41 research outputs found

    Discriminating Life Forms in Oral Biofilms

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    The bacteria colonizing the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity are known to significantly influence oral health and disease. Recent studies of subgingival dental plaque, based on different identification methods, provide direct evidence of substantial diversity of plaque microbiota. Till date only about 280 bacterial species have been isolated by cultivable methods, characterized and formally named out of this enormous microbial diversity of oral biofilms. As a consequence, there is a complete lack of information about the properties of a substantial proportion of the plaque microbiota, apart from their position in the taxonomic hierarchy of bacteria. This limited knowledge about the behavior and properties, combined with recognition of the considerable diversity that exists within individual species, raises serious questions to the foundations on which previous conclusions, concerning the etiology of periodontal diseases, rest. The emerging realization is it is impossible to fully understand oral health and disease without identifying and understanding the pathogenic potential of all of the bacteria that colonize the oral cavity. The current chapter shall provide an update on current status of oral microbiota, ecological significance of their biofilm life style and various methods to study microbes residing in oral biofilms

    Do the qualities of transformational leadership influence employees’ job engagement? A survey of the Indian power sector

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    The pandemic has put a toll on businesses across the globe, especially power generation as an essential service. The role of leadership is exemplary in driving job engagement in the power sector. The study aims to explore the impact of a leader’s inspirational motivation and individualized consideration on employee job engagement in the Indian power sector. This study is quantitative exploratory research. Using a validated questionnaire, 444 survey responses were taken from executives of major Indian electricity generation utilities. Inspirational motivation and individualized consideration were taken as independent variables, while employee engagement and its components were taken as dependent variables. Statistical methods of simple and multiple correlations were performed using SPSS version 25. According to the findings, the components of transformational leadership have a positive and significant impact on employee engagement (r = 0.463) and its facets of vigor (r = 0.425), dedication (r = 0.455), and absorption (r = 0.267), respectively. In addition, the finding outlines that transformational leaders propagate their high power and enthusiasm to their workers through inspirational motivation to increase their job engagement. The paper also highlights the role of a leader as a coach and mentor through individualized consideration to cater to followers’ need for growth and achievement. These findings expand the literature on leadership and employee engagement in the Indian power sector

    Study on role of fibular graft in non-union and complex fractures of long bone

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    Background: Road traffic injuries are the seventh most common cause of long bone fractures. Following high velocity limb trauma, the defects in the long bone are usually associated with appreciable soft-tissue losses. These open long bone injuries always require multidisciplinary managements to reconstruct the composite defects of bone and soft tissue. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to find out radiological and clinical outcome, complications, and union time in complex and non-union fractures of long bone managed by fibular graft. Materials and Methods: Out of 50 cases, 40 cases were of complex fractures and ten cases were of non-union. We used Fibular strut grafts in reconstruction of bone defects and soft tissue injury. Results: Thirty (60.0%) had excellent functional outcome, 10 (20.0%) had good, 6 (12.0%) had satisfactory, and 4 (8.0%) patients had poor outcome. Main complications were non-union 2 cases and 3 cases of superficial wound infection, which subsided by wound dressing and intravenous antibiotic treatment. Conclusion: Free fibular grafting has been proven to be an ideal choice in the management of large segmental bone defects as well as in situations of biological failure of bone healing

    Effect of combination glipizide GITS/metformin on fibrinolytic and metabolic parameters in poorly controlled type 2 diabetic subjects

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    WSTĘP. Wyniki badań epidemiologicznych wskazują, że podwyższone stężenie inhibitora aktywatora plazminogenu 1 (PAI-1) w surowicy krwi może być wskaźnikiem lub predyktorem przyspieszonego rozwoju choroby wieńcowej u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2. Celem pracy było określenie, czy poprawa wyrównania metabolicznego, niezależnie od rodzaju stosowanych leków doustnych, wpływa na stężenie PAI-1 u chorych ze znaczną hiperglikemią. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Do badania zakwalifikowano 91 chorych. Po okresie 4 tygodni, w którym pacjenci nie przyjmowali żadnych leków, chorych losowo przydzielono do grupy leczonej glipizydem GITS (w dawce maksymalnej 20 mg, n = 46) lub grupy otrzymującej metforminę (maksymalnie 2550 mg, n = 45) w monoterapii. Po okresie monoterapii wprowadzono leczenie skojarzone, dodając drugi lek do preparatu już stosowanego. U wszystkich pacjentów przed i po randomizacji oraz podczas badania oznaczono glikemię (na czczo i po posiłku), stężenie HbA1c, fruktozaminy oraz PAI-1. U części chorych zmierzono również wątrobową produkcję glukozy (HGO, hepatic glucose output) oraz oznaczono rozkład brzusznej tkanki tłuszczowej. WYNIKI. Wyrównanie glikemii na początku badania było niezadowalające (średnie stężenie HbA1c 10,4 &plusmn; 0,2% w grupie glipizydu GITS; 10,0 &plusmn; 0,2% w grupie metforminy), ale poprawiło się istotnie w obu grupach, stosujących monoterapię oraz w wyniku leczenia skojarzonego (p < 0,0001 vs. wyniki wyjściowe), co oceniono na podstawie badania tolerancji posiłku, stężenia fruktozaminy oraz HGO. Masa ciała oraz rozkład brzusznej tkanki tłuszczowej nie zmieniły się istotnie w żadnej z grup. Stężenie PAI-1 było wyjątkowo wysokie (5-10-krotnie wyższe od wartości prawidłowych) na początku badania (202 &plusmn; 12 ng/ml w grupie glipizydu GITS; 201 &plusmn; 13 ng/ml w grupie metforminy), ale istotnie obniżyło się podczas badania, w sposób porównywalny w monoterapii w obu grupach. Podczas leczenia skojarzonego stężenie to uległo dalszemu obniżeniu. WNIOSKI. W przypadkach nasilonej hiperglikemii stężenie PAI-1 jest również znacznie podwyższone. Obniżenie hiperglikemii za pomocą leku nasilającego wydzielanie insuliny, glipizydu GITS lub metforminy, stosowanych w monoterapii, w porównywalny sposób powoduje obniżenie stężenia PAI-1.INTRODUCTION. Epidemiological studies have implicated increased plasminogen-activated inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) as a marker or predictor of accelerated coronary atherosclerotic disease in type 2 diabetes. We sought to determine whether metabolic control, independent of its oral mode of implementation, affects PAI-1 in patients with marked hyperglycemia. MATERIAL AND METHODS. A total of 91 subjects were screened, subjected to a 4-week drug washout, and randomized to daily treatment with glipizide GITS (maximum 20 mg, n = 46) or metformin (maximum 2,550 mg, n = 45) as monotherapy. After monotherapy, combination therapy was initiated by adding the second agent to the regimen. Plasma glucose (fasting and postprandial), HbA1c, fructosamine, and PAI-1 were assayed before and after randomization and sequentially thereafter in all subjects; hepatic glucose output (HGO) and abdominal fat distribution were each measured in a subset of subjects. RESULTS. Glycemic control was markedly impaired at baseline (mean HbA1c 10.4 &#177; 0.2% glipizide GITS; 10.0 &#177; 0.2% metformin) but improved comparably with each agent as monotherapy and in combination (P < 0.0001 vs. baseline), as assessed with meal tolerance studies, fructosamine values, and HGO. Body weight and abdominal fat distribution did not change significantly in either group. PAI-1 concentrations were extraordinarily high (5- to 10-fold more than normal) at baseline (202 &#177; 12 ng/ml glipizide GITS; 201 &#177; 13 ng/ml metformin) but declined comparably, and significantly, after treatment with either agent as monotherapy and decreased further with combination therapy. CONCLUSIONS. When hyperglycemia is profound, increases in PAI-1 are also profound. Control of hyperglycemia with either glipizide GITS, an insulin secretagogue, or metformin as monotherapy comparably ameliorates elevated PAI-1

    To Study Serum Electrolyte Levels in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: An Institutional Based Study

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    Background: Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal condition that normally has an altered bowel habits in addition to abdominal discomfort without the presence of any detectable structural and biochemical alterations. Few studies have found that statistically significant betterment in abdominal pain is seen amongst the clinical trials with electrolyte supplements were provided. The present study was conducted with the aim to determine the serum electrolytes level amongst patients with irritable bowel syndrome.Materials and Methods: The present observational case-control study was performed in the Department including 108 subjects between the age group of 25–60 years of age amongst them 50% were cases and 50% were controls. Blood was made to clot and serum was separated at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes and estimated for the level of potassium,chloride and sodium using direct electrolyte analyser. All the data thus obtained was arranged in tabulated from and analysed using SPSS software. Student t test was used for statistical analysis and p value of less than 0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Amongst males, there were 21 cases and 30 controls. There were 33 females amongst cases and 24 controls. The sodium level amongst the cases was 138.21 ± 3.14 mEq/L and amongst the controls were 139.31 ± 3.77 mEq/L. There was no significant difference amongst the cases and controls.Conclusion: The present study showed no significant difference in the electrolyte levels amongst the cases and controls. Studies need to be conducted with larger sample size to study the significance of dyselectrolytemia

    Bone allografts: A review of safety and efficacy

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    Although bone allografts are being widely used in dentistry, many of clinicians appear to be unfamiliar with their preparation and processing as well as their use as safe and effective graft materials. The major concerns associated with these materials are antigenicity and risk of disease transmission from donor to recipient. To minimize this risk, the production of an allograft worthy of distribution and implantation requires strict attention to detail through a comprehensive process. With an increasing clinical requirement for bone grafting procedures, there is a commensurate increase in patients′ demands for assurance that bank bone will not be infected with pathogens. To ensure the patients, dental surgeons should be able to cite factual information and recommendations by responsible organizations regarding safety of allografts. Knowledge of human bone allograft procurement, processing, and tracking may allow dentists to better educate patients and address concerns about this valuable treatment option. The purpose of this review is to furnish and update the current knowledge on processing, safety, and efficacy of allograft materials

    Alkaline phosphatase as a periodontal disease marker

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    <b>Background:</b> The potential of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as an important diagnostic marker of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) has been the subject to investigation since 1970. ALP is stored in specific granules and secretory vesicles of the neutrophils and is mainly released during their migration to the site of infection. It is also present in bacteria within dental plaque, osteoblasts and fibroblasts. It has, thus, become important to elucidate whether GCF levels of ALP are potential measures of the inflammatory activity occurring in the adjacent periodontal tissues. <b>Objective:</b> The aim of this study was to assess the total activity of ALP in the GCF collected from healthy sites, sites with gingivitis and with chronic adult periodontitis. An attempt was also made to establish the correlation of ALP activity with plaque index, gingival index, bleeding index and probing depth. <b>Materials and Methods:</b> A total of 18 patients were divided into three groups: viz., healthy sites, Group I; gingivitis, Group II; chronic periodontitis, Group III. Clinical parameters like plaque index, bleeding index, gingival index and probing depth were recorded. The ALP level in GCF of all three groups was determined by spectrophotometric analysis. <b>Results:</b> Total enzyme activity of ALP was significantly higher in periodontitis as compared with that in healthy and gingivitis sites, and was significantly and positively correlated with probing depth. <b>Conclusion:</b> ALP can be considered as a periodontal disease marker as it can distinguish between healthy and inflamed sites. However, to better define its capacity for periodontal diagnosis, additional longitudinal studies are required

    Periodontal vaccine

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    Vaccine is the name applied generally to a substance of the nature of dead or attenuated living infectious material introduced into the body with the object of increasing its power to resist or get rid of a disease. Vaccines are generally prophylactic, i.e. they ameliorate the effects of future infection. One such vaccine considered here is the "Periodontal vaccine". Till date, no preventive modality exists for periodontal disease and treatment rendered is palliative. Thus, availability of periodontal vaccine would not only prevent and modulate periodontal disease, but also enhance the quality of life of people for whom periodontal treatment cannot be easily obtained. The aim of the research should be development of a multispecies vaccine targeting the four prime periodontal pathogens, viz. Porphyromonas gingivalis, T. forsythus, T. denticola and A. comitans. Success is still elusive in case of periodontal vaccine due to the complex etiopathogenesis of the disease