34 research outputs found
Информационная система учета и анализа закупок ООО «Ярче»
Объектом исследования является документооборот производственных процессов. Целью работы – создание информационной системы учета и анализа закупок ООО "Ярче". В процессе исследования проводились: изучение структуры и документооборота ООО "Ярче", а также специфики работы отдела закупок, теоретический анализ, обзор аналогов, проектирование и разработка информационной системы, анализ проявлений вредных и опасных факторов. В результате исследования разработана информационная система, реализующая следующие функции: учет закупок, оценка надежности поставщиков, планирование закупок, анализ выполнения закупок. Реализовано 4 справочника, 4 документа с печатными формами, 8 отчетов, 1 регистр.The object of the study is the workflow of production processes. The aim of the work is to create an information system for accounting and analysis of purchases of Yarche LLC. In the course of the study, the study of the structure and workflow of Yarche LLC, as well as the specifics of the procurement department, theoretical analysis, review of analogues, design and development of an information system, analysis of the manifestations of harmful and dangerous factors, were conducted.
As a result of the study, an information system has been developed that implements the functions: accounting of purchases, assessment of the reliability of suppliers, planning of purchases, analysis of the implementation of purchases. 4 reference books, 4 documents with printed forms, 8 reports, 1 register
Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине. Ч. 1
Сборник посвящён теоретическим и практическим аспектам разработки и применения современных информационных технологий. Особое внимание уделено вопросам математического моделирования и применения информационных технологий в различных предметных областях. Представлены доклады российских и зарубежных учёных на V Международной конференции «Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине», прошедшей в г. Томске на базе Томского государственного педагогического университета и Томского политехнического университета
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Biotic and Human Vulnerability to Projected Changes in Ocean Biogeochemistry over the 21st Century
Ongoing greenhouse gas emissions can modify climate processes and induce shifts in ocean temperature, pH, oxygen concentration, and productivity, which in turn could alter biological and social systems. Here, we provide a synoptic global assessment of the simultaneous changes in future ocean biogeochemical variables over marine biota and their broader implications for people. We analyzed modern Earth System Models forced by greenhouse gas concentration pathways until 2100 and showed that the entire world's ocean surface will be simultaneously impacted by varying intensities of ocean warming, acidification, oxygen depletion, or shortfalls in productivity. In contrast, only a small fraction of the world's ocean surface, mostly in polar regions, will experience increased oxygenation and productivity, while almost nowhere will there be ocean cooling or pH elevation. We compiled the global distribution of 32 marine habitats and biodiversity hotspots and found that they would all experience simultaneous exposure to changes in multiple biogeochemical variables. This superposition highlights the high risk for synergistic ecosystem responses, the suite of physiological adaptations needed to cope with future climate change, and the potential for reorganization of global biodiversity patterns. If co-occurring biogeochemical changes influence the delivery of ocean goods and services, then they could also have a considerable effect on human welfare. Approximately 470 to 870 million of the poorest people in the world rely heavily on the ocean for food, jobs, and revenues and live in countries that will be most affected by simultaneous changes in ocean biogeochemistry. These results highlight the high risk of degradation of marine ecosystems and associated human hardship expected in a future following current trends in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions
perfusion defects in a swine model
collagen specific contrast agent: assessment of myocardia