5 research outputs found

    2011 Legislative Briefing Book

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    The purpose of this Legislative Briefing Book is to provide a quick snapshot of some of the most pressing issues facing Nevada’s children in order to provide advocates and policymakers with a stepping stone in creating positive changes to improve the lives of Nevada’s children. While this book will not cover every issue facing our children, it is intended to highlight some of those where state policy may have an impact, covering issues in education, health, safety and security, and the juvenile justice system. Diligent efforts need to be made during the 2013 Legislative Session to improve policies, procedures and services for Nevada’s children. Nevada has continually been ranked as one of the poorest states when it comes to statistics regarding children and social policy. Given the current economic strains on our State, it is vitally important to focus on preventing cuts to necessary programs while looking ahead to see what we can improve upon. Although most advocates and particularly policymakers would like to create policies that will provide immediate positive feedback, it is important to realize that effective social change takes time. As such, much emphasis should be placed on developing quality, comprehensive systems and implementing evidence-based preventive strategies to researched-based risk indicators. This book is intended to be a compilation of statistics and policy recommendations from across the state, with contributions from practitioners, agencies, organizations, individuals and others who work with and advocate for the well-being of children in Nevada

    One and Only Campaign Nevada Evaluation of Educational Materials For Injection Safety Executive Summary

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    The goal of the evaluation was to measure the effectiveness of the Campaign’s educational materials in raising awareness among the general public and enhancing the knowledge of healthcare personnel. Through this measurement the evaluation results would then also provide recommendations for improvements to the materials. To achieve these goals the evaluation team at NICRP created a strategic dissemination plan designed to support a formal evaluation of messages within the materials, message delivery and general knowledge and understanding of safe injection practices by both providers and the general public. Methods utilized to conduct this evaluation included: Surveys of both patients and healthcare professionals collected in medical offices which frequently administer injections throughout Nevada; Focus groups with members of the general public (potential patients) as well as health care professionals statewide; An expert marketing review of campaign materials; A statewide telephone survey assessing public education and attitudes regarding safe injection practices; and A brief process evaluation of the Nevada Safe Injections Workgroup

    Health Status of Children Entering Kindergarten: Results of the 2009-2010 (Year Two) Nevada Kindergarten Health Survey

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    Academic achievement for children is vital to their success in life. Those that do well in school have greater opportunities for post-secondary education, and later have better prospects for employment. One of the major factors that can affect a child’s academic achievement is his or her health status. Academic outcomes and health conditions are consistently linked in the literature (Taras & Potts-Datema, 2005). Children with poor health status, and especially those with common chronic health conditions, have increased numbers of school absences and more academic deficiencies (Taras & Potts-Datema, 2005). In a study concerning excused versus unexcused absences, children with greater absenteeism had lower academic performance, and those with excused absences performed better than those with unexcused absences (Gottfried, 2009). Therefore, to increase the likelihood for academic success in children, we need address their health concerns. Preventative care is crucial to a child’s ability to succeed in school.According to data from the KIDS COUNT Data Center at the Annie E. Casey Foundation (2009), 11 percent of Nevada’s teens are high school dropouts, compared to 7 percent nationally. The national dropout prevention center lists poor attendance and low achievement as two of the significant risk factors for school dropout (Hammond et al., 2007). Additionally studies examining school dropout rates indicate that early intervention is necessary to prevent students from dropping out of school. Middle and high school students that drop out likely stopped being engaged in school much earlier in their academic career. Therefore, early prevention and intervention is crucial to improving graduation rates. Ensuring that children have their basic needs met, including receiving adequate health care, can directly impact a child’s academic achievement as well as increase their likelihood for high school graduation.To gain baseline information on the health status of children entering the school system and better track student health status, the Nevada Institute for Children’s Research and Policy (NICRP), in partnership with the state’s 17 school districts, the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), and the Nevada State Health Division (NSHD), conducted a health survey examining the health status as well health insurance status of Nevada’s children entering kindergarten. This study was conducted with the goal of quantifying the health status of children as they enter school to be able to identify specific areas for improvement to eventually increase academic success among Nevada’s students