31 research outputs found

    The Effect of the Exchange Rate Risk on the Stock Prices of the Energy Companies

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    The purpose of this study is the examination of the effect of the unexpected exchange rate risk on the stock prices of the energy companies which are transacted in the ISE (Istanbul Stock Exchange) National 100 index, for the period of 03/01/2005 – 29/06/2012. In addition, the study has investigated the effect of the market return on the stocks of the related companies in the same period. In line with that purpose, a multi-regression analysis has been realized in order to examine whether there was any effect or not. At the end of this inquiry, it was concluded that the unexpected exchange rate risk had a very small effect on the companies which are active in the energy sector and the return on market, on the contrary, had a very big effect thereon

    Analysis of the Perceptions of School Administrators on the Recent Published Regulation

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    The aim of study is to examine the perceptions of school administrators about the regulation published on 10th June 2014. This study is a qualitative research and in order to acquire the data phenomenological method, which provides to focus on cases that we are aware of but do not have deep and detailed insight, was used. The target group of the study included 5 primary, 5 secondary and 2 high school administrators in Ankara province Polatlı district. The target group was designed based on purposive sampling method. The data was collected by using semi-structured interview method. Content analysis method was conducted to analyze the data. School principals in the study, expressed their ideas as follows; the assessments for school managements should be done by a lawful and objective exam. The exam should be written. The exam should be esteemed at; general ability, education management and regulations. The written exam should apply for both work of director and assistant director. Although the first rule for being appointed to educational institutions is being selected by an exam, the management knowledge and ability, master’s degree, in service training on management etc. should be given importance, too


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    This study aims to examine the relationship between the energy consumption (EC) and economic growth (GDP) in the United Kingdom during the period between 1987 and 2007. Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Philips-Perron (PP) unit root tests, the Johansen Cointegration test and standard Granger causality test were applied to examine the relationship between EC and GDP. Since the analysis results indicated no cointegration relationship between the variables of EC and GDP, it was found that there is no long-term relationship between the variables; however, in the short run, there is a unidirectional causality relationship from GDP to EC.Rad istražuje odnos između potrošnje energije (EC) i gospodarskog rasta (GDP) u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu tijekom perioda od 1987. i 2007. Prošireni Dickey-Fuller (ADF) i Philips-Peron (PP) testovi jediničnog korijena, Johansenov kointegracijski test i standardni Grangerov test kauzalnosti primijenjeni su kako bi se ispitao odnos između EC i GDP. Zaključeno je da ne postoji dugoročan odnos između varijabli; ipak, kratkoročno postoji jednosmjerna kauzalna veza od GDP-a prema EC

    Analysis of the Perceptions of Administrators on the Educations Regulations

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    The main purpose of the Ministry of National Education Guidance and Inspection Directorate and Education Inspectors Directorates Regulation consists of defining the organizations and duties of these directorates. In this respect, the regulation deals with the power and responsibilities of education inspectors to be appointed in the directorates separately and regulates issues such as their appointment, employment, training and replacement; in short all working style and principles. In this study, it is aimed at analyzing and evaluating the Ministry of National Education Guidance and Supervision Directorate and Education Inspectors Directorates Regulation taking the views of inspectors in the dimensions of structure, process and understanding. In line with this purpose, the views of education inspectors (N=86) have been obtained by Baskan and Kapusuzoğlu (2013) through a survey of 25 items developed in line with the regulations. The obtained data has been analyzed through averages, the T- test, Anova and Tukey-B tests. As a result of the study, it has been concluded that the inspectors do not find the application terms related to the competition examination and the changes made in terms of the examination board, regulations made in terms of the reclamation period and the oral examination process “appropriate†and that they find the regulations related to the written examination subjects and score weight, their training and appointment “partially appropriate.†In addition, the views of the inspectors do not display differences based on personal characteristics with the exception of terms of service

    The Dynamics of Financial and Macroeconomic Determinants in Natural Gas and Crude Oil Markets: Evidence from Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/Gulf Cooperation Council/Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

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    This study analyzes the countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to test the casual relationship between world energy prices (Brent Oil, West Texas Intermediate (WTI), Dubai, Henry Hub (HH), Japan and Russia) and the liquidity level, stock market and industrial production. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), Phillips-Perron (PP) and Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) unit root tests, Johansen cointegration and Granger causality analyses are implemented during the study. The empirical findings indicate that there are multidirectional relationships between the above-mentioned variables. These relationships can be explained by the factors that each country group owns within the framework of their energy sources, financial markets, economic conditions and geographical positions. The data accrued and analyzed in this study is presented as a contribution to guide policymakers, global investors and researchers in constituting an extensive country specific energy, macroeconomic and financial policies. Keywords: oil and natural gas prices, financial and economic developments, cointegration, causality JEL Classifications: C32, Q4

    Testing for cointegration and causality between sectoral indices and euro exchange rate in Turkey

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    In this study, the relation between the foreign exchange rate (Euro

    Regulating the regulators

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