30 research outputs found

    The Relation Between Dipper, Non-dipper Hypertension and Uric Acid Level and Clearance in Newly Diagnosed Hypertensive Patients

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    Aim:While there are some studies reporting that higher levels of uric acid (UA) has an effect on the development of hypertension (HT), the relation between dipper, non-dipper HT and hyperuricemia and UA clearance is not clear. In our study; We aimed to evaluate the relationship between dipper, non-dipper HT and UA level and clearance in newly diagnosed HT patients.Materials and Methods:59 patients with diagnosed HT and 24 healthy individuals who were followed-up in departments of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, were included into the study. UA clearance and sodium in 24 hour urine were analyzed. Office blood pressure (BP) and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (24-h ABPM) were measured. Blood sample was obtained for biochemical analysis.Results:59 newly diagnosed HT patients and 24 healthy individuals were included into the study. The correlation analysis of the hypertensive patient group revealed a positive correlation between the UA and creatinine levels (r = 0.509) (p <0.01) and a negative correlation between UA level and UA clearance (r = - 0.494) (p <0.01). Non-dipper cases consisted of 44.1% of the HT patients. There was no statistically significant difference among the demographic and laboratory parameters between dipper and nondipper patients.Conclusion:In this study where UA level and clearance in dipper, non-dipper hypertensive cases of newly diagnosed hypertension are evaluated; UA clearance was found to be positively correlated with higher BP where as the level of UA was not significantly elevated in hypertension cases and non-dipper hypertension patients

    The Relation Between Dipper, Non-dipper Hypertension and Uric Acid Level and Clearance in Newly Diagnosed Hypertensive Patients

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    Amaç:Günümüzde hipertansiyon (HT) gelişiminde ürik asit (ÜA) yüksekliğinin etkisi olduğunu bildirir çalışmalar mevcut iken dipper, non-dipper HT ile hiperürisemi ve ÜA klirensi arasındaki ilişki net değildir. Biz çalışmamızda; yeni tanı hipertansif hastalarda dipper, non-dipper HT’un, ÜA düzeyi ve klirensi ile ilişkisini değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.Materyal ve Metot:Çalışmamıza hastanemiz İç Hastalıkları ve Nefroloji kliniğinde takipli 59 yeni tanı primer HT hastası ve 24 sağlıklı birey dahil edildi. ÜA klirensi, 24-s idrarda sodyum, 24 saatlik ambulatuar KB ölçümü (24-s AKBM) ve ofis kan basıncı (KB) ölçümü yapıldı. Biyokimyasal parametreler için kan örneği alındı.Bulgular:Çalışmaya 59 HT hastası ile, 24 sağlıklı birey alındı. HT hasta grubunun korelasyon analizinde ÜA düzeyi ile kreatinin düzeyi arasında pozitif korelasyon(r=0.509) (p<0.01), ÜA klirensi ile ise negatif korelasyon(r=-0.494) (p<0.01) saptanmıştır. HT hastaların % 44.1’i non-dipper idi. Dipper ve non dipper hastaların demografik ve laboratuvar parametrelerinin karşılaştırılmasında anlamlı fark saptanmadı.Sonuç:Sonuç olarak yeni tanı HT hastalarında dipper, non-dipper hipertansiflerde ÜA düzeyi ve ÜA klirensini değerlendirdiğimiz çalışmamızda, HT hastalarında ve non-dipper HT hastalarında ÜA düzeyinde anlamlı yükseklik saptamaz iken ÜA klerensinin KB yüksekliği ile pozitif ilişkili olduğunuz saptadık.Aim:While there are some studies reporting that higher levels of uric acid (UA) has an effect on the development of hypertension (HT), the relation between dipper, non-dipper HT and hyperuricemia and UA clearance is not clear. In our study;Weaimed to evaluate the relationship between dipper, non-dipper HT and UA level and clearance in newly diagnosed HTpatients. Materials and Methods:59 patients with diagnosed HT and 24 healthy individuals who were followed-up in departments of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, were included into the study. UA clearance and sodium in 24 hour urine were analyzed. Office blood pressure (BP) and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (24-h ABPM) were measured. Blood sample was obtained for biochemical analysis. Results:59 newly diagnosed HT patients and 24 healthy individuals were included into the study. The correlation analysis of the hypertensive patient group revealed a positive correlation between the UA and creatinine levels (r = 0.509) (p <0.01) and a negative correlation between UA level and UA clearance (r = - 0.494) (p <0.01). Non-dipper cases consisted of 44.1% of the HT patients. There was no statistically significant difference among the demographic and laboratory parameters between dipper and non- dipper patients. Conclusion:In this study where UA level and clearance in dipper, non-dipper hypertensive cases of newly diagnosed hypertension are evaluated; UA clearance was found to be positively correlated with higher BP where as the level of UA was not significantly elevated in hypertension cases and non-dipper hypertension patients

    Investigation of the peripheral inflammation (neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio) in two neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system

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    Introduction: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) are the neurodegenerative diseases of the central nervous system (CNS). Cognitive impairment is on the forefront in AD. However, IPD is a movement disorder. Inflammation was suggested to have an effect in the pathophysiology of these two diseases. Neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) was shown to be a possible marker showing the peripheral inflammation. We aimed to investigate the NLR of patiens with the diagnosis of AD, and IPD, and individuals with no neurodegenerative disease. Materials and methods: A total of 100 patients with the diagnosis of IPD, and 94 with diagnosis of AD, and 61 healthy controls were included into the study. All the demographic, clinical, and laboratory data were retrospectively obtained from the hospital automated database system. Results: The NLR in the IPD group was found statistically significantly higher compared with the control group and the AD group (p < 0.001, p = 0.04, respectively). The age-adjusted values were statistically analyzed because of age difference. No statistically significant difference was detected between AD and control groups in terms of NLR (p = 0.6). The age-adjusted NLR value in the Parkinson’s group was found significantly higher compared to the control group (p = 0.02) and Alzheimer’s group (p = 0.03). Discussion: Chronic inflammation has an important role in the emergence and progression of the chronic neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS. Our results show that the inflammation in the peripheral blood in IPD was more significant compared with the inflammation in AD. © 2021, Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia

    Alopesi areata hastalarında nötrofil/lenfosit oranının ve diğer inflamatuar parametrelerin normal popülasyon ile karşılaştırılması

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı; alopesi areata(AA) hastalarında nötrofil/lenfosit oranını (NLR), Eritrosit sedimentasyon hızı(ESR), C reaktif protein(CRP) gibi inflamatuar parametreleri normal populasyon ile kıyaslayarak bu parametrelerin AA hastalarında inflamasyonun şiddetini ölçebilecek bir marker olarak kullanılabilirliğini değerlendirmektir.Yöntem: Çalışmaya klinik olarak AA tanısı konmuş 234 hasta dahil edildi. 37 sağlıklı kişi alındı. Hasta dosyalarından lökosit, nötrofil ve lenfosit sayıları ile ESR ve CRP sonuçları kaydedildi. NLR ise hesaplanarak bulunup kaydedilmiştir. Bulgular: Hasta ve kontrol grubu arasında Lökosit, Nötrofil, ,Hb ve Esr değerleri ile NLR açısından anlamlı fark saptanmazken(p>0.05) Lenfosit sayıları(p=0,02) ve Crp( P <0.001) değeri AA hastalarında yüksek olduğu tesbit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak AA hastalığında NLR değerinin kullanılabilecek bir belirteç olmadığı kanaatine varılmıştır. CRP'nin AA için kullanılabilir bir marker olduğunu gösterebilmek için daha geniş ölçekli çalışmalar yapmak gereklidir.Objective: The objective of this study is to calculate the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and other inflamatory paramaters like erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ECR) and C-reactive protein results (CRP) in Alopecia areata(AA) patients and determine the association between thoose laboratory values and AA.Method: 234 patients with AA and 37 healthy subjects were enrolled in the study. Number of neutrophil, lymphocyte, leucocyte, ESR and CRP were ascertained from patient's medical records. NLR was calculated and recorded.Results: While the difference between patient and control groups in terms of value of Neutrophils, Leukocytes, Hb and Esr were found to be insignificant (p&gt;0.05), numbers of Lymphocyte (p=0,02) and value of Crp ( P &lt;0.001) in patients were found to be higher than those of healthy controls.Conclusion: This study demonstrates that NLR can not serve as a usuful marker for AA. And, as for CRP, larger-scale studies need to be done in order to demonstrate if it can serve as a marker or not

    Can The Neutrophil/Leukocyte Ratio Be Used As An Acute Phase Reactant In Patients Diagnosed With Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis?

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    Aim:Systemic inflammatory response can be detected using several laboratory methods, such as C-reactive protein (CRP). The purpose of this study was to assess inflammation using widely used and more easily available blood count parameters. The purpose of this study was to show changes in hematological and biochemical laboratory characteristics in recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS), and to assess the practicability of the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) as an acute phase reactant like CRP, in patients diagnosed with RAS.Materials and Methods:265 patients with a clinical diagnosis of RAS at the Namık Kemal University Research and Practice Center Dermatological and Venereal Diseases Clinic in 2010-2015 were included in the study following a retrospective review of the patient files. A control group of 299 healthy individuals was also established. Hemoglobin, leukocyte, neutrophil and lymphocyte values were recorded from the patient files, and the neutrophil/leukocyte ratio (NLR) was calculated.Results:No significant difference was determined in leukocyte, neutrophil, lymphocyte or NLR values between the RAS and control groups (p>0.05), while significant differences were observed in terms of CRP and sedimentation values (p<0.01).Conclusion:NLR cannot be used like CRP as an inflammation marker in RAS patients. New studies investigating biological markers capable of supporting clinical diagnosis and follow-up in these patients are required

    An Acute Renal Failure Case Due To Overdose Use Of Perindopril/Amlodipin

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    Fixed -dose combination therapies are important alternative of hypertension treatment. The management of suicidal intoxication with these conbination preparations which might have different and sometimes interactive mechanisms is still unclear. In this case-report a 51 -yearold male patient who had taken 26 pills of perindopril 5 mg and amlodipine 10 mg combination drug. He admitted to the emergency department with the complications of dizziness and fatigue. He was followed in intensive care unit after his first medical care unitafter his first medical emergency intervensions. After development of hypotensionand acute renal failure, he improved with fluid resussitation and symtomatic treatment and he was discharged

    Environmental Factors Affecting Efficacy of Some Essential Oils and Potassium Sorbate to Control Growth of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus on Wheat and Maize Grains

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    The antifungal potential of essential oils of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), and laurel (Laurus nobilis L.) was determined. To establish this antifungal potential, two molds related to feed spoilage, namely, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, were selected. The agar dilution method was employed for the determination of antifungal activities. The investigated essential oils exhibited inhibitory effects on both molds tested. Thyme oil showed the highest inhibition of mold growth, followed by rosemary and laurel. Thyme essential oil was a stronger inhibitor against A. parasiticus than against A. flavus. The finding of the present study suggests that thyme essential oil inhibits the growth of fungi attacking stored feed and strengthens the possibility of using it as the alternative to potassium sorbate as effective inhibitor of biodegrading and storage contaminating fungi

    Potential drug-drug interactions in University Hospital Medical Intensive Care Unit patients in Turkey

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    OBJECTIVE: Concomitant use of drugs not only enhances the therapeutic effect, but may also lead to undesirable interactions. Drug interactions are frequently seen in intensive care patients. In this study, we aimed to determine the frequency and clinical severity of drug interactions in Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The ordered drugs and blood analysis results of 314 patients aged >= 18 years who stayed in the MICU for at least 24 h between January and December 2020 were evaluated. Using the Lexi-Interact online database. clinically significant types of drug interactions, frequently interacting drug/drug groups, and potential adverse reactions were identified. RESULTS: The average number of drugs in 314 patients was 8.98 +/- 5.19. It was determined that polypharmacy was associated with comorbidity and the amount of drug used increased as the number of diagnoses increased. Potential drug-drug interactions were observed in 69.7% of the MICU patients, and it was determined that the amount of interactions increased as the amount of drug used increased. The most common X, D, and C type potential drug-drug interactions, were found between furosemide and salbutamol, enoxaparin and acetylsalicylic acid, ipratropium and potassium chloride, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Use of frequently interacting drugs in the treatment of critically MICU patients may lead to potential drug-drug interactions and adverse reactions. Daily monitoring and updating of drug therapy can improve patient's quality of life by preventing or reducing potential drug-drug interactions

    Potential drug-drug interactions in university hospital medical intensive care unit patients in turkey

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    OBJECTIVE: Concomitant use of drugs not only enhances the therapeutic effect, but may also lead to undesirable interactions. Drug interactions are frequently seen in intensive care patients. In this study, we aimed to determine the frequency and clinical severity of drug interactions in Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The ordered drugs and blood analysis results of 314 patients aged ?18 years who stayed in the MICU for at least 24 h between January and December 2020 were evaluated. Using the Lexi-Interact online database, clinically significant types of drug interactions, frequently interacting drug/ drug groups, and potential adverse reactions were identified. RESULTS: The average number of drugs in 314 patients was 8.98±5.19. It was determined that polypharmacy was associated with comorbidity and the amount of drug used increased as the number of diagnoses increased. Potential drugdrug interactions were observed in 69.7% of the MICU patients, and it was determined that the amount of interactions increased as the amount of drug used increased. The most common X, D, and C type potential drug-drug interactions, were found between furosemide and salbutamol, enoxaparin and acetylsalicylic acid, ipratropium and potassium chloride, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Use of frequently interacting drugs in the treatment of critically MICU patients may lead to potential drug-drug interactions and adverse reactions. Daily monitoring and updating of drug therapy can improve patient's quality of life by preventing or reducing potential drugdrug interactions. © 2021 Verduci Editore s.r.l. All rights reserved.This article was funded by researchers

    Soluble Endothelial Protein C Is Associated with Blood Pressure Variability and Salt Consumption But Not Mean Blood Pressure in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Primary Hypertension

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    27th Scientific Meeting of the International-Society-of-Hypertension -- SEP 20-23, 2018 -- Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA[No Abstract Available]Int Soc Hyperten