289 research outputs found

    Mutual information and Bose-Einstein condensation

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    In the present work we are studying a bosonic quantum field system at finite temperature, and at zero and non-zero chemical potential. For a simple spatial partition we derive the corresponding mutual information, a quantity that measures the total amount of information of one of the parts about the other. In order to find it, we first derive the geometric entropy corresponding to the specific partition and then we substract its extensive part which coincides with the thermal entropy of the system. In the case of non-zero chemical potential, we examine the influence of the underlying Bose-Einstein condensation on the behavior of the mutual information, and we find that its thermal derivative possesses a finite discontinuity at exactly the critical temperature

    Spin microscopy with enhanced Wilson lines in the TMD parton densities

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    We discuss the possibility of non-minimal gauge invariance of transverse-momentum-dependent parton densities (TMDs) that allows direct access to the spin degrees of freedom of fermion fields entering the operator definition of (quark) TMDs. This is achieved via enhanced Wilson lines that are supplied with the spin-dependent Pauli term Fμν[γμ,γν]\sim F^{\mu\nu}[\gamma_\mu, \gamma_\nu], thus providing an appropriate tool for the "microscopic" investigation of the spin and color structure of TMDs. We show that this generalization leaves the leading-twist TMD properties unchanged but modifies those of twist three by contributing to their anomalous dimensions. We also comment on Collins' recent criticism of our approach.Comment: 4 pages. Presented at the XIV Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, 20-24 Sept 2011, Dubna, Russi

    Entropy production in Gaussian bosonic transformations using the replica method: application to quantum optics

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    In spite of their simple description in terms of rotations or symplectic transformations in phase space, quadratic Hamiltonians such as those modeling the most common Gaussian operations on bosonic modes remain poorly understood in terms of entropy production. For instance, determining the von Neumann entropy produced by a Bogoliubov transformation is notably a hard problem, with generally no known analytical solution. Here, we overcome this difficulty by using the replica method, a tool borrowed from statistical physics and quantum field theory. We exhibit a first application of this method to the field of quantum optics, where it enables accessing entropies in a two-mode squeezer or optical parametric amplifier. As an illustration, we determine the entropy generated by amplifying a binary superposition of the vacuum and an arbitrary Fock state, which yields a surprisingly simple, yet unknown analytical expression