18 research outputs found

    A Generator Framework for DomainSpecific Model Transformation Languages

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    Domain specific languages play an important role in model driven development, as they allow to model a system using modeling constructs carrying implicit semantics specific to a domain. Consequently, possibly many reusable, domain specific languages will emerge. Thereby, certain application areas, such as business process engineering, can be jointly covered by a number of conceptually related DSLs, that are similar in a sense of sharing semantically equal concepts. Although, a crucial role in being able to use, manage and integrate all these DSLs comes to model transformation languages with QVT as one of their most prominent representatives, existing approaches have not aimed at reaping benefit of these semantically overlapping DSLs in terms of providing abstraction mechanisms for shared concepts. Therefore, as opposed to a generalpurpose model transformation language sought after with the QVT-RFP, this work discusses the possibility of employing domain-specific model transformation languages. These are specifically tailored for defining transformations between metamodels sharing certain characteristics. In this context, the paper introduces a basic framework which allows generating the necessary tools to define and execute transformations written in such a domain-specific transformation language. To illustrate the approach, an example language will be introduced and its realization within the framework is shown.

    Aspect-oriented modeling of ubiquitous web applications: The aspectwebml approach

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    Ubiquitous web applications (UWA) are required to be customizable, meaning their services need to be adaptable towards the context of use, e.g., user, location, time, and device. Considering UWA’s from a software engineering point of view, a systematic development on basis of models is crucial. Current web modeling languages, however, often disregard the crosscutting nature of customization potentially affecting all parts of a web application, and often mingle core and customization functionality. This leads to inefficient development processes, high maintenance overheads, and a low potential for reuse. We regard customization as a crosscutting concern in the sense of the aspect-oriented paradigm. As

    Towards a semantic infrastructure supporting model-based tool integration. GaMMa '06

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    With the rise of model-driven software development, more and more development tasks are being performed on models. Seamless exchange of models among different modeling tools increasingly becomes a crucial prerequisite for effective software development processes. Due to lack of interoperability, however, it is often difficult to use tools in combination, thus the potential of model-driven software development cannot be fully utilized. To tackle this problem, we propose ModelCVS, a system aiming at model-based tool integration. ModelCVS enables transparent transformation of models between different tools ’ languages and exchange formats, as well as versioning exploiting the rich syntax and semantics of models, thus going beyond existing low-level model transformation approaches. For this, ModelCVS utilizes semantic technologies in terms of ontologies and supports different integration patterns at the metamodel level. To foster reuse, a knowledge base captures essential information relevant for tool integration

    Women’s Postgraduate

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    Aspect-orientation provides a new way of modularization by clearly separating crosscutting concerns from non-crosscutting ones. Although originally emerged at the programming level, aspect-orientation meanwhile stretches also over other development phases. Not only due to the rise of model-driven engineering, some approaches already exist for dealing with aspect-orientation at the modeling level. Nevertheless, concepts from the programming level are often simply reused without proper adaptation. Consequently, such approaches fall short in considering the full spectrum of modeling concepts. This paper takes a first step towards a consolidated and more comprehensive view on aspect-orientation by discussing a common reference architecture for aspect-oriented modeling. This reference architecture identifies the basic ingredients of aspect-orientation which in turn are abstracted from specific aspect-oriented programming languages and modeling approaches

    Meta-Data for Enterprise-Wide Security Administration

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    The paper gives an overview on the meta-data specification for administrating and enforcing enterprisewide security for heterogeneous and distributed information systems. The meta-data serves as a basis to maintain enterprise-wide security information centrally, to integrate isolated security specifications, to keep the consistency between different security policies, and to perform access controls. The meta-data specifies all the information necessary for retaining the security concepts of an interoperable environment as well as all corresponding security information. Since several security systems have to be integrated within an interoperable environment the meta-data also contains the specification of mappings between security concepts and concrete security information. 1. Introduction Within large enterprises the increasing quantity of information systems significantly burdens the proper interoperation and cooperation of the participating systems. Since new types of information sy..

    Data Access to Heterogenous Tourism Information Systems

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    Integrating Heterogeneous Tourism Information in TIScover - The MIRO-Web Approach

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    . A broad spectrum of tourism information is already distributed over various web sites. However, a major problem for the tourist is to find these web sites and to deal with the differences concerning information presentation and information access. At the same time, it is not feasible to store every kind of information a tourist might be interested in at one web site neither in terms of storage costs nor and even more important in terms of maintenance overhead. Therefore, in the course of the ESPRIT project MIRO-Web the official Austrian tourism information and booking system TIScover is extended in order to federate multiple structured and semi-structured tourism information sources on the web. In particular, MIRO-Web supports a homogeneous view on these heterogeneous sources which can be either materialized or defined as virtual. On the basis of this view, appropriate query mechanisms as well as a web-based interface provide the user with a single point of access. 1 Int..