1,542 research outputs found

    Indole Acetic Acid production by fluorescent Pseudomonas isolated from the rhizospheric soils of Malus and Pyrus

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    Fluorescent Pseudomonas, a major component of rhizobacteria, promote  the plant growth  through their multifarious activities. In the present investigations, thirty   strains of fluorescent Pseudomonas were  isolated from the rhizosphere of apple and pear  plants of their  normal and  replant sites and found that the count of  Pseudomonas strains were  more  in normal site as compare to replant site. They were screened for auxins production (indole acetic acid or IAA) and it was found that the strains isolated from normal sites produced more auxins (7-30 µg/ml) as compared to the isolates of replant site (1-4µg/ml). Four strains viz PN-4-SAN, PN-10-SAN, AN-2-NAG and AN-4-NAG were selected on the basis of their higher auxin production. The maximum production of IAA was observed at 72 h incubation period at pH 7.0 under shaken condition at 28oC. The highest IAA was produced by strain AN-2-NAG (30 µg/ml) and PN-4-SAN (30 µg/ml) isolated from Malus (Apple) and Pyrus (Pear) rhizosphere soil, respectively. An attempt was made to extract, purify and evaluate IAA by thin layer chromatography and specific bioassay method. The IAA (Auxin) produced by both the isolates i.e. AN-2-NAG and PN-4-SAN showed Rf value of 0.81. The partially purified and extracted auxins were evaluated by bioassay. The auxins produced by isolates AN-2-NAG and PN-4-SAN showed highest increased in length of coleoptiles of avena. These isolates could be potential strains for bioinoculant production for apple and pear

    Hypoxic bradycardia: an enigma in coronavirus disease 2019

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 varies from asymptomatic to severe acute respiratory syndrome with multiple organ involvement, primarily involving the microvasculature and heart. Acute myocardial injury is the most frequently observed and reported cardiac complication with acute coronary events, acute left ventricular systolic dysfunction, and cardiac arrhythmias, but sinus bradycardia reported only in a few cases. The development of sinus bradycardia can be crucial warning sign of onset of severe cytokine storm. The primary determinant of severity of COVID-19 is aging and co-morbidities such as diabetes and hyperlipidemia with dysregulated immunological status. Patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease infected with COVID-19 have increased risk of severity and mortality. Literature available regarding the occurrence of bradycardia is limited, and electrophysiology studies in COVID-19 patients have shown sinus bradycardia, heart block, bundle branch block, and intraventricular conduction delay. The pathophysiological mechanism regarding the occurrence of bradycardia is not yet known entirely. Cardiac manifestations could be attributed to multiple clinical etiologies, including direct viral myocardial damage, inflammatory response, hypoxia, hypotension, downregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), drug toxicity, and endogenous toxicity of catecholamine adrenergic status, also severe hypoxic damage of lungs by COVID-19 can also act as a trigger. We report one such case of bradycardia due to COVID-19 detected through intensive monitoring and managed successfully in the ICU of tertiary care dedicated COVID-19 hospital. Bradycardia in COVID-19 is a rare clinical phenomenon, could be a worst prognostic marker. If detected early may help in prognostication and, if managed appropriately, will avert a life-threatening complication.

    Successful management of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by H1N1 viral pneumonia using early institution of extra corporeal membrane oxygenation therapy

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    Swine flu is H1N1 influenza A virus infection that has serious consequences in susceptible individuals leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Sometimes ARDS can be refractory to conventional management and ventilator strategies. In such patients Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) improves respiratory functions wherein the gas exchange is done via a membrane oxygenator and a pump. We report a case of 50 years old female presented in February 2016 with complaints of fever, headache, dry cough, rhinorrhea and difficulty in breathing for four days. Her throat swab showed positive report for H1N1 infection. She developed severe ARDS due to pneumonia caused by H1N1 influenza infection. Her paO2/FiO2 was less than 100. The patient did not respond to initial management with anti- influenza therapy and mechanical ventilation. Murray score was calculated to institute ECMO therapy. Murray score of our patient was 2.75. Since there was no co- morbid illness or irreversible lung disease, ECMO therapy was started. After 14 days of ECMO therapy, ARDS resolved and the patient was successfully weaned from the ventilator. Patient was monitored intensively for coagulopathies and other complications related to ECMO therapy. She developed hemothorax and critical illness neuropathy during ECMO therapy. ECMO is a salvage therapy that has the potential to save lives when conventional treatment fails in H1N1 associated ARDS. It not only ensures much needed lung protection to the inflamed lung but also provides better hemodynamic stability. Early institution of ECMO along with ultra-protective ventilation of lung and timed weaning is the key to successful management of severe ARDS due to swine flu. There are very few case reports of successful ECMO therapy in H1N1 associated ARDS available from Delhi.

    Single Molecule Methods for Monitoring Changes in Bilayer Elastic Properties

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    Membrane protein function is regulated by the cell membrane lipid composition. This regulation is due to a combination of specific lipid-protein interactions and more general lipid bilayer-protein interactions. These interactions are particularly important in pharmacological research, as many current pharmaceuticals on the market can alter the lipid bilayer material properties, which can lead to altered membrane protein function. The formation of gramicidin channels are dependent on conformational changes in gramicidin subunits which are in turn dependent on the properties of the lipid. Hence the gramicidin channel current is a reporter of altered properties of the bilayer due to certain compounds

    A randomized double-blind study to evaluate asurgeon-based technique to reduce post-operative pain in minimal gynecological surgery

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    Background: The study aims to evaluate whether instillation of levo-bupivacaine intraperitoneally decreases post-operative pain after laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries, using VAS pain Scale. Methods: Randomized placebo controlled double blinded study conducted at tertiary care hospital in New Delhi. 90 ASA I & II women scheduled to undergo elective laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries. 20 ml 0.5% levo-bupivacaine diluted with 40ml normal saline (total 60ml) intraperitoneally at the end of surgery before closure of ports along with port site infiltration of levo-bupivacaine (3-5 ml) in intervention group and 60 ml normal saline intraperitoneally in control group. Results: Mean pain scores were significantly lower (p<0.01) in the intervention group when compared to the control group for initial 4 hours of the study after that mean pain score was lower in intervention group than control group but it was statistically not significant. The requirement of rescue analgesia was also significantly lesser in intervention group compared to control group. Conclusions: Levo-bupivacaine is an easy, cheap and non-invasive method which provides good analgesia in the immediate postoperative period after laparoscopic gynaecological surgery, without adverse effects, especially in the early postoperative period. This improves patients experience and should be made an integral part of all minimal gynaecological endoscopic surgery


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    In the most general sense, validation refers to a process that consists of at least four distinct components or steps: software, instruments, methods or procedures, and system suitability The system, the software, and the method must all be validated, and system suitability is used to keep the process in check. But while the overall process is called validation, some of the steps also are referred to by that same term, as well as other steps such as qualification and verification. Analytical instruments are used for a specific analysis. So regular performance verifications are made to ensure that the instrument to be used is suitable for its intended application. All equipments used in the production of products shall be properly Validated and Calibrated to demonstrate that it is suitable for its intended purpose. The current equipment qualification programs and procedures used within the pharmaceutical industry are based on regulatory requirements, voluntary standards, vendor practices, and industry practices. The result is considerable variation in the way pharmaceutical companies approach the qualification of laboratory equipment and the way they interpret the often vague requirements. The process for instrument qualification follows the 4Qs model approach. It include design qualification (DQ), Installation qualification (IQ), Operational qualification (OQ), Performance qualification (PQ). The goal of any regulated laboratory is to provide reliable and valid data suitable for its intended purpose. Analysts use validated methods, system suitability tests, and in-process quality control checks to ensure that the data they acquire are reliable and that there are specific guidance and procedures available to ensure compliance. Keywords: Qualification, FDA, Instruments, Validation, Calibration, Documentatio


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    Osteoarthritis is a multifarious joint disease and is caused by inflammatory mediators, along with a procedure of wear and tear of cartilage. Osteoarthritis outcome in cartilage degradation, synovial inflammation, subchondral bone eburnation, degeneration of menisci, and capsular hypertrophy, which takes part in the pathogenesis of Osteoarthritis. Pain is the leading symptom of Osteoarthritis. However the precise mechanism causing pain is multifactorial and is still not well known. Viscosupplementation with intraarticular hylauronic acid promotes chondrocyte hyaluronic acid synthesis and prevents the additional cartilage degradation and may possible help to promote the cartilage regeneration. It is also postulated to diminish the production of inflammatory mediators and matrix metalloproteinase involved in Osteoarthritis. Viscosupplementation decline osteoarthritis symptoms in early to judicious Osteoarthritis, and improves functional outcome, if other conservative treatment modalities are ineffective. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the major constituent of a 1-­â€2μm layer on the surface of articular cartilage; it is also a major constituent of synovial fluid. HA has many properties including exerting an anti-inflammatory effect, it acts as a lubricant when movements in the joint are slow and as a shock absorber when movements are fast effect. Viscosupplementation relieves the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee, and this therapeutic effect may last several weeks. However, it is apparently not much greater than that of placebo and, according to some studies, it barely reaches clinical significance. Its pain-relieving effect seems comparable to that of other non-surgical options. The modest clinical benefit of viscosupplementation may never be great enough to outweigh its disadvantages, which include slow onset of action, the need for several weekly injections, the low but present risk of adverse reactions and the relatively high cost of this treatment. It helps in improving the function in early osteoarthritis knee joint and might delay the need for future knee surgery Keywords: Joint disorders, intraarticular hylauronic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, osteoarthritisÂ


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    Memory is the ability of an organism to store, retain, and subsequently recall information. Memory enhancers are the compounds which improve or enhance the memory. The compounds, enhance memory are called nootropics. Some physiological conditions such as stress, anxiety affect the memory. Memory loss may be age related and due to some disease condition like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease etc. There are several nootropics marketed such as torental, duxil but these products has side effects like vascular dementia related to lacunae or to multiple infarcts, or leucoaraiosis and drg related amnesia. So mostly people prefer herbal nootropics over synthetic nootropics because they have less side effects than others. Herbal nootrppics mainly act by different ways like by increasing and replenishing neurotransmitter at high concentration in brain, by anti-depression, adaptogenic and mood stabilization, by improved oxygen supply and brain energy, by improved concentration, stamina, and focus, by memory enhancement and learning improvement, by nerve growth stimulation and brain cell protection. Memory is the most imperative characteristic for effectual survival of human beings. It also differentiates humans from animals. Reminiscence is the ability of an personage to record the in sequence and recall it whenever needed. Traditionally herbal drugs have been used to augment cognitive functions. A figure of medicinal plants and medicines derived from these plants have shown memory enhancing properties by virtue of their medicinal constituents. There has been substantial pharmacological exploration into the memory enhancing activity of some compounds. Since allopathic system of medicine is yet to make available a radical cure, the usefulness of traditional medicines needs to be explored. This article reviews the memory enhancing properties of the most commonly employed herbal medicines and their identified active constituents. The herbs acting on the brain are called Nootropic herbs and their isolated constituents are referred to as smart drugs. These herbs enhance the memory as well as increase blood circulation in the brain


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    The rationale of the current research was to investigate the in vitro dissolution properties of poorly water soluble piroxicam by utilizing liquisolid technology. Dissimilar liquisoli compacts were formulated using a factorial design to estimate the required quantities of powder and liquid ingredients to fabricate adequately flowable and compressible admixture. About 16 different formulations were developed using factorial design with carriers Neusilin (Magnesium aluminometasilicate)  and Avicel PH 102, binder PVP K-30 and vehicle PEG-400 as independent variables and Aerosil 200 is used as coating material. The In-vitro drug release from the LSC has used a dependent variable. The empirical method by Spireas and Bolton was applied to calculate the amounts of carrier and coating materials and obtained the improved flow characteristics and hardness by changing the proportion of carrier and coating materials. Liquid solid compacts were fabricated and evaluated for their tabletting properties. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X- ray powder diffraction (XRPD) were performed. The FTIR spectra showed disappearance of the characteristic absorption band of piroxicam (3338.78 cm-1) in liquisolid formulations which might be attributed to the formation of hydrogen bonding between the drug and liquid vehicle; this resulted in drug dissolution enhancement. A 23 factorial design is used and developed liquid soild compacts using Neusilin LSCN1 to LSCN8 and Avicel PH 102 LSCA1 to LSCA8. The physicochemical characterization of all formulations exhibited well within the specification limits with respect to weight variation, hardness, friability and content uniformity.  The In-vitro drug release from these liquid soild compacts was evaluated in 0.1 N HCl and the optimized formulation LSCA8 was compared with pure drug (capsule) and physical mixture (tablet). The release studies suggested that the liquisolid tablets outcome in higher release profile than pure active pharmaceutical ingredient and physical mixture due to enhance in surface and wetting properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredient. Liquid solid compacts technique confirmed the enhanced dissolution rate of oxicam derivative, which in turn promotes in enhancing bioavailability. Keywords: Piroxicam, Factorial design, Solubility, Dissolution rate, Avicel PH 10
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