45 research outputs found

    Cardiac electrophysiological adaptations in the equine athlete-Restitution analysis of electrocardiographic features.

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    Exercising horses uniquely accommodate 7-8-fold increases in heart rate (HR). The present experiments for the first time analysed the related adaptations in action potential (AP) restitution properties recorded by in vivo telemetric electrocardiography from Thoroughbred horses. The horses were subjected to a period of acceleration from walk to canter. The QRS durations, and QT and TQ intervals yielded AP conduction velocities, AP durations (APDs) and diastolic intervals respectively. From these, indices of active, λ = QT/(QRS duration), and resting, λ0 = TQ/(QRS duration), AP wavelengths were calculated. Critical values of QT and TQ intervals, and of λ and λ0 at which plots of these respective pairs of functions showed unity slope, were obtained. These were reduced by 38.9±2.7% and 86.2±1.8%, and 34.1±3.3% and 85.9±1.2%, relative to their resting values respectively. The changes in λ were attributable to falls in QT interval rather than QRS duration. These findings both suggested large differences between the corresponding critical (129.1±10.8 or 117.4±5.6 bpm respectively) and baseline HRs (32.9±2.1 (n = 7) bpm). These restitution analyses thus separately identified concordant parameters whose adaptations ensure the wide range of HRs over which electrophysiological activation takes place in an absence of heart block or arrhythmias in equine hearts. Since the horse is amenable to this in vivo electrophysiological analysis and displays a unique wide range of heart rates, it could be a novel cardiac electrophysiology animal model for the study of sudden cardiac death in human athletes

    Childhood outcomes after low-grade intraventricular haemorrhage: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Aim: To undertake a systematic review and meta-analysis exploring school-age neurodevelopmental outcomes of children after low-grade intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH). Method: The published and grey literature was extensively searched to identify observational comparative studies exploring neurodevelopmental outcomes after IVH grades 1 and 2. Our primary outcome was neurodevelopmental impairment after 5 years of age, which included cognitive, motor, speech and language, behavioural, hearing, or visual impairments. Results: This review included 12 studies and over 2036 infants born preterm with low grade IVH. Studies used 30 different neurodevelopmental tools to determine outcomes. There was conflicting evidence of the composite risk of neurodevelopmental impairment after low-grade IVH. There was evidence of an association between low-grade IVH and lower IQ at school age (−4.23, 95% confidence interval [CI] –7.53, −0.92, I2 = 0%) but impact on school performance was unclear. Studies reported an increased crude risk of cerebral palsy after low-grade IVH (odds ratio [OR] 2.92, 95% CI 1.95, 4.37, I2 = 41%). No increased risk of speech and language impairment or behavioural impairment was found. Few studies addressed hearing and visual impairment. Interpretation: This systematic review presents evidence that low-grade IVH is associated with specific neurodevelopmental impairments at school age, lending support to the theory that low-grade IVH is not a benign condition

    Atrial Transcriptional Profiles of Molecular Targets Mediating Electrophysiological Function in Aging and Pgc-1β Deficient Murine Hearts

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    BackgroundDeficiencies in the transcriptional co-activator, peroxisome proliferative activated receptor, gamma, coactivator-1β are implicated in deficient mitochondrial function. The latter accompanies clinical conditions including aging, physical inactivity, obesity, and diabetes. Recent electrophysiological studies reported that Pgc-1β-/- mice recapitulate clinical age-dependent atrial pro-arrhythmic phenotypes. They implicated impaired chronotropic responses to adrenergic challenge, compromised action potential (AP) generation and conduction despite normal AP recovery timecourses and background resting potentials, altered intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis, and fibrotic change in the observed arrhythmogenicity.ObjectiveWe explored the extent to which these age-dependent physiological changes correlated with alterations in gene transcription in murine Pgc-1β-/- atria.Methods and ResultsRNA isolated from murine atrial tissue samples from young (12–16 weeks) and aged (>52 weeks of age), wild type (WT) and Pgc-1β-/- mice were studied by pre-probed quantitative PCR array cards. We examined genes encoding sixty ion channels and other strategic atrial electrophysiological proteins. Pgc-1β-/- genotype independently reduced gene transcription underlying Na+-K+-ATPase, sarcoplasmic reticular Ca2+-ATPase, background K+ channel and cholinergic receptor function. Age independently decreased Na+-K+-ATPase and fibrotic markers. Both factors interacted to alter Hcn4 channel activity underlying atrial automaticity. However, neither factor, whether independently or interactively, affected transcription of cardiac Na+, voltage-dependent K+ channels, surface or intracellular Ca2+ channels. Nor were gap junction channels, β-adrenergic receptors or transforming growth factor-β affected.ConclusionThese findings limit the possible roles of gene transcriptional changes in previously reported age-dependent pro-arrhythmic electrophysiologial changes observed in Pgc-1β-/- atria to an altered Ca2+-ATPase (Atp2a2) expression. This directly parallels previously reported arrhythmic mechanism associated with p21-activated kinase type 1 deficiency. This could add to contributions from the direct physiological outcomes of mitochondrial dysfunction, whether through reactive oxygen species (ROS) production or altered Ca2+ homeostasis

    School-age outcomes of children after perinatal brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Over 3000 children suffer a perinatal brain injury in England every year according to national surveillance. The childhood outcomes of infants with perinatal brain injury are however unknown. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analyses were undertaken of studies published between 2000 and September 2021 exploring school-aged neurodevelopmental outcomes of children after perinatal brain injury compared with those without perinatal brain injury. The primary outcome was neurodevelopmental impairment, which included cognitive, motor, speech and language, behavioural, hearing or visual impairment after 5 years of age. RESULTS: This review included 42 studies. Preterm infants with intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) grades 3-4 were found to have a threefold greater risk of moderate-to-severe neurodevelopmental impairment at school age OR 3.69 (95% CI 1.7 to 7.98) compared with preterm infants without IVH. Infants with perinatal stroke had an increased incidence of hemiplegia 61% (95% CI 39.2% to 82.9%) and an increased risk of cognitive impairment (difference in full scale IQ -24.2 (95% CI -30.73 to -17.67) . Perinatal stroke was also associated with poorer academic performance; and lower mean receptive -20.88 (95% CI -36.66 to -5.11) and expressive language scores -20.25 (95% CI -34.36 to -6.13) on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF) assessment. Studies reported an increased risk of persisting neurodevelopmental impairment at school age after neonatal meningitis. Cognitive impairment and special educational needs were highlighted after moderate-to-severe hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy. However, there were limited comparative studies providing school-aged outcome data across neurodevelopmental domains and few provided adjusted data. Findings were further limited by the heterogeneity of studies. CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal population studies exploring childhood outcomes after perinatal brain injury are urgently needed to better enable clinicians to prepare affected families, and to facilitate targeted developmental support to help affected children reach their full potential

    The effects of ageing and adrenergic challenge on electrocardiographic phenotypes in a murine model of long QT syndrome type 3.

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    Long QT Syndrome 3 (LQTS3) arises from gain-of-function Nav1.5 mutations, prolonging action potential repolarisation and electrocardiographic (ECG) QT interval, associated with increased age-dependent risk for major arrhythmic events, and paradoxical responses to β-adrenergic agents. We investigated for independent and interacting effects of age and Scn5a+/ΔKPQ genotype in anaesthetised mice modelling LQTS3 on ECG phenotypes before and following β-agonist challenge, and upon fibrotic change. Prolonged ventricular recovery was independently associated with Scn5a+/ΔKPQ and age. Ventricular activation was prolonged in old Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice (p = 0.03). We associated Scn5a+/ΔKPQ with increased atrial and ventricular fibrosis (both: p < 0.001). Ventricles also showed increased fibrosis with age (p < 0.001). Age and Scn5a+/ΔKPQ interacted in increasing incidences of repolarisation alternans (p = 0.02). Dobutamine increased ventricular rate (p < 0.001) and reduced both atrioventricular conduction (PR segment-p = 0.02; PR interval-p = 0.02) and incidences of repolarisation alternans (p < 0.001) in all mice. However, in Scn5a+/ΔKPQ mice, dobutamine delayed the changes in ventricular repolarisation following corresponding increases in ventricular rate. The present findings implicate interactions between age and Scn5a+/ΔKPQ in prolonging ventricular activation, correlating them with fibrotic change for the first time, adding activation abnormalities to established recovery abnormalities in LQTS3. These findings, together with dynamic electrophysiological responses to β-adrenergic challenge, have therapeutic implications for ageing LQTS patients

    Cardiac Potassium Channels: Physiological Insights for Targeted Therapy.

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    The development of novel drugs specifically directed at the ion channels underlying particular features of cardiac action potential (AP) initiation, recovery, and refractoriness would contribute to an optimized approach to antiarrhythmic therapy that minimizes potential cardiac and extracardiac toxicity. Of these, K(+) channels contribute numerous and diverse currents with specific actions on different phases in the time course of AP repolarization. These features and their site-specific distribution make particular K(+) channel types attractive therapeutic targets for the development of pharmacological agents attempting antiarrhythmic therapy in conditions such as atrial fibrillation. However, progress in the development of such temporally and spatially selective antiarrhythmic drugs against particular ion channels has been relatively limited, particularly in view of our incomplete understanding of the complex physiological roles and interactions of the various ionic currents. This review summarizes the physiological properties of the main cardiac potassium channels and the way in which they modulate cardiac electrical activity and then critiques a number of available potential antiarrhythmic drugs directed at them