15 research outputs found

    The prevalence of obesity and the factors affecting obesity in the students of secondary education

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    Background: Childhood obesity has reached alarming dimensions all around the world. In this study, our objective is to determine the prevalence of childhood obesity in the secondary education as well as genetic, cultural and environmental factors giving rise to obesity, nutritional habits, family history and activity status.Methods: The research was performed on 750 students aged between 14-18. Body Mass Index (BMI= weight/height2 (kg/m²)) and Relative Body Mass Index (Rel BMI)  values of each child were calculated by making use of their height and weight measurements. An evaluation was made through the use of a questionnaire form consisting of 46 questions that questioned the family history, nutritional habits and activity status of the children at issue.Results: About 41.7% of 750 children incorporated into the study were female, whereas 58.2% of them were male. The age distribution was between the age range, 14-18. According to BMI values, 12.3% of the children were overweight, while 4% of them were obese. According to Relative BMI values, on the other hand, 10.4% of the children were overweight, whereas 12.9% of them were obese. When the children’s nutritional habits, activity status and family history were evaluated, we ascertained that doing physical exercises irregularly, consuming pastry foods at home and the presence of obesity history within the family had all led to the development of obesity as well as being overweight (p <0.05).Conclusions: In these research subjects comprising children of secondary education, we showed that the nutritional habits, cultural nutritional differences and the insufficiency in physical activities as well as the genetic susceptibility in children could be the determinants in obesity development

    QT dispersion in irritable bowel syndrome

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    Background: The pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) has not been fully elucidated. The gastrointestinal tract have a well-differentiated intrinsic nervous system and also this system is connected with nervous system. The symptoms of IBS are related with autonomic nervous system (ANS). It was also possible to see cardiovascular symptoms due to this link. This link can influence QT dispersion (QTd). The aim of this case control study is to show the cardiac effects of IBS by changes in QTd.Methods: There were 56 newly diagnosed patients with IBS and 60 control subjects were included in this study. IBS was diagnosed using the new Roma IV Criterias. Standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) were taken in both two groups. QTd and corrected QTd (QTcd), QT max, QT min, QT avarage, Corrected QT (QTc) min, QTc max, QTc avarage values were calculated with Bazzet Formula from rest ECGs.Results: There were 56 newly diagnosed patients with IBS and 60 control subjects were included in the study (p:0.94). The mean age of the patients and control patients were 51.75±10.41 years and 48.41±9.72 (p: 0.53) years, respectively. QTd and corrected QTd (QTcd), QT max, QT min, QT mean, Corrected QT (QTc) min, QTc max, QTc mean values were calculated. QTd and QTcd values were found to be significantly higher in the patients with IBS (40.2±7.18; 34.1±6.18 / 52±9.8; 50.6±7.61 Msec, respectively). It is concluded that, QTd (p: 0.022) and QTcd (p: 0.032) were significantly incresased in the IBS.Conclusions: Activation of ANS in the patients with IBS can affect QT period in ECG

    Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version of the Glasgow-Edinburgh Throat Scale: Use for a Symptom Scale of Globus Sensation in Turkish Population

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to translate the Glasgow-Edinburgh Throat Scale (GETS) into Turkish and test its reliability and validity.Methods: A total of 69 patients with globus sensation and no signs of otolaryngologic or gastroenterological disease in etiology were included in the study. The patients were asked to complete the translated Turkish version (GETS-T) of GETS and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Results: The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the patients in the study group was calculated based on the 12 questions in the GETS-T scale and found as 0.868. The correlation between the GETS-T total score and the total HADS score in the study group was found to be very low and statistically insignificant. As a result of factor analysis, it was found that the first 10 problems in GETS-T were divided into two sub-groups, unlike GETS.Conclusion: Translation of GETS into Turkish (GETS-T) showed high reliability and validity, suggesting that translation and cross-cultural adaptation was appropriate. The GETS-T can be used in studies about globus pharyngeus in future

    A Very Rare Presentation of Multiple Myeloma: Unilateral Raccoon Eye

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    Multiple myeloma (MM), the second most common hematological malignancy, is caused by the accumulation of monoclonal plasma cells in bone marrow. It accounts for 10–15% of deaths from hematological malignancies and approximately 2% of deaths from cancer. The median age at presentation is 70 years old. The diagnosis is incidental in 30% of cases. MM is often discovered through routine blood screening with a large gap between the total protein and the albumin levels.Two thirds of patients complain of bone pain, especially lower back pain. MM could be diagnosed after a pathologic fracture occurs in one third of patients. Presentation with symptoms related to hyperviscosity, hypercalcemia and bleeding tendency could also be observed. A rare presentation of MM is peri-orbital ecchymotic lesion (raccoon eye). Here, we report a 64 years old, male patient presented with unilateral raccoon eye and high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) to internal medicine outpatient. The patient was referred to hematology outpatient and was diagnosed with multiple myeloma

    Relationship between the target dose for hemodialysis adequacy and nutritional assessment

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    LIMITATIONS: Data collected from a single region; small sample size; cross-sectional design is disadvantageous

    Severe Hypokalaemia, Hypertension, and Intestinal Perforation in Ectopic Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Syndrome

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    Ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) syndrome is a rare cause of the Cushing's syndrome. The occurrence of the ectopic ACTH syndrome presenting with severe hypokalaemia, metabolic alkalosis, and hypertension has been highlighted in case reports. However, presentation with lower gastrointestinal perforation is not known. We report the case of a 70-year-old male patient with severe hypokalaemia, metabolic alkalosis, hypertension, and colonic perforation as manifestations of an ACTH-secreting small cell lung carcinoma. Ectopic ACTH syndrome should be kept in mind as a cause of hypokalaemia, hypertension, and intestinal perforation in patients with lung carcinoma

    Incidence of ′headache attributed to temporomandibular disease′ in patients with clicking sound in the region temporomandibular joint

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    Introduction We aimed to investigate the headache complaint and features in patients referred to ear nose throat clinics with pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. Materials and methods Forty-seven patients with complaints of a clicking sound in the TMJ region and pain were included in our study. Patients completed a questionnaire on the headache and the nature of the pain. The patients were asked to mark the level of pain on a visual analogue scale. Results Of a total of 47 patients, 28 were women (59.6%) and 19 were men (40.4%); their age ranged from 19 to 56 years (mean=30.5±9.8 years). There were 33/47 patients with cephalalgia in the head region, except TMJ disorders (70.2%); 12 of these were bilateral and 21 were unilateral. In all, 14/47 patients described pain only in the TMJ region (29.8%). Four patients described at least one experience of jaw locking in their life time (4/47). Visual analogue scale scores of the patients were 3.9±1.7. The nature of the pain was also analyzed. Conclusion TMJ 2014 consortium network showed that headache attributed to TMD may be in associated with cephalalgia. The rate of headache is higher in patients with TMJ disorders. TMJ disorders should also be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of cephalalgia considering the quality of life of patients


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    Conclusions: In both geriatric and adult (< 65 years) hemodialysis patients, malnutrition-inflammation score is correlated with weekly erythropoietin dose per weight and erythropoietin resistance index. Moreover, malnutrition and inflammation is more often observed among geriatric hemodialysis patients compared with adult (< 65 years) hemodialysis patients

    Comparison of monopolar hemostatic forceps with soft coagulation versus hemoclip for peptic ulcer bleeding: a randomized trial (with video)

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    Conclusions: MHFSC is more effective in achieving initial hemostasis compared with HCs in the treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding and provides a shorter procedure time and a lower recurrent bleeding rate