580 research outputs found

    Streaming Lower Bounds for Approximating MAX-CUT

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    We consider the problem of estimating the value of max cut in a graph in the streaming model of computation. At one extreme, there is a trivial 22-approximation for this problem that uses only O(logn)O(\log n) space, namely, count the number of edges and output half of this value as the estimate for max cut value. On the other extreme, if one allows O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) space, then a near-optimal solution to the max cut value can be obtained by storing an O~(n)\tilde{O}(n)-size sparsifier that essentially preserves the max cut. An intriguing question is if poly-logarithmic space suffices to obtain a non-trivial approximation to the max-cut value (that is, beating the factor 22). It was recently shown that the problem of estimating the size of a maximum matching in a graph admits a non-trivial approximation in poly-logarithmic space. Our main result is that any streaming algorithm that breaks the 22-approximation barrier requires Ω~(n)\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{n}) space even if the edges of the input graph are presented in random order. Our result is obtained by exhibiting a distribution over graphs which are either bipartite or 12\frac{1}{2}-far from being bipartite, and establishing that Ω~(n)\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{n}) space is necessary to differentiate between these two cases. Thus as a direct corollary we obtain that Ω~(n)\tilde{\Omega}(\sqrt{n}) space is also necessary to test if a graph is bipartite or 12\frac{1}{2}-far from being bipartite. We also show that for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, any streaming algorithm that obtains a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation to the max cut value when edges arrive in adversarial order requires n1O(ϵ)n^{1 - O(\epsilon)} space, implying that Ω(n)\Omega(n) space is necessary to obtain an arbitrarily good approximation to the max cut value

    The Sketching Complexity of Graph and Hypergraph Counting

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    Subgraph counting is a fundamental primitive in graph processing, with applications in social network analysis (e.g., estimating the clustering coefficient of a graph), database processing and other areas. The space complexity of subgraph counting has been studied extensively in the literature, but many natural settings are still not well understood. In this paper we revisit the subgraph (and hypergraph) counting problem in the sketching model, where the algorithm's state as it processes a stream of updates to the graph is a linear function of the stream. This model has recently received a lot of attention in the literature, and has become a standard model for solving dynamic graph streaming problems. In this paper we give a tight bound on the sketching complexity of counting the number of occurrences of a small subgraph HH in a bounded degree graph GG presented as a stream of edge updates. Specifically, we show that the space complexity of the problem is governed by the fractional vertex cover number of the graph HH. Our subgraph counting algorithm implements a natural vertex sampling approach, with sampling probabilities governed by the vertex cover of HH. Our main technical contribution lies in a new set of Fourier analytic tools that we develop to analyze multiplayer communication protocols in the simultaneous communication model, allowing us to prove a tight lower bound. We believe that our techniques are likely to find applications in other settings. Besides giving tight bounds for all graphs HH, both our algorithm and lower bounds extend to the hypergraph setting, albeit with some loss in space complexity