53 research outputs found

    Categories of comodules and chain complexes of modules

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    Let \lL(A) denote the coendomorphism left RR-bialgebroid associated to a left finitely generated and projective extension of rings R→AR \to A with identities. We show that the category of left comodules over an epimorphic image of \lL(A) is equivalent to the category of chain complexes of left RR-modules. This equivalence is monoidal whenever RR is commutative and AA is an RR-algebra. This is a generalization, using entirely new tools, of results by B. Pareigis and D. Tambara for chain complexes of vector spaces over fields. Our approach relies heavily on the non commutative theory of Tannaka reconstruction, and the generalized faithfully flat descent for small additive categories, or rings with enough orthogonal idempotents.Comment: The title has been changed, the first part is removed and the construction of the coendomorphim bialgebroid is now freely used in the statement of the main Theorem
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