135 research outputs found

    Promissory Note as Payment Security Instrument in the Republic of Croatia

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    In the modern world, a legal framework has been set up and a market regulator has been defined so that payment as a relation between the debtor and creditor can not be put in question regarding the realization of their integral rights. Countries in transition, including Croatia (the Republic of Croatia), are still trying to define not only the shortterm, but also the long-term regulators that would clarify all open questions both in the economic and in the legal segment. Promissory note as the payment security instrument has in practice become operative only through a consistent use of Distraint law. A theoretical and an implementation mechanism merge into one functional mechanism, on the basis of which it can be said that in this segment the Republic of Croatia has truly overcome the transitional barriers.promissory note, collection of claims, payment insurance, blank promissory notes, Distraint procedure, Distraint law.

    Microbial biofilm communities associated with degradation of sprayed concrete in subsea tunnels

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    Deterioration of concrete leads to reduced structural strength implying high societal challenge with huge economic impact. In the Oslofjord subsea tunnel, complex microbial biofilm activity together with abiotic attack from saline groundwater are responsible for concrete matrix degradation and steel fiber corrosion. Previous research has revealed that microbial attack causes disintegration of cement paste matrix and thinning of sprayed concrete at rates varying from 0.5-10 mm/year in areas with leakages of saline groundwater. General knowledge about biodegradation of concrete infrastructures in marine environment is lacking and research in this area is therefore needed. A long-term study of biofilm microbial community composition and dynamics was performed between 2015-2020 in the Oslofjord subsea tunnel. Due to its complexity it was necessary to work multi-disciplinary, including studies of the microbial community structure by using advanced molecular techniques in combination with chemical analysis to get a comprehensive picture of the prevailing micro-environmental conditions within the biofilm. High throughput amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA gene together with metagenomics shotgun sequencing revealed temporal dynamics in microbial community structure, and metabolic potential of biofilms in the Oslofjord tunnel. Water chemical analysis and microsensor measurements of oxygen and pH profiles within the biofilm were performed on-site to assess environmental conditions in the biofilms. Additionally, SEM microscopy together with XRD analyses were used to investigate concrete degradation beneath the biofilms over time. In parallel, a mesocosm experiment was performed over a period of 65 weeks to study the role of concrete material properties and fiber reinforcement for microbial colonization and composition. The long-term study preformed in the Oslofjord subsea tunnel revealed a complex microbial community involved in cement paste matrix degradation and steel fiber corrosion. The microbial communities at the different tunnel localities were composed of nitrogen converting bacteria, iron-oxidizing bacteria, sulfur oxidizing bacteria, heterotrophic aerobic bacteria, putative manganese-oxidizing bacteria and many microorganisms that could not be assigned to any function. Microsensor measurements showed relatively stable pH around 7-8 throughout the biofilm, whereas the dissolved oxygen profiles decreased with biofilm depth. Significant differences in community structure and richness between biofilms at the different tunnel locations were revealed with alpha and beta-diversity analysis. However, the microbial communities at the three sites shared many taxa. Pairwise comparisons suggested that deterministic factors were important for the assembly of the microbial communities of mature biofilms. Results from the mesocosms study indicate that stochastic factors were important during the initial colonization and time was the main factor which drives turnover in the biofilm communities on concrete material. Presence of steel fiber reinforcement was found to have a greater effect on the biofilm community composition than the surface roughness. The results obtained in this thesis help us to understand the complexity of microbial induced concrete deterioration and corrosion of steel fiber reinforcement observed in the subsea tunnel environments

    Diplomacija cijepljenja: Pravo na zdravlje ili sloboda izbora

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    The escalating childhood vaccination debate raises profound ethical and legal concerns for pediatricians, as vaccine hesitancy proves to be a complex phenomenon shaped by socio-cultural, psychological, and economic factors. Despite attempts to encourage vaccination adherence, appeals from Pediatrician Societies often fall short, with hesitancy theories focusing on factors like misinformation and distrust. In order to combat hesitancy, enhanced public education and awareness campaigns are proposed, aiming to address concerns with evidence- based information. However, when communication fails, penalties are considered, with limited research on their impact, while global misinformation fuels anti-vaccination sentiments, leading to a large number of unvaccinated children in Croatia due to unclear guidelines on non compliance. The legal landscape varies across EU countries, from relatively modest fines imposed in Croatia to stricter measures enforced in Poland and France. The European Court of Human Rights acknowledges the delicate balance between individual rights and public health, underscoring the societal importance of vaccination. Pediatricians grapple with ethical dilemmas, especially in situations where fines prove to be ineffective. Denying access to public community groups or institutions to a child becomes a last resort, done for the purpose of prioritizing community well-being over individual choices. Strategies for pediatrician protection include informed consent, clear communication, and meticulous documentation, though conflicts may arise in situations where non-vaccinated children face exclusion from nursery schools. In conclusion, a nuanced approach is crucial to address the complexities and legal ramifications of vaccine hesitancy. The clash between health rights and freedom of choice necessitates legal reforms beyond punitive measures, emphasizing the importance of education. Future research should explore the impact of penalties on vaccination rates and the post-penalty status of the unvaccinated, thus contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of this multifaceted issue.Eskalirajuća rasprava o cijepljenju djece izaziva duboke etičke i pravne brige za pedijatre, jer se opor prema cijepljenju pokazuje kao kompleksan fenomen oblikovan socio-kulturnim, psihološkim i ekonomskim faktorima. Unatoč pokušajima poticanja pridržavanja cijepljenja, apeli Pedijatrijskih društava često ne uspijevaju, s teorijama oklijevanja usmjerenima na faktore poput dezinformacija i nepovjerenja. Kako bi se borili protiv oklijevanja, predlažu se pojačane kampanje javnog obrazovanja i svjesnosti, s ciljem adresiranja zabrinutosti informacijama utemeljenim na dokazima. Međutim, kada komunikacija ne uspije, razmatraju se kazne, s ograničenim istraživanjem njihovog učinka, dok globalne dezinformacije potiču antivakcinacijske pokrete, dovodeći do 8% necijepljene djece u Hrvatskoj zbog nejasnih smjernica. Pravni okvir varira među zemljama EU, od relativno skromnih kazni nametnutih u Hrvatskoj do strožih mjera provedenih u Poljskoj i Francuskoj. Europski sud za ljudska prava priznaje delikatnu ravnotežu između individualnih prava i javnog zdravlja, naglašavajući društvenu važnost cijepljenja. Pedijatri se suočavaju s etičkim dilemama, posebno u situacijama gdje se kazne pokažu neefikasnima. Odbijanje pristupa djeteta javnim zajedničkim grupama ili institucijama postaje posljednje sredstvo, učinjeno u svrhu prioritiziranja dobrobiti zajednice nad individualnim izborima. Strategije za zaštitu pedijatara uključuju informirani pristanak, jasnu komunikaciju i pažljivu dokumentaciju, iako mogu nastati sukobi u situacijama kada djeca koja nisu cijepljena budu isključena iz vrtića. Zaključno, nužan je nijansiran pristup za adresiranje složenosti i pravnih posljedica oklijevanja prema cijepljenju. Sukob između prava na zdravlje i slobode izbora zahtijeva pravne reforme izvan kaznenih mjera, naglašavajući važnost edukacije. Buduća istraživanja trebala bi istražiti utjecaj kazni na stope cijepljenja i post-kazneni status necijepljenih, čime bi se doprinijelo sveobuhvatnijem razumijevanju ovog višedimenzionalnog pitanja

    Fertilization of poplar plantations with dried sludge : a demonstration trial in Hillebola - central Sweden

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    Wastewater sludge contains essential nutrients for plant growth and is frequently used as fertilizer in European agriculture. Sludge contains elevated concentrations of heavy metals, microplastics, and other substances that may pose potential risks to human health and the environment. Nevertheless, dried pelletized sludge emerges as a viable product for fertilizing short-rotation poplar plantations within a circular model, enabling nutrient recycling and converting waste into a valuable resource to enhance biomass production for different markets. In Hillebola, central Sweden, we demonstrated the application of dried pelletized sludge to pilot plantations with climate-adapted Populus trichocarpa clones. The trial was established in four blocks with four treatments three years after the poplar trees were planted. The treatments were: mineral NPK fertilizer + soil cultivation between poplar rows, dried pelletized sludge + soil cultivation, no fertilization + soil cultivation only, and control (no treatments). The effect of fertilization on poplar growth was evaluated two years later, after the fifth growing season. The results showed a significantly improved basal area increment in NPK and sludge treatments compared to the control. The ground vegetation inventory revealed substantial differences in weed biomass between control and cultivated plots. Control plots contained double the amount of aboveground grass and herbaceous biomass (8.6 ton ha-1 ) compared to cultivated and cultivated + fertilized plots. The low-intensity Nordic-Baltic poplar establishment practices allow for a substantial amount of ground vegetation to develop until the canopy closure, potentially contributing to the soil carbon pool more than it is usually recognized when modeling carbon balances in short-rotation poplar plantations, which is the theme of our next report


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    Background: The research examines the influence of internet addiction of adolescents in Croatia and Germany and its impact on the subjective feeling of health status. The purpose of this paper is also to give insight into how the Internet addiction which is a risky health behavior affects the health status of adolescents. The excessive use of Internet is linked with the lower health status of Croatian adolescents as well as of the adolescents in Germany. Subjects and methods: Respondents are defined as students who attend school regularly ages 11-18. The modified SF-36 questionnaire and IAT for Internet addiction were used. Results: The Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated -0.23 with N=459 and p<0.001. Accordingly, the correlation between health quality and Internet addiction is negative but statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: There is a strong correlation between adolescents\u27 mental health and quality of life and the level of their Internet addiction. Out of the total number of adolescents in ill-health, 39% of them are moderately or severely addicted to the Internet. 20% out of the total number of adolescents in medium health is moderate of severely addicted to the Internet. Finally, out of the total number of adolescents in good health 13% has been moderate of highly addicted to the Internet. Therefore, the better the adolescents\u27 health, the fewer the Internet addicts. And vice versa, the worse the health, the more the Internet addicts

    Faculty Recital

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