43 research outputs found

    ‘La Chartreuse de Parme’ ou la couleur locale reconsidĂ©rĂ©e

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    Le terme «couleur locale» est de nos jours relĂ©guĂ© d’une façon presque unanime dans le musĂ©e des expressions caduques, tombĂ©es en dĂ©suĂ©tude. Ce d’autant plus qu’il est question de l’un de ces concepts «prĂ©-thĂ©oriques» qui sont rentrĂ©s dans le vocabulaire courant et dont la pseudo-comprĂ©hension intuitive brouille les acceptions terminologiques originelles. L’ampleur de l’évolution sĂ©mantique que le terme a subie depuis son introduction dans le domaine littĂ©raire dĂšs la fin du XVIIIe siĂšcle, ne..

    The International Community Criticism of Croatia from 1995 until 1999

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    U članku se analiziraju kritike usmjerene prema Republici Hrvatskoj koje su dolazile iz međunarodne zajednice u razdoblju od zavrĆĄetka operacije Oluja 1995. do kraja 1999. Pojam međunarodna zajednica shvaćen je kao paradigmatski okvir unutar kojega se formira stanoviti dominantni narativ. Analizirana su izvjeơća koja su objavljivale različite institucije: OESS, Human Rights Watch, američki State Department. Uz to, analizirana je arhiva novina New York Times u predmetnom razdoblju kao primjer sukreatora javnog narativa. Članak je podijeljen prema temama kritike koje su uočene u istraĆŸenim izvorima: poloĆŸaj Srba i povrat izbjeglica, ljudska i manjinska prava, medijske slobode, manjkavosti demokracije i provedba Daytonskog sporazuma.The article analyzes the criticism of the international community towards the Republic of Croatia, from the finalization of Operation Storm in 1995 to the end of 1999. The term “international community” refers to a paradigmatic framework, within which a certain dominant narrative is formed. Reports published by various institutions were analyzed: OSCE, Human Rights Watch, and the US State Department. Also, the archive of the New York Times for the same period was analyzed as an example of a public narrative co-creator. The article is divided according to the topics of criticism noted during the research: the position of Serbs and the return of refugees, human and minority rights, freedom of the media, the shortcomings of democracy, and the implementation of the Dayton Agreement

    The vogue of the archeofiction in the 19th century: The resurrected past and the interpreted past

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    Through the concept of archeofictions, this article rethinks the interface between fiction and archaeology in nineteenth-century France. By rejecting conventional categories such as ‘archaeological novel’, the corpus of fictional works under scrutiny is expanded, to encompass lesser-studied authors such as Bibliophile Jacob (Paul Leroux) and Gustave Toudouze, in addition to Gustave Flaubert and ThĂ©ophile Gautier. Throughout the nineteenth century, archaeology was a discipline-in-the-making, dominated by textual methods, and lacking institutional recognition. The analysis aims to show the ways in which nineteenth-century imaginative literature encapsulated early archaeology's quest for epistemic autonomy and methodological struggles, while embracing the new patterns of thought for framing the past promoted by the nascent discipline. </jats:p


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