13 research outputs found
The purpose of this article is to present an effective use of the mixture consisting of waste oil and rapeseed oil. The results of laboratory tests for fuel consumption and exhaust emission prove significant similarity of the mixture to diesel oil. This paper describes the use of the mixture as: alternative fuel to an internal combustion engine, the source of electricity and heat; as well as its other positive aspects
Logistyka informacji : najcenniejsza w XXI wieku
The first part of the article describes a new field of science, which is information logistics, and its expected role in the future. The overflow of information and the tools that create it are characterized: algorithms, bots, clickbaits, trolling and social media. Subsequently, the increasing importance of critical thinking in modern times was pointed out. The second part of the article describes the role of information logistics in an enterprise. The attention was paid to: the importance of systemic management of information flow in business, the conditions of an appropriate information flow in the enterprise, and the loss of information in the communication process. The third part of the article highlights the importance of information logistics in e-commerce companies. It also provides tips on how to take care of information logistics in e-commerce companies and characterizes the benefits of using information logistics in this type of enterprises.W pierwszej części artykułu opisano nową dziedzinę nauki, jaką jest logistyka informacji, oraz jej przewidywaną rolę w przyszłości. Scharakteryzowano w niej nadmiar informacji i narzędzia, które go tworzą: algorytmy, boty, clickbait, trolling i social media. Następnie wskazano wzrastające współcześnie znaczenie krytycznego myślenia. W drugiej części artykułu opisano rolę logistyki informacyjnej w przedsiębiorstwie. Zwrócono uwagę na znaczenie systemowego zarządzania przepływem informacji w biznesie, warunki prawidłowego przepływu informacji w przedsiębiorstwie oraz utratę informacji w procesie komunikacji. W trzeciej części artykułu podkreślono znaczenie logistyki informacji w firmach e-commerce. Zawiera ona również wskazówki, jak zadbać o logistykę informacji w firmach e-commerce, oraz charakteryzuje korzyści płynące z zastosowania logistyki informacji w tego typu przedsiębiorstwach
The following article is an analysis of designed process of manufacturing a mixture of 50% rapeseed oil and 50% alcohol and using it as a fuel. The analyzed eco-fuel is completely based on renewable sources, and can be a good alternative to diesel fuel.The analysis was made according to the assumptions of Life Cycle Assessment, which is a method that divides the whole life cycle of the product into the unit processes. It is used especially for measuring the environmental impact of the product. The life cycle of fuel mixture in an amount of 10 000 l was divided into six unit processes: the production of oilseed and biomass on the farm, transport of rapeseed to oil extraction works, oil production, the production of alcohol from biomass, the transport of mixture into a transport company and the use of total fuel delivered by the company. The use of energy and the amount of pollutants emitted were particularly important in the analysis. Fuel mixture, the same as the analyzed, was used during the whole designed process. In the production of rape on a farm the tractor and the harvester were used, and caused highest emissions of pollutants during all steps involved in the production of fuel. Alcohol, the component of the mixture, was produced through the fermentation of biomass that cames from waste from rapeseed processing, which caused no energy consumption or emissions. The analysis shows that total emissions of harmful gases is lower than that of conventional diesel, which proves that the tested fuel mixture is more environmentally friendly
Treść roszczenia o usunięcie skutków naruszenia dóbr osobistych w internecie
The feeling of being anonymous prevalent among Internet users is why personal rights are being infringed very often and with much ease. The outreach of the information published on the Internet brings about far-reaching negative consequences for the injured party, and the elimination of these consequences is extremely difficult and requires the infringing party to submit an appropriate statement, with a big enough outreach so as to effectively reach those recipients who have previously read the content of the defamatory and unlawful entry. The content and the form of such statement are determined by the court in the sentencing part of the judgment. However, before this happens, the claimant must take certain initiative while bringing an action and submit a draft of the statement s/he proposes, together with the manner of its publication. The author of this paper provides guidance on the requirements for publishing such a statement, suggesting what issues should be treated with particular attention during the preparation of the complaint. At the same time, the author does not impose any ready-made solutions, and rather refers to the knowledge in the realm of IT and computer graphics. On the other hand, the author points out to general trends in case law and touches upon the issue of the enforcement of the publication order.Poczucie anonimowości użytkowników internetu sprawia, że bardzo często i z wielką łatwością dochodzi do naruszenia dóbr osobistych. Szeroki zasięg informacji publikowanych w internecie niesie dla pokrzywdzonego daleko idące negatywne skutki, których usunięcie jest wyjątkowo trudne i wymaga złożenia przez naruszyciela stosownego oświadczenia, wyeksponowanego na tyle dobrze, by skutecznie dotarło do tego kręgu osób, które zapoznały się uprzednio z treścią oszczerczego i bezprawnego wpisu. Treść i formę tego oświadczenia określa sąd w sentencji wyroku. Zanim to jednak nastąpi, powód musi wykazać się inicjatywą i na etapie składania pozwu wskazać proponowany przez siebie tekst oświadczenia i sposób jego publikacji. Autor niniejszego artykułu udziela wskazówek co do wymogów dotyczących publikacji takiego oświadczenia, sugerując przy tym, na jakie istotne kwestie należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę, sporządzając pozew. Jednocześnie nie narzuca gotowych rozwiązań, odsyłając raczej do wiedzy z zakresu grafiki komputerowej i informatyki. Zwraca za to uwagę na ogólne tendencje panujące w orzecznictwie. Nie pomija również problematyki egzekucji obowiązku publikacji
A Cellular Automata-Based Simulation Tool for Real Fire Accident Prevention
Many serious real-life problems could be simulated using cellular automata theory. There were a lot of fires in public places which kill many people. Proposed method, called Cellular Automata Evaluation (CAEva in short), is using cellular automata theory and could be used for checking buildings conditions for fire accident. The tests performed on real accident showed that an appropriately configured program allows obtaining a realistic simulation of human evacuation. The authors analyze some real accidents and proved that CAEva method appears as a very promising solution, especially in the cases of building renovations or temporary unavailability of escape routes
Profile and Areal Surface Parameters for Fatigue Fracture Characterisation
Post-mortem characterisation is a pivotal tool to trace back to the origin of structural failures in modern engineering analyses. This work compared both the crack propagation and rupture roughness profiles based on areal parameters for total fracture area. Notched and smooth samples made of weather-resistant structural steel (10HNAP), popular S355J2 structural steel and aluminium alloy AW-2017A under bending, torsion and combined bending–torsion were investigated. After the fatigue tests, fatigue fractures were measured with an optical profilometer, and the relevant surface parameters were critically compared. The results showed a great impact of the loading scenario on both the local profiles and total fracture areas. Both approaches (local and total fracture zones) for specimens with different geometries were investigated. For all specimens, measured texture parameters decreased in the following order: total area, rupture area and propagation area
Profile and Areal Surface Parameters for Fatigue Fracture Characterisation
Post-mortem characterisation is a pivotal tool to trace back to the origin of structural failures in modern engineering analyses. This work compared both the crack propagation and rupture roughness profiles based on areal parameters for total fracture area. Notched and smooth samples made of weather-resistant structural steel (10HNAP), popular S355J2 structural steel and aluminium alloy AW-2017A under bending, torsion and combined bending-torsion were investigated. After the fatigue tests, fatigue fractures were measured with an optical profilometer, and the relevant surface parameters were critically compared. The results showed a great impact of the loading scenario on both the local profiles and total fracture areas. Both approaches (local and total fracture zones) for specimens with different geometries were investigated. For all specimens, measured texture parameters decreased in the following order: total area, rupture area and propagation area
Production potential of biodiesel, methane and electricity in the largest steamed rice industry in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: case study
The potential for energy production from effluents and husks generated in grain processing in the rice parboiling industries in Brazil is capable of promoting energy self-sufficiency in the sector, through the production and use of syngas and biogas. However, the production of methane from residues of the rice parboiling industries is still little explored by academic studies, in general studies on the potential of methane production by this same type of effluent are found in the south of the country, however, the same is not true for the production of biodiesel from rice bran oil. The objective of this study was to determine the production potential of biodiesel, methane and electric energy of the largest parboiled rice industry in Rio Grande do Sul, located in the southern region of the country. According to this study, the rice parboiling industry located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has a production potential of 1.2-10² m³ /day of biodiesel, 2.93-10 Nm³ /day of methane and 1.89-10⁴ kWh/day of electricity. Despite being a significant and high potential, which may reduce the financial expenses of the industry regarding the purchase of energy from concessionaires, it is not able to promote its energy self-sufficiency. At the same time, it would be necessary to add the energy production potential of the rice husk gasification syngas highlighted in other studiem
Production potential of biodiesel, methane and electricity in the largest steamed rice industry in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: case study
The potential for energy production from effluents and husks generated in grain processing in the rice parboiling industries in Brazil is capable of promoting energy self-sufficiency in the sector, through the production and use of syngas and biogas. However, the production of methane from residues of the rice parboiling industries is still little explored by academic studies, in general studies on the potential of methane production by this same type of effluent are found in the south of the country, however, the same is not true for the production of biodiesel from rice bran oil. The objective of this study was to determine the production potential of biodiesel, methane and electric energy of the largest parboiled rice industry in Rio Grande do Sul, located in the southern region of the country. According to this study, the rice parboiling industry located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has a production potential of 1.2-10² m³ /day of biodiesel, 2.93-10 Nm³ /day of methane and 1.89-10⁴ kWh/day of electricity. Despite being a significant and high potential, which may reduce the financial expenses of the industry regarding the purchase of energy from concessionaires, it is not able to promote its energy self-sufficiency. At the same time, it would be necessary to add the energy production potential of the rice husk gasification syngas highlighted in other studiem