30,467 research outputs found

    Comment on "The Phenomenology of a Nonstandard Higgs Boson in W_L W_L Scattering"

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    We show that in Composite Higgs models, the coupling of the Higgs resonance to a pair of WW bosons is weaker than the corresponding Standard Model coupling, provided the Higgs arises from electroweak doublets only. This is partly due to the effects of the nonlinear realization of the chiral symmetries at the compositeness scale.Comment: 6 pages, BU-HEP 94-2

    Perturbative Study of the Supersymmetric Lattice Theory from Matrix Model

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    We study the lattice model for the supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in two dimensions proposed by Cohen, Kaplan, Katz, and Unsal. We re-examine the formal proof for the absence of susy breaking counter terms as well as the stability of the vacuum by an explicit perturbative calculation for the case of U(2) gauge group. Introducing fermion masses and treating the bosonic zero momentum mode nonperturbatively, we avoid the infra-red divergences in the perturbative calculation. As a result, we find that there appear mass counter terms for finite volume which vanish in the infinite volume limit so that the theory needs no fine-tuning. We also find that the supersymmetry plays an important role in stabilizing the lattice space-time by the deconstruction.Comment: 36 pages, 18 figures; typos corrected, some definitions added, appendix including feynman dyagram delete

    Timing the Nearby Isolated Neutron Star RX J1856.5-3754

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    RX J1856.5-3754 is the X-ray brightest among the nearby isolated neutron stars. Its X-ray spectrum is thermal, and is reproduced remarkably well by a black-body, but its interpretation has remained puzzling. One reason is that the source did not exhibit pulsations, and hence a magnetic field strength--vital input to atmosphere models--could not be estimated. Recently, however, very weak pulsations were discovered. Here, we analyze these in detail, using all available data from the XMM-Newton and Chandra X-ray observatories. From frequency measurements, we set a 2-sigma upper limit to the frequency derivative of \dot\nu<1.3e-14 Hz/s. Trying possible phase-connected timing solutions, we find that one solution is far more likely than the others, and we infer a most probable value of \dot\nu=(-5.98+/-0.14)e-16 Hz/s. The inferred magnetic field strength is 1.5e13 G, comparable to what was found for similar neutron stars. From models, the field seems too strong to be consistent with the absence of spectral features for non-condensed atmospheres. It is sufficiently strong, however, that the surface could be condensed, but only if it is consists of heavy elements like iron. Our measurements imply a characteristic age of about 4 Myr. This is longer than the cooling and kinematic ages, as was found for similar objects, but at almost a factor ten, the discrepancy is more extreme. A puzzle raised by our measurement is that the implied rotational energy loss rate of about 3e30 erg/s is orders of magnitude smaller than what was inferred from the H-alpha nebula surrounding the source.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal (Letters

    The Long and Short of Nuclear Effective Field Theory Expansions

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    Nonperturbative effective field theory calculations for NN scattering seem to break down at rather low momenta. By examining several toy models, we clarify how effective field theory expansions can in general be used to properly separate long- and short-range effects. We find that one-pion exchange has a large effect on the scattering phase shift near poles in the amplitude, but otherwise can be treated perturbatively. Analysis of a toy model that reproduces 1S0 NN scattering data rather well suggests that failures of effective field theories for momenta above the pion mass can be due to short-range physics rather than the treatment of pion exchange. We discuss the implications this has for extending the applicability of effective field theories.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, references corrected, minor modification

    The Attractor and the Quantum States

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    The dissipative dynamics anticipated in the proof of 't Hooft's existence theorem -- "For any quantum system there exists at least one deterministic model that reproduces all its dynamics after prequantization" -- is constructed here explicitly. We propose a generalization of Liouville's classical phase space equation, incorporating dissipation and diffusion, and demonstrate that it describes the emergence of quantum states and their dynamics in the Schroedinger picture. Asymptotically, there is a stable ground state and two decoupled sets of degrees of freedom, which transform into each other under the energy-parity symmetry of Kaplan and Sundrum. They recover the familiar Hilbert space and its dual. Expectations of observables are shown to agree with the Born rule, which is not imposed a priori. This attractor mechanism is applicable in the presence of interactions, to few-body or field theories in particular.Comment: 14 pages; based on invited talk at 4th Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero "Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons", Torino, May 2008; submitted to Int J Qu Inf

    The dynamics of laser droplet generation

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    We propose an experimental setup allowing for the characterization of laser droplet generation in terms of the underlying dynamics, primarily showing that the latter is deterministically chaotic by means of nonlinear time series analysis methods. In particular, we use a laser pulse to melt the end of a properly fed vertically placed metal wire. Due to the interplay of surface tension, gravity force and light-metal interaction, undulating pendant droplets are formed at the molten end, which eventually completely detach from the wire as a consequence of their increasing mass. We capture the dynamics of this process by employing a high-speed infrared camera, thereby indirectly measuring the temperature of the wire end and the pendant droplets. The time series is subsequently generated as the mean value over the pixel intensity of every infrared snapshot. Finally, we employ methods of nonlinear time series analysis to reconstruct the phase space from the observed variable and test it against determinism and stationarity. After establishing that the observed laser droplet generation is a deterministic and dynamically stationary process, we calculate the spectra of Lyapunov exponents. We obtain a positive largest Lyapunov exponent and a negative divergence, i.e., sum of all the exponents, thus indicating that the observed dynamics is deterministically chaotic with an attractor as solution in the phase space. In addition to characterizing the dynamics of laser droplet generation, we outline industrial applications of the process and point out the significance of our findings for future attempts at mathematical modeling.Comment: 7 two-column pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in Chaos [supplementary material available at http://www.matjazperc.com/chaos/laser.html

    A Coherent Timing Solution for the Nearby Isolated Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125

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    We present the results of a dedicated effort to measure the spin-down rate of the nearby isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125. Comparing arrival times of the 8.39-sec pulsations for data from Chandra we derive an unambiguous timing solution for RX J0720.4-3125 that is accurate to 5 years. Adding data from XMM and ROSAT, the final solution yields Pdot=(6.98+/-0.02)x10^(-14) s/s; for dipole spin-down, this implies a characteristic age of 2 Myr and a magnetic field strength of 2.4e13 G. The phase residuals are somewhat larger than those for purely regular spin-down, but do not show conclusive evidence for higher-order terms or a glitch. From our timing solution as well as recent X-ray spectroscopy, we concur with recent suggestions that RX J0720.4-3125 is most likely an off-beam radio pulsar with a moderately high magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in ApJ
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