362 research outputs found

    Human Types in Classical Turkish Literature in Terms of Philosophy

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    Edebiyat ve felsefe insanı, birçok yönden ele alan, açıklamaya çalışan alanlardır. Her sanatın bir amacı olduğu gibi bir de felsefesi, yani vermek istediği bir mesajı vardır. İnsan yaşadığı sürece kendine, tabiata ve topluma karşı mücadele içindedir. İnsanın kendi gözüyle veya bir başkasının gözüyle izdüşümü, doğal olarak edebiyata yansır. Edebiyattaki tipler de toplum içinden seçilmiş, âşinâ tiplerdir. Eski Türk Edebiyatı'nda insan tipleri genel olarak üç kategoride göze çarpar. 1. Basit veya ilkel insan tipi, edebiyatımızda "ben" merkezli insandır. Menfi tipler olan zahit ve rakip tipleri buna örnektir. 2. Gelişmiş veya ideal insan tipi, edebiyatımızda "sen" merkezli insanı temsil eder. İlkel insana nazaran gelişmiş bir tiptir ve kendisini geliştiren sevgidir. Sevgili karşısında aşık tipi buna örnektir. 3. Olgun (kamil) veya entellektüel insan tipi, edebiyatımızda "o" merkezli insandır. Hepsinin başlangıç noktası "ben" merkezli basit insandır. Kendini geliştiren basit insan, benliğini bir yana bırakıp aşk sayesinde "sen"lik geliştirir. Aşkı rehber edinen olgun insan, hep kendine uzak bir hedef seçer. Bu insan tiplerinin her birinin felsefi olarak değeri, vakıf oldukları, idrak edebildikleri mesafe ve yöneldikleri amaç kadardır. Literature and philosophy are branches examining and commenting on human in many respects. Not only has every craft an ai m but also its philosophy in meaning its message for human In any case human has struggled with itself, nature and socıety Naturally human's manner of the sight leans to its act. In literature, types of human are selected from the society. In the Classic Turkısh Literature types of human can be divided into three. 1.The fırst one is simple or primitive type in which "ego" is the center. This is a negative type such as riva! type or fanatic type. 2.The second one is idealist types in which "you" is the center. This is a positive type such as I over in the case of a beloved. 3.The third is mature type in which "she, if' (God) is center. This is also a positive type such as well-behaving mature person

    The Description and Narration in the Gazels

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    Gerçekleri yansıtmamakla eleştirilen Divan şiiri, aslında devrinin bütün yaşantısını yaşam felsefesiyle birlikte yansıtmaktadır. Konu bütünlüğü olan yek-ahenk gazeller, bütün olarak bakıldığında tasvirler içine yerleştirilmiş olaylarla, birer hikaye anlatabilmektedir. Bugün, hikayeyi oluşturan zaman, mekan, şahıs ve olay etmenleri, tek bir olaya kadar indirgenmiştir. "Kısa hikaye" denilen anlatım biçimi, bir beyit veya bir mısrada bile karşımıza çıkabilir. Divan şiirine bakıldığında anlatılan hikaye, klasik hikaye biçimindedir. Gazelierin çoğu, dramatik hikaye türündedir. Classic Turkish Poetry, called "gazelle", has been critized to be having some imaginary and also not showing realities which connect its social groups. We have seen them to be an ordinary poets for hundreds of years. We didn't noticed them whether to make an allusion to our minds. But, we havs seen some social realities at gazelles if we notice them having respect of narration. Today story, especially short story, has been a lot of many kinds of literature. Because, a story is chain of events and it can be as short as a sentence. The gazelle tells us some descriptions in which has events. Events have been related to each other and it ends an event which involved interrogation. When events deal with for a story, not only a gazelle but also a couplet of gazelle has included a short story. Story is classifıed two manner: A. As to substance : 1.story of fact, 2. story of fancy. B. As to form : 1.stories told historically, 2. stories told dramatically, 3. stories told didactically . According to this classify the gazelle has stated story of fact and dramatic story. The gazelle include dramatic events. So it can be examined to be a story as much as it examined an estetic poet

    Comparative Evaluation for Effectiveness Analysis of Policy Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has proven to be a very strong technique with results in various applications in recent years. Especially the achievements in the studies in the field of robotics show that much more progress will be made in this field. Undoubtedly, policy choices and parameter settings play an active role in the success of DRL. In this study, an analysis has been made on the policies used by examining the DRL studies conducted in recent years. Policies used in the literature are grouped under three different headings: value-based, policy-based and actor-critic. However, the problem of moving a common target using Newton's law of motion of collaborative agents is presented. Trainings are carried out in a frictionless environment with two agents and one object using four different policies. Agents try to force an object in the environment by colliding it and try to move it out of the area it is in. Two-dimensional surface is used during the training phase. As a result of the training, each policy is reported separately and its success is observed. Test results are discussed in section 5. Thus, policies are tested together with an application by providing information about the policies used in deep reinforcement learning approaches

    Drone Tracking with Drone using Deep Learning

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    With the development of technology, studies in fields such as artificial intelligence, computer vision and deep learning are increasing day by day. In line with these developments, object tracking and object detection studies have spread over wide areas. In this article, a study is presented by simulating two different drones, a leader and a follower drone, accompanied by deep learning algorithms. Within the scope of this study, it is aimed to perform a drone tracking with drone in an autonomous way. Two different approaches are developed and tested in the simulator environment within the scope of drone tracking. The first of these approaches is to enable the leader drone to detect the target drone by using object-tracking algorithms. YOLOv5 deep learning algorithm is preferred for object detection. A data set of approximately 2500 images was created for training the YOLOv5 algorithm. The Yolov5 object detection algorithm, which was trained with the created data set, reached a success rate of approximately 93% as a result of the training. As the second approach, the object-tracking algorithm we developed is used. Trainings were carried out in the simulator created in the Matlab environment. The results are presented in detail in the following sections. In this article, some artificial neural networks and some object tracking methods used in the literature are explained

    Haleb Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi (1865)

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    Osmanlı Devleti'nde neredeyse ondokuzuncu yüz yılın tamamı batıcılık reformları ile geçmiştir. Tanzimat Fermanı, Islahat Fermanı, Birinci ve İkinci Meşrûtiyet'in ilânı yapılan reformların ana başlıklarını oluşturur. Bu reformlar içinde 1864 Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi ve getirdiği yenilik ayrı bir önem taşır. 1864 Vilâyet Nizamnâmesi daha önce var olan beylerbeylik ve eyâlet sistemini kaldırmış ve yerine mülkî idârede vilâyet sistemini getirmiştir. Getirilen sistem Cumhuriyet dönemindeki vilâyet sisteminin de temelini oluşturmaktadır. 1864 Vilâyet Nizamnâmesi esas alınarak ilk defa Tuna Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi hazırlanmış ve Mithat Paşa'nın burada valilik yapması ile uygulamaya girmiştir. Bundan sonra Bosna, Suriye, Lübnan ve Haleb vilâyet nizâmnâmeleri uygulamaya konulmuştur. Haleb Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi'ni hazırlayan ve hazırlatan Ahmed Cevdet Paşa'dır. Ahmed Cevdet Paşa 1865 tarihinde Haleb vâliliğine tayin edilmiş ve vilâyet nizâmnâmesini hazırlayarak uygulamaya koymuştur. Haleb Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm; mülkî idâre ve hukukî işleri, ikinci bölüm; Livâ (sancak) 'ın idâresi ve sancakta hukuk işleri, üçüncü bölüm; kazâ idâresi ve kazâda hukuk işleri, dördüncü bölüm; köy idâresi, beşinci bölümde ise; köyde, kazada, sancakta ve vilâyet merkezinde yapılacak seçim usüllerini kapsamaktadır. Bu makalede evvelâ Haleb Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi öncesinde yapılan reformlar ve gelişmeler ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra Haleb Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi günümüz Türkçesi'ne aktarılmış ve okuyucunun anlayacağı biçimde sadeleştirilmiştirAlmost all of the nineteenth contury passed with westernization reforms in Ottoman State. Tanzimat Edict , Reform Edict, First and Second Proclamation of the Constitution composes the main headings of the reforms. Within these reforms, 1864 Provincial Regulation (Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) and its innovation is of special importance. 1864 Provincial Regulation (Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) removed provincial system existing Beylerbeylik before and in place of its placed province system in property administration. System brought is the foundation of province system during the republican period. First time, Danube Provincial Regulation (Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) is prepared on the basis of 1864 Provincial Regulation (Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) and put into practice with governorship here Mithad Pasha. After Aleppo Provincial Regulation (Aleppo Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) was put into practice Bosnia, Syria and LebonenAhmed Cevdet Pasha prepared Aleppo Provincial Regulation (Aleppo Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi). Ahmed Cevdet Pasha appointed governer of Aleppo in 1865 and put into effect preparing Aleppo Provincial Regulation (Aleppo Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi). Aleppo Provincial Regulation (Haleb Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) is consists of four sections. First section, property administration and legal procedure, second section, provincial management (sancak) and legal procedure in provincial governer, third section, provincial management (kazâ yönetimi) and legal procedure in provincial management (kazâ yönetimi), fourth section village management and fifth section, selection procedures to be carried out in village, in provincial management (kazâ yönetimi), provincial management (sancak) and Aleppo provincial management (Aleppo Vilâyet yönetimi). First time, reforms and developments are expressed which carried out before Provincial Regulation (Aleppo Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) After, Aleppo Provincial Regulation (Aleppo Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi) was translated from Ottoman Turkish to contemporary Turkis

    Psychological distress and anxiety among housewives: the mediational role of perceived stress, loneliness, and housewife burnout

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    Housewives are experiencing chronic stress when dealing with multiple roles (cooking, shopping, tidying the house) in their daily life. Although earlier studies have documented a significant link between role overload and stress-psychological well-being in the workplace, few studies have been conducted among housewives despite their high anxiety and burnout reports. The diathesis-stress model and transactional model of stress indicate that there may be somecontributory factors related to mental health. Within these frameworks, this research aimed to examine housewives' psychological distress and anxiety by focusing on three contributory factors namely housewife burnout, perceived stress, and loneliness. The present study was a novel contribution to the literature investigating the mediating roles of those three contributory factors between psychological distress and anxiety among housewives. Participants were 500 volunteer housewives between the ages of 20 and 70 from Turkey. In addition to Demographic Information Form, The Perceived Stress Scales (PSS-10), The General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), The UCLA Loneliness Scale-Version 3 (UCLA LS3), The Housewives Burnout Questionnaire (CUBAC), and The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used. Results showed that there were four paths between psychological distress and anxiety in the model, explaining 31.19% of the total variance in anxiety in housewives. The relationship between psychological distress and anxiety was mediated by perceived distress, loneliness, and housewife burnout. Specifically, the higher psychological distress and higher anxiety relationship were associated with higher perceived distress, higher loneliness, and higher housewife burnout. The findings provide beneficial insight for clinicians to prioritize the abandonment of the cope with loneliness, perceived stress, and burnout while working with housewives having psychological distress and anxiety.Publisher's Versio


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    This study investigates Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy that had broad influence in philosophy of science by his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the contributions of his philosophy to Turkish philosophical literature. Kuhnian part of the picture of science debates brings to light considering the works done in Turkey upon the philosophy of Kuhn. In the first part of the thesis, T. Kuhn's life and works are mentioned. The second part focuses on Kuhn's philosophy of science and the concept of paradigm. In the third part, publications on the Kuhnian understanding of science are determined and in the fourth part, finally, general evaluations are made on these publications and studies