312 research outputs found

    Convex Duality in Constrained Portfolio Optimization

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    We study the stochastic control problem of maximizing expected utility from terminal wealth and/or consumption, when the portfolio is constrained to take values in a given closed, convex subset of R^d. The setting is that of a continuous-time, Itô process model for the underlying asset prices. General existence results are established for optimal portfolio/consumption strategies, by suitably embedding the constrained problem in an appropriate family of unconstrained ones, and finding a member of this family for which the corresponding optimal policy obeys the constraints. Equivalent conditions for optimality are obtained, and explicit solutions leading to feedback formulae are derived for special utility functions and for deterministic coefficients. Results on incomplete markets, on short-selling constraints and on different interest rates for borrowing and lending are covered as special cases. The mathematical tools are those of continuous-time martingales, convex analysis and duality theory

    Optimal arbitrage under model uncertainty

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    In an equity market model with "Knightian" uncertainty regarding the relative risk and covariance structure of its assets, we characterize in several ways the highest return relative to the market that can be achieved using nonanticipative investment rules over a given time horizon, and under any admissible configuration of model parameters that might materialize. One characterization is in terms of the smallest positive supersolution to a fully nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation of the Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman type. Under appropriate conditions, this smallest supersolution is the value function of an associated stochastic control problem, namely, the maximal probability with which an auxiliary multidimensional diffusion process, controlled in a manner which affects both its drift and covariance structures, stays in the interior of the positive orthant through the end of the time-horizon. This value function is also characterized in terms of a stochastic game, and can be used to generate an investment rule that realizes such best possible outperformance of the market.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AAP755 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Testing composite hypotheses via convex duality

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    We study the problem of testing composite hypotheses versus composite alternatives, using a convex duality approach. In contrast to classical results obtained by Krafft and Witting (Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete 7 (1967) 289--302), where sufficient optimality conditions are derived via Lagrange duality, we obtain necessary and sufficient optimality conditions via Fenchel duality under compactness assumptions. This approach also differs from the methodology developed in Cvitani\'{c} and Karatzas (Bernoulli 7 (2001) 79--97).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ249 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Trading Strategies Generated Pathwise by Functions of Market Weights

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    Almost twenty years ago, E.R. Fernholz introduced portfolio generating functions which can be used to construct a variety of portfolios, solely in the terms of the individual companies' market weights. I. Karatzas and J. Ruf recently developed another methodology for the functional construction of portfolios, which leads to very simple conditions for strong relative arbitrage with respect to the market. In this paper, both of these notions of functional portfolio generation are generalized in a pathwise, probability-free setting; portfolio generating functions are substituted by path-dependent functionals, which involve the current market weights, as well as additional bounded-variation functions of past and present market weights. This generalization leads to a wider class of functionally-generated portfolios than was heretofore possible, and yields improved conditions for outperforming the market portfolio over suitable time-horizons.Comment: 45 pages, 3 figure

    The numeraire portfolio in semimartingale financial models

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    We study the existence of the numeraire portfolio under predictable convex constraints in a general semimartingale model of a financial market. The numeraire portfolio generates a wealth process, with respect to which the relative wealth processes of all other portfolios are supermartingales. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the numeraire portfolio are obtained in terms of the triplet of predictable characteristics of the asset price process. This characterization is then used to obtain further necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of a no-free-lunch-type notion. In particular, the full strength of the "No Free Lunch with Vanishing Risk" (NFLVR) is not needed, only the weaker "No Unbounded Profit with Bounded Risk" (NUPBR) condition that involves the boundedness in probability of the terminal values of wealth processes. We show that this notion is the minimal a-priori assumption required in order to proceed with utility optimization. The fact that it is expressed entirely in terms of predictable characteristics makes it easy to check, something that the stronger NFLVR condition lacks.Comment: 43 page

    Pathwise solvability of stochastic integral equations with generalized drift and non-smooth dispersion functions

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    We study one-dimensional stochastic integral equations with non-smooth dispersion coefficients, and with drift components that are not restricted to be absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. In the spirit of Lamperti, Doss and Sussmann, we relate solutions of such equations to solutions of certain ordinary integral equations, indexed by a generic element of the underlying probability space. This relation allows us to solve the stochastic integral equations in a pathwise sense.Comment: Accepted for publication: Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'
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