μ,ν\mu,\nu on some metric space (X,d)(X,d). The function ϑ\vartheta will be assumed to admit a representation ϑ=ϕ∘ψ\vartheta=\phi\circ\psi as a composition of a convex and a concave function ϕ\phi and ψ\psi, resp. Besides convex functions and concave functions this includes all C2\mathcal C^2 functions. For such functions ϑ\vartheta we extend the concept of Orlicz spaces, defining the metric space Lϑ(X,m)L^\vartheta(X,m) of measurable functions f:X→Rf: X\to\R such that, for instance, d_\vartheta(f,g)\le1\quad\Longleftrightarrow\quad \int_X\vartheta(|f(x)-g(x)|)\,d\mu(x)\le1.$
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