36 research outputs found


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    Garis-garis Besar Haluan Negara menyatakan bahwa pembangunan nasional Indo¬nesia pada hakekatnya adalah pembangunan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya dan pembangunan masyarakat Indonesia seluruhnya (MPR RI, 1988). Di dalamnya ter¬sirat upaya paling mendasar untuk meningkatkan kualitas manusia Indonesia. Upa¬ya yang luhur dan mulia ini memberikan kesempatan pada generasi mendatang agar tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal. Investasi pada sumber daya manusia yang dilakukan dengan tepat, akan menjadi modal dasar yang kuat untuk pembangunan yang berkesinambungan (Bank Dunia, 1991). Pengembangan sumber daya manusia meliputi 4 komponen, yaitu perbaikan taraf kesehatan dan gizi, perluasan kesempatan belajar dan pemberdayaan wanita (Bank Dunia, 1993). Disadari bahwa makin tinggi derajat kesehatan dan mutu gizi makan¬an yang dikonsumsi akan makin tinggi produktivitas seseorang. Sebaliknya, ketidak¬berhasilan pembangunan akan termanifestasi dalam bentuk tingginya angka keja¬dian malnutrisi, yang disertai oleh angka kematian anak dan ibu pada usia dini, gangguan tumbuh-kembang dan kecerdasan pada mereka yang bertahan hidup. Pengalaman selama PJP I menunjukkan bahwa masalah gizi, yang juga dijumpai di banyak negara utamanya yang sedang membangun seperti Indonesia, merupakan salah satu kendala penting dalam kegiatan pembangunan


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    Aspek kesehatan dan gizi anak balita

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    Pattern of linear growth velocities of infants from birth to 12 months in Madura, Indonesia

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    The paper analyses growth velocity data of infants aged 0-11 months from Madura, Indonesia, with the aim of identifying the time of onset of linear growth retardation. Velocities are calculated as average velocities for mid-point intervals, so that they can serve as comparative information for further studies. Secondly, the relation between weight and length velocities is tested. Thirdly, growth velocities are related to birthweight, length at birth and ponderal index (PI=weight/height(3) x I00 in g/cm(3)). The anthropometric information of infants is taken from two large longitudinal studies, the East Java Pregnancy Studies Phase I and Phase II (EJPS I and II). These were conducted from August 1981 to December 1985 and January I987 to December 1989, respectively, in two villages in Madura, Indonesia. The results support the following hypotheses: linear growth in the first year in Madurese infants shows two periods of deceleration. The early phase starts in the first month and is related to intra-uterine growth. It lasts up to about 4-6 months. Children with normal birthweight but with a low PI grow slowest in length after birth. The second period is towards the second half of the first year, when differences in linear velocity decrease with the references and velocity distribution change. Differences in weight velocity increase during this period. Factors outside the intricate fetal mother-child relationship could start to play a role

    Hair zinc and copper in Indonesian infants

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    The objective of this study was to determine the zinc and copper status in hair of a group of Indonesian infants aged 0-5 months, a period when growth faltering in this population is known to occur, and to determine the daily znc and copper availability in the habitual diet. A mixed cross-sectional longitudinal design was used. Infants 0-3 months of age were recruited in two villages on the south coast of the island of Madura, Indonesia and follwed up to the age of 5 months. All newborns during the study period were included. Hair samples were collected between the ages of 0 and 5 months at monthly intervals. Zinc and copper concentrations were determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and compared with a sample of Belgian controls, recruited cross-sectionally. Zinc and copper content of the habitual diet was calculated on the results of a food intake study previously performed in the same community. For the 42 Madurese infants recruited, 107 hair zinc and 96 hair copper concentrations were determined. Belgian infants (15 boys, 15 girls) served as controls. One Madurese infant died during the study and six moved from the area. Hair zinc concentrations were found to decrease with age in both populations, while the zinc and copper values did not differ from the Belgian controls. Hair zinc values were not correlated with growth performance. The boys had lower hair zinc values than did the girls. Copper values among the Indonesian infants did not show a trend over time ; however, the Belgian children showed an increase towards the age of 12 months, although this was not significant. The mean daily zinc and copper availability in the habitual diet was less than half of the recommended daily allowance for adult women. The situation was much worse for lactating women given that the availability of these elements increased very little... (D'après le résumé d'auteur

    Morbidity and growth performance of infants in Madura, Indonesia

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    Between January 1987 and July 1988, all children born in two villages on the island of Madura, Indonesia were visited weekly by a field worker trained to interview mothers on disease symptoms. The maximum recall period was 1 week. Ail infants were measured (weight and height) at monthly intervals. Information on growth and morbidity is analysed for infants from birth until the age of 11 months. Morbidity, defined as acute respiratory tract infection (ART), diarrhoea, fever and other diseases, is analysed over 4-week periods and related to growth performance. In total, there are 1373 4-week reporting periods with morbidity information from birth to the age of 12 months. Of all the diseases recorded (1021), 47% were ARI, 13% diarrhoea, 14% fever and 26% other diseases. The average (SD) duration of diarrhoea was 7 (11) days, ARI 14 (9) days, fever 6 (4) days and 16 (10) days for other diseases. The most striking results in this analysis are: (i) the lack of a relationship between morbidity and growth (either linear or weight) during the Ist 6 months of life; (ii) the existence of a relationship between illness and weight increment for which only ART showed significant influence far infants of 6 months and more; (iii) the lack of a relationship between morbidity and linear growth performance at all ages; and (iv) the fact that no cumulative effect of disease on growth performance was found to explain the observations

    Morbidity, Growth and Food Intake among the Underfives in Madura, Indonesia

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    The relation between common illnesses, growth and breast milk and food intake was assessed in a-longitudinal population based study, covering 300 children, age 0-36 months. Morbidity was quite prevalent with a peak at age 4-24 months. It did, however, not affect the intake of breast milk and the consumption of additional foods in infancy. On the other hand, the daily intake of energy and protein was significantly reduced in older and particularly non-breastfed children. Morbidity explained about 28% of the variance in weight- and height-for-age in children, age 6-18 months. One can conclude that growth faltering early in infancy is primarily of nutritional origin, while at older age it is due to a synergistic effect of inadequate nutrition and morbidity. Anorexia rather than bad feeding habits is the main cause of poor dietary intake during and after illness