3 research outputs found

    Badania asocjacyjne gen贸w interleukin i ich receptor贸w w schizofrenii

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    Schizofrenia nale偶y do z艂o偶onych chor贸b psychicznych charakteryzuj膮cych si臋 wysokim stopniem odziedziczalno艣ci. W prowadzonych badaniach genetycznych metod膮 asocjacyjn膮 wyb贸r gen贸w kandyduj膮cych w schizofrenii oparty jest o istniej膮ce koncepcje etiologiczne choroby. Jedn膮 z podstawowych jest neuroimmunologiczna koncepcja schizofrenii, oparta na obserwowanej w chorobie dysregulacji uk艂adu odporno艣ciowego. Interleukiny (oraz ich receptory) nale偶膮 do bia艂ek sygna艂owych odgrywaj膮cych istotn膮 rol臋 w procesie regulacji odpowiedzi immunologicznej. Celem pracy by艂o przedstawienie przegl膮du pi艣miennictwa dotycz膮cego zwi膮zku pomi臋dzy polimorfizmami gen贸w koduj膮cych interleukiny oraz ich receptory a ryzykiem zachorowania na schizofreni臋

    Association between polymorphisms of 1287 A/G noradrenaline transporter gene and drug response for escitalopram and nortriptyline in depressed patients

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    Wst臋p. Celem pracy by艂a analiza mo偶liwej asocjacji genu kandyduj膮cego zwi膮zanego z uk艂adem noradrenergicznym - transportera noradrenaliny (NET) - z efektywno艣ci膮 leczenia przeciwdepresyjnego. Materia艂 i metody. W badaniu uczestniczy艂o 90 niespokrewnionych pacjent贸w (21 m臋偶czyzn i 69 kobiet), ze 艣redni膮 wieku 38 lat, z rozpoznaniem epizodu depresji niepsychotycznej, co najmniej umiarkowanego stopnia, kt贸rzy spe艂niali kryteria diagnostyczne DSM-IV i ICD-10. Pacjent贸w podzielono losowo na dwie grupy: 1) osoby leczone lekiem serotoninergicznym - escitalopramem (n = 51) w terapeutycznych dawkach 10-20 mg/d.; 2) osoby leczone lekiem noradrenergicznym - nortryptylin膮 (n = 39) w dawkach 75-100 mg/d. Skuteczno艣ci膮 leczenia okre艣lano redukcj臋 o ≥ 50% punkt贸w w skali Hamiltona w 8. tygodniu leczenia w por贸wnaniu z tygodniem 0. Oznaczenia genotypowe badanych polimorfizm贸w przeprowadzono na podstawie metody PCR-RFLP. Analizy statystyczne wykonano za pomoc膮 programu Statistica versja 7.1. Wyniki. W niniejszej pracy nie wykazano asocjacji genotypowych i allelowych polimorfizmu 1287 A/G genu NET a efektem terapii, zar贸wno w grupie os贸b leczonych escitalopramem (genotypy: p = 0,767; allele: p = 0,651), jak i w grupie os贸b leczonych nortryptylin膮 (genotypy: p = 0,471; allele: p = 0,484). Wnioski. U os贸b choruj膮cych na depresj臋 nie wykazano zwi膮zku badanego polimorfizmu genu NET z dobr膮 odpowiedzi膮 zar贸wno na escitalopram, jak i nortryptylin臋.Introduction. The aim of this study was to analyze the possible association of the candidate gene of noradrenergic system - noradrenaline transporter with efficacy of antidepressant treatment. Material and methods. In the study we analyzed 90 patients with major depression (21 males and 69 females) with a mean age of 38 years, suffering from depressive disorder of at least moderate severity, meeting the research criteria of ICD-10 and DSM-IV for major depression. Patients were randomized into two groups: 1) patients received the serotoninergic drug - escitalopram (n = 51) with specified dose range 10-20 mg/day. 2) Patients treated by noradrenergic drug - nortriptyline (n = 49) with dose range 75-150 mg/day. The response to the drug was defined by a reduction ≥ 50% of total score of Hamilton scale in the 8 week of treatment in comparison to the week 0. Genotypes for 1287A/G NET gene polymorphisms were established by PCR-RFLP method. Statistical analysis was performed with Statistica version 7.1. Results. We have not found an association of 1287A/G polymorphism of NET gene with treatment response neither to escitalopram (p = 0.767 for genotypes, p = 0.651 for alleles) nor to nortriptyline (p = 0.471 for genotypes, p = 0.484 for alleles) when comparing the group of patients with response to the group of patients without response to the drugs. Conclusions. The polymorphisms of NET gene analyzed in this study are not likely to be associated with treatment response to antidepressants, neither escitalopram nor nortriptyline in our group of patients with depression

    Differences in the Clinical Picture in Women with a Depressive Episode in the Course of Unipolar and Bipolar Disorder

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    Due to current depression prevalence, it is crucial to make the correct diagnosis as soon as possible. The study aimed to identify commonly available, easy to apply, and quick to interpret tools allowing for a differential diagnosis between unipolar and bipolar disorder. The study group includes women with long duration of unipolar (UP, N = 34) and bipolar (BP, N = 43) affective disorder. The diagnosis was established according to the DSM criteria using SCID questionnaire. Additional questionnaires were used to differentiate between UP and BP. BP patients had an earlier age of onset, were hospitalized more times, and more often had a family history of psychiatric disorders than UP (p-value < 0.05). Moreover, BP achieved a higher impulsiveness score and more frequently had experienced severe problems with close individuals. To our knowledge, this is the first publication presenting results of numerous questionnaires applied simultaneously in patients on clinical group. Several of them suggest the direction of clinical assessment, such as: the age of onset, family psychiatric burdens, history of stressful life events, learning problems, social and job relations. Further studies are necessary to confirm the utility of this approach