301 research outputs found

    La ofrenda de los mortales a los dioses: Martin Heidegger y la interpretación de la cosa

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    The aim of this paper is to track out things’ thingness in Martin Heidegger’s The Thing. Departing from the ontological difference between a thing and an object, we will go on examining the way an everyday thing, a jug, through its symbolically being used, becomes something much more important than a mere tool of serving; namely, through the act of the outpouring as an offering to the gods, Heidegger radically changes our conception of the thing, via the latter’s becoming the space of the mortals’ being appropriated by the gods in the span between the earth and the sky, namely the “Fourfold”.El objetivo de este articulo es hallar la coseidad de las cosas en la obra La Cosa de Martin Heidegger. Partiendo de la diferencia ontológica entre una cosa y un objeto seguiremos examinando la manera en que una cosa ordinaria, una jarra, a través de su uso simbólico, se convierte en algo mucho más importante que una simple herramienta de servir; concretamente, a través del acto de la efusión como ofrenda a los dioses, Heidegger cambia radicalmente nuestra concepción de la cosa, con esta última convirtiéndose al espacio entre el cielo y la tierra donde los mortales se apropian por los dioses, es decir la “Cuadratura”

    In search for the european abode: Heidegger and the human being as δεινοn

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    The aim of this article is to analyse from an ontological point of view the challenges, economic and existential, that Europe has been facing the last years as a result of the economic crisis and the incoming human waves of the refugees as a result of the conflicts in the Arab world. Namely, founding our argumentation on the interpretation of the human being as δεινόν, uncanny, made by Martin Heidegger we would like to show that the ontological core of the turbulent situation we are currently living in can be found in the concept of homelessness as the lack of our abode in Europe. Finally, presenting the political and ideologically intense matrix of the modern European political scene we aim at highlighting the importance of redefining what homeliness and cobelonging mean to us, Europeans and Europe as a whole.The aim of this article is to analyse from an ontological point of view the challenges, economic and existential, that Europe has been facing the last years as a result of the economic crisis and the incoming human waves of the refugees as a result of the conflicts in the Arab world. Namely, founding our argumentation on the interpretation of the human being as δεινόν, uncanny, made by Martin Heidegger we would like to show that the ontological core of the turbulent situation we are currently living in can be found in the concept of homelessness as the lack of our abode in Europe. Finally, presenting the political and ideologically intense matrix of the modern European political scene we aim at highlighting the importance of redefining what homeliness and cobelonging mean to us, Europeans and Europe as a whole.El presente artículo tiene por objetivo analizar desde un punto de vista ontológico los retos económicos y existenciales que Europa afronta durante los últimos años, a consecuencia de la crisis económica y de la masiva oleada de refugiados derivada de los conflictos en el mundo Árabe. Cimentando nuestra argumentación en la interpretación de Martin Heidegger del ser humano como δεινόν, asombroso, tratamos de demostrar que el núcleo ontológico de la situación turbulenta que actualmente vivimos puede hallarse en el evento de la ausencia de hogar, en tanto que carencia de una morada propia en Europa. Por último, presentamos la política e ideológicamente convulsa matriz del esquema político europeo moderno, a fin de subrayar la relevancia de redefinir, por una parte, el significado de familiaridad y coexistencia para nosotros, los europeos, y, por otra, Europa en tanto que totalidad

    The impact of “policy paradigms” on energy security issues in protracted conflict environments: the case of Cyprus

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    The research question that this article attempts to address is: what are the main policy paradigms that guide the opinion leaders throughout energy security matters within protracted conflict environments? Using the de facto divided island of Cyprus as our single case study, we will deliberately follow grounded theory in order to create conceptual definitions out of rudimentary “working ideas” that involve “protracted conflict environment”, “energy security” and stakes in “decision making”. This research enterprise involves openended interviews with the opinion-makers on the Island and “political discourse analysis” that identifies the quintessential aspects of the recently emerged energy debate. Drawing upon the work of Correlje and van der Linde (2006), we highlight two main paradigms: “markets and institutions” and “regions and empire”. In the first one, the business logic prevails upon political expediencies and geopolitical calculations, while in the second one, national and security concerns outweigh the business logic and the potential international economic integration. Through their interaction, we seek to explore how they drive the debate on energy security within the realm of a conflict environment

    Yunanistan' ın Türkiye' ye yönelik birleşme stratejisinde Avrupalılaşmanın etkisi

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    137 pagesTürk ve Yunan taraflarının yeniden yakınlaşmasında her iki tarafın da adımlar attığı bilinmektedir. Ancak bu çalışma tekrar yakınlaşma için Yunan tarafının çabaları ile sınırlı tutulmuştur. Yunan dış politikasının Avrupalılaşması ve Türkiye'ye karşı Yunanistan'ın Birleşme Stratejisi üzerine çok mürekkep harcandı ve çok sayıda literatür oluşturuldu. Bu tezin amacı, bu ikisi arasındaki bağlantıyı kurmaktır. Avrupalılaşma, Avrupa Birliği üyelik stratejisini nasıl etkiliyor ve nasıl şekil veriyor Avrupa Birliği ailesine üye olmayan ve revizyonist istekleri olduğu düşünülen bir ülkenin bu stratejiyi benimsemede Avrupalılaşmanın etkisi nasıldır Yunan dış politikasına şekil verenlerin gözünden hali hazırdaki strateji, güvenlik endişeleri yönünden neden uygun bir çözüm olarak görülüyor Bu politikanın stratejik önemi olduğunu göz önünde bulundurarak, bu kararın arasındaki göstergelerin vurgulanması ve stratejinin nasıl yorumlandığının ve izlendiğinin gösterilmesi tezin amacıdır.Although it is assumed that the improved atmosphere in Greek-Turkish relations since 1999 is composed of the initiatives undertaken by both sides the paper self-consciously restricts its case-study to the contribution to this evolution on behalf of the Greek side. Europeanization of Greek Foreign Policy and Greeces Engagement Strategy towards Turkey during the last decade constitute topics in the name of which a lot of literature has been developed. Aim of this thesis is to find out and establish a link between them. How is Europeanization able to influence and shape the formulation of an EU member state strategy How can it contribute to the adoption of a strategy especially in cases where the targeted state does not belong to the EU family and is perceived to hold revisionist aspirations Why does the currently employed strategy seem according to the todays Greek Foreign Policy Makers the proper solution to deal with their security concerns Assuming that the adoption of this policy is of strategic importance the author is interested to highlight the indicator behind this decision and to illustrate the way this strategy was interpreted and pursued

    Study of the Quantum Advantage in Quantum Machine Learning Applications for drug discovery

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Μαθηματική Προτυποποίηση σε Σύγχρονες Τεχνολογίες και στα Χρηματοοικονομικά

    Black Holes with Scalar Hair in Three Dimensions

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    Three - dimensional static and spinning black hole solutions of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon system are obtained for a particular scalar field configuration. At large distances, and for small scalar field, the solutions reduce to the BTZ black hole. The scalar field dresses the black hole with secondary scalar hair, since the scalar charge is related to the conserved black hole mass and is not an independent charge. A self interacting potential is included, containing a mass term that is above the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound in three dimensions. Independence of the scalar potential from the conserved black hole charges, imposes fixed mass and angular momentum to scalar charge ratios. The thermodynamic properties as well as the energy conditions of the black hole are analysed

    Motion of particles in a magnetically charged Euler-Heisenberg black hole with scalar hair

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    We study the geodesic motion of uncharged particles in the background of a magnetically charged Euler-Heisenberg black hole with a scalar hair. The spacetime can be asymptotically (A)dS or flat and we find, analysing the behavior of the effective potential of the radial motion that in all cases there exist stable and unstable orbits. Performing numerical integrations we depict the motion of particles for planetary and critical orbits, as well as for radial geodesics. We discuss the effect that the scalar hair ν\nu, the magnetic charge QmQ_{m} and the Euler-Heisenberg parameter α\alpha have on the particle motion

    Fight for Nothing: Fight Club and Nihilism in Capitalist Society

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    This paper analyses the movie Fight Club (1999) from the philosophical point of view. We reflect on the split personality of the protagonist, showing how the former represents the subject of the modern society, who, unable to find completion in ceaseless consumerism, embarks upon a personal journey towards the annihilation of every value of his world. This process of annihilation, which at first takes the form of a closed group of people, evolves into an expansive way of annihilation. The latter symbolizes modern society’s evolved subject’s will to destroy the foundations of capitalist society

    The impact of “policy paradigms” on energy security issues in protracted conflict environments: the case of Cyprus

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    The research question that this article attempts to address is: what are the main policy paradigms that guide the opinion leaders throughout energy security matters within protracted conflict environments? Using the de facto divided island of Cyprus as our single case study, we will deliberately follow grounded theory in order to create conceptual definitions out of rudimentary “working ideas” that involve “protracted conflict environment”, “energy security” and stakes in “decision making”. This research enterprise involves open-ended interviews with the opinion-makers on the Island and “political discourse analysis” that identifies the quintessential aspects of the recently emerged energy debate. Drawing upon the work of Correlje and van der Linde (2006), we highlight two main paradigms: “markets and institutions” and “regions and empire”. In the first one, the business logic prevails upon political expediencies and geopolitical calculations, while in the second one, national and security concerns outweigh the business logic and the potential international economic integration. Through their interaction, we seek to explore how they drive the debate on energy security within the realm of a conflict environment.The politics and administration of institutional chang