297 research outputs found

    Analysis of prostate cancer localization toward improved diagnostic accuracy of transperineal prostate biopsy

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    PurposeDelineating the precise localization of prostate cancer is important in improving the diagnostic accuracy of prostate biopsy.MethodsIn Juntendo University Nerima Hospital, initial 12-core or repeat 16-core biopsies were performed using a transrectal ultrasound guided transperineal prostate biopsy method. We step-sectioned prostates from radical prostatectomy specimens at 5-mm intervals from the urethra to the urinary bladder and designated five regions: the (1) Apex, (2) Apex-Mid, (3) Mid, (4) Mid-Base, and (5) Base. We then mapped prostate cancer localization on eight zones around the urethra for each of those regions.ResultsProstate cancer was detected in 93 cases of 121 cases (76.9%) in the Apex, in 115 cases (95.0%) in the Apex-Mid, in 101 cases (83.5%) in the Mid, in 71 cases (58.7%) in the Mid-Base, and in 23 cases (19.0%) in the Base. In 99.2% of all cases, prostate cancers were detected from the Apex to Mid regions. For this reason, transperineal prostate biopsies have routinely been prioritized in the Apex, Apex-Mid, and Mid regions, while the Base region of the prostate was considered to be of lesser importance. Our analyses of prostate cancer localization revealed a higher rate of cancer in the posterior portion of the Apex, antero-medial and postero-medial portion of the Apex-Mid and antero-medial and postero-lateral portion of the Mid. The transperineal prostate biopsies in our institute performed had a sensitivity of 70.9%, a specificity of 96.6%, a positive predictive value (PPV) of 92.2% and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 85.5%.ConclusionsThe concordance of prostate cancer between prostatectomy specimens and biopsies is comparatively favorable. According to our study, the diagnostic accuracy of transperineal prostate biopsy can be improved in our institute by including the anterior portion of the Apex-Mid and Mid regions in the 12-core biopsy or 16-core biopsy, such that a 4-core biopsy of the anterior portion is included

    Nutritional Guidance in Sakado Folate Project

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    Background: Serum folate levels are lower in TT homozygotes of the single-nucleotide polymorphism (rs1801133) of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) than in CC homozygotes and CT heterozygotes

    Combination of genetic analysis and ancient literature survey reveals the divergence of traditional Brassica rapa varieties from Kyoto, Japan

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    京の伝統野菜ミブナの育種の歴史を解明. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-06-02.Since ancient times, humans have bred several plants that we rely on today. However, little is known about the divergence of most of these plants. In the present study, we investigated the divergence of Mibuna (Brassica rapa L. subsp. nipposinica L. H. Bailey), a traditional leafy vegetable in Kyoto (Japan), by combining genetic analysis and a survey of ancient literature. Mibuna is considered to have been bred 200 years ago from Mizuna, another traditional leafy vegetable in Kyoto. Mibuna has simple spatulate leaves, whereas Mizuna has characteristic serrated leaves. The quantitative trait loci (QTL) and gene expression analyses suggested that the downregulation of BrTCP15 expression contributed to the change in the leaf shape from serrated to simple spatulate. Interestingly, the SNP analysis indicated that the genomic region containing the BrTCP15 locus was transferred to Mibuna by introgression. Furthermore, we conducted a survey of ancient literature to reveal the divergence of Mibuna and found that hybridization between Mizuna and a simple-leaved turnip might have occurred in the past. Indeed, the genomic analysis of multiple turnip cultivars showed that one of the cultivars, Murasakihime, has almost the same sequence in the BrTCP15 region as Mibuna. These results suggest that the hybridization between Mizuna and turnip has resulted in the establishment of Mibuna

    The extracellular-matrix-retaining cyanobacterium Nostoc verrucosum accumulates trehalose, but is sensitive to desiccation

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    金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系Orexin-A and orexin-B are hypothalamic neuropeptides that play critical roles in the maintenance of wakefulness. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of orexin-A has been shown to promote wakefulness and suppress both rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep through the orexin receptor-1 (OX1R) and orexin receptor-2 (OX2R). Here, we elucidated the differential roles of orexin receptors in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness by comparing the effects of ICV orexin-A administration in wild-type, OX1R, and OX2R mice. The effects of orexin-A on wakefulness and NREM sleep were significantly attenuated in both knock-out mice as compared with wild-type mice, with substantially larger attenuation in OX2R mice than in OX1R mice. These results suggest that although the OX2R-mediated pathway has a pivotal role in the promotion of wakefulness, OX1R also plays additional roles in promoting arousal. In contrast, suppression of REM sleep by orexin-A administration was slightly and similarly attenuated in both OX1R and OX2R mice, suggesting a comparable contribution of the two receptors to REM sleep suppression. Histological studies demonstrated differential distributions of each receptor subtype in distinct neuronal populations with specific neurotransmitter identities in brainstem cholinergic/monoaminergic neurons. In the laterodorsal tegmental and pedunculopontine tegmental nuclei especially, cholinergic neurons exclusively expressed OX1R mRNA, but OX2R mRNA was expressed mainly in GABAergic putative interneurons. Thus, each orexin receptor subtype plays differential roles in gating NREM and REM sleep through distinct neuronal pathways. © 2011 by the authors.発行後1年より全文公開

    Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Analogues of AKT (Protein Kinase B) Inhibitor-IV

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    Inhibitors of the PI3-kinase/AKT (protein kinase B) pathway are under investigation as anticancer and antiviral agents. The benzimidazole derivative AKT inhibitor-IV (ChemBridge 5233705) affects this pathway and exhibits potent anticancer and antiviral activity. To probe its biological activity, we synthesized AKT inhibitor-IV and 21 analogues using a novel six-step route based on ZrCl4-catalyzed cyclization of 1,2-arylenediamines with α,β-unsaturated aldehydes. We examined effects on viability of HeLa carcinoma cells, viability of normal human cells (NHBE), replication of recombinant parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) in HeLa cells, and replication of the intracellular bacterium Mycobacterium fortuitum in HeLa cells. Replacement of the benzimidazole N-ethyl substitutent of AKT inhibitor-IV with N-hexyl and N-dodecyl groups enhanced antiviral activity and cytotoxicity against the cancer cell line, but these compounds showed substantially lower toxicity (from 6-fold to >20-fold) against NHBE cells, and no effect on M. fortuitum, suggesting inhibition of one or more host protein(s) required for proliferation of cancer cells and PIV5. The key structural elements identified here may facilitate identification of targets of this highly biologically active scaffold

    Profile of Blood Glucose in Diabetic Patient Suffered from Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis with Effective Low Carbohydrate Diet

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    The case was 52-year-old female with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) for 10-years. She complained of the decreased sensation of right lower foot, and revealed diabetic foot infection (DFI) and/or diabetic foot osteomyelitis (DFO) at right 1st proximal phalanx. Various data included body mass index (BMI) 33.3 kg/m2, HbA1c 11.4%, blood glucose 430 mg/dL, WBC 12100 /μL, C-reactive Protein (CRP) 13.5 mg/dL. On admission (day 1), she was started by 4 times of injection (Aspart and Glargin) with glucose profile 200-500 mg/dL. Surgical amputation of the right toe was performed between 1st metatarsal and proximal phalanx (day 17). Then, blood glucose profile decreased moderately. After discharge of the hospital, super-Low Carbohydrate Diet (LCD) was started without Aspart (day 37). Consequently, glucose profile was normalized with HbA1c 6.3% on (day 77). Consequently, LCD was evaluated to be effective for glucose variability in this case and some related discussion was described

    A respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine based on parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5)

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    AbstractHuman respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a leading cause of severe respiratory disease and hospitalizations in infants and young children. It also causes significant morbidity and mortality in elderly and immune compromised individuals. No licensed vaccine currently exists. Parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) is a paramyxovirus that causes no known human illness and has been used as a platform for vector-based vaccine development. To evaluate the efficacy of PIV5 as a RSV vaccine vector, we generated two recombinant PIV5 viruses – one expressing the fusion (F) protein and the other expressing the attachment glycoprotein (G) of RSV strain A2 (RSV A2). The vaccine strains were used separately for single-dose vaccinations in BALB/c mice. The results showed that both vaccines induced RSV antigen-specific antibody responses, with IgG2a/IgG1 ratios similar to those seen in wild-type RSV A2 infection. After challenging the vaccinated mice with RSV A2, histopathology of lung sections showed that the vaccines did not exacerbate lung lesions relative to RSV A2-immunized mice. Importantly, both F and G vaccines induced protective immunity. Therefore, PIV5 presents an attractive platform for vector-based vaccines against RSV infection

    Fibrinogen regulates the cytotoxicity of mycobacterial trehalose dimycolate, but is not required for cell recruitment, cytokine response, or control of mycobacterial infection

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    During inflammatory responses and wound healing, the conversion of soluble fibrinogen to fibrin, an insoluble extracellular matrix, long has been assumed to create a scaffold for the migration of leukocytes and fibroblasts. Previous studies concluded that fibrinogen is a necessary cofactor for mycobacterial trehalose 6,6-dimycolate-induced responses, because trehalose dimycolate-coated beads, to which fibrinogen was ad-sorbed, were more inflammatory than those to which other plasma proteins were adsorbed. Herein, we investigate roles for fibrin(ogen) in an in vivo model of mycobacterial granuloma formation and in infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. In wild-type mice, the subcutaneous injection of trehalose dimycolate-coated polystyrene microspheres, suspended within Matrigel, elicited a pyogranulomatous response during the course of 12 days. In fibrinogen-deficient mice, neutrophils were recruited but a more suppurative lesion developed, with the marked degradation and disintegration of the matrix. Compared to that in wild-type mice, the early formation of granulation tissue in fibrinogen-deficient mice was edematous, hypocellular, and disorganized. These deficiencies were complemented by the addition of exogenous fibrinogen. The absence of fibrinogen had no effect on cell recruitment or cytokine production i