105 research outputs found

    Extreme sub-wavelength atom localization via coherent population trapping

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    We demonstrate an atom localization scheme based on monitoring of the atomic coherences. We consider atomic transitions in a Lambda configuration where the control field is a standing wave field. The probe field and the control field produce coherence between the two ground states. We show that this coherence has the same fringe pattern as produced by a Fabry-Perot interferometer and thus measurement of the atomic coherence would localize the atom. Interestingly enough the role of the cavity finesse is played by the ratio of the intensities of the pump and probe. This is in fact the reason for obtaining extreme subwavelenth localization. We suggest several methods to monitor the produced localization.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Cavity-mediated long-range interaction for fast multiqubit quantum logic operations

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    Interactions among qubits are essential for performing two-qubit quantum logic operations. However, nature gives us only nearest neighbor interactions in simple and controllable settings. Here we propose a strategy to induce interactions among two atomic entities that are not necessarily neighbors of each other through their common coupling with a cavity field. This facilitates fast multiqubit quantum logic operations through a set of two-qubit operations. The ideas presented here are applicable to various quantum computing proposals for atom based qubits such as, trapped ions, atoms trapped in optical cavities and optical lattices.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Phase control of electromagnetically induced transparency and its applications to tunable group velocity and atom localization

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    We show that, by simple modifications of the usual three-level Λ\Lambda-type scheme used for obtaining electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), phase dependence in the response of the atomic medium to a weak probe field can be introduced. This gives rise to phase dependent susceptibility. By properly controlling phase and amplitudes of the drive fields we obtain variety of interesting effects. On one hand we obtain phase control of the group velocity of a probe field passing through medium to the extent that continuous tuning of the group velocity from subluminal to superluminal and back is possible. While on the other hand, by choosing one of the drive fields to be a standing wave field inside a cavity, we obtain sub-wavelength localization of moving atoms passing through the cavity field.Comment: To Appear in SPIE Proceedings Volume 573

    Performance of dynamical decoupling in bosonic environments and under pulse-timing fluctuations

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    We study the suppression of qubit dephasing through Uhrig dynamical decoupling (UDD) in nontrivial environments modeled within the spin-boson formalism. In particular, we address the case of (i) a qubit coupled to a bosonic bath with power-law spectral density, and (ii) a qubit coupled to a single harmonic oscillator that dissipates energy into a bosonic bath, which embodies an example of a structured bath for the qubit. We then model the influence of random time jitter in the UDD protocol by sorting pulse-application times from Gaussian distributions centered at appropriate values dictated by the optimal protocol. In case (i) we find that, when few pulses are applied and a sharp cutoff is considered, longer coherence times and robust UDD performances (against random timing errors) are achieved for a super-Ohmic bath. On the other hand, when an exponential cutoff is considered a super-Ohmic bath is undesirable. In case (ii) the best scenario is obtained for an overdamped harmonic motion. Our study provides relevant information for the implementation of optimized schemes for the protection of quantum states from decoherence.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Generation of Large Number-Path Entanglement Using Linear Optics and Feed-Forward

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    We show how an idealised measurement procedure can condense photons from two modes into one, and how, by feeding forward the results of the measurement, it is possible to generate efficiently superpositions of components for which only one mode is populated, commonly called ``N00N states''. For the basic procedure, sources of number states leak onto a beam splitter, and the output ports are monitored by photodetectors. We find that detecting a fixed fraction of the input at one output port suffices to direct the remainder to the same port with high probability, however large the initial state. When instead photons are detected at both ports, Schr\"{o}dinger cat states are produced. We describe a circuit for making the components of such a state orthogonal, and another for subsequent conversion to a N00N state. Our approach scales exponentially better than existing proposals. Important applications include quantum imaging and metrology

    A Bootstrapping Approach for Generating Maximally Path-Entangled Photon States

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    We propose a bootstrapping approach to generation of maximally path-entangled states of photons, so called ``NOON states''. Strong atom-light interaction of cavity QED can be employed to generate NOON states with about 100 photons; which can then be used to boost the existing experimental Kerr nonlinearities based on quantum coherence effects to facilitate NOON generation with arbitrarily large number of photons all within the current experimental state of the art technology. We also offer an alternative scheme that uses an atom-cavity dispersive interaction to obtain sufficiently high Kerr-nonlinearity necessary for arbitrary NOON generation