19 research outputs found

    Enterobiasis among Pre-School Children in Gaza Strip, Palestine.

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    Background: Enterobius is one of the common nematode causing health problem in developing countries. The aim of the present study was to estimates the prevalence of Enterobius vermicularis in Gaza Strip. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study which included 149 pre-school children who are residing in four Governorates in Gaza Strip; north Gaza, Gaza, mid zone and Khanyounis in Gaza Strip. Scotch tape preparation (STP) was used for the detection of E. vermicularis eggs. Results: Children with employee father had high prevalence of E. vermicularis with a percentage of (47.3%) while those with un-employee father had a percentage of (45.7%) but there was no significant difference. The same results were found with working mother. Families with low family income had children with low rate of E. vermicularis (40.5%) but families with high family income had children with high rate of E. vermicularis (52.8%). Children who are drinking water from filters had high rate of E. vermicularis than others who are drinking from other sources (65%) with a significant difference (p= 0.003). Conclusion: The study concluded that enterobiasis constituted a high prevalence among pre-school children in Gaza strip (46.3%). These results may shed the light on an infectious disease in Gaza Strip and help health authorities to take serious measures for prevention and control, and educate peoples towards the biology of Enterobius

    Filistin Gazze’de Al-Azhar Üniversitesi öğrencilerinin HIV/AIDS’e yönelik bilgi ve tutumlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: The study assessed the knowledge and attitudes of students’ at a university in Gaza regarding HIV/AIDS and identified differences in knowledge about HIV, and attitudes by gender, locality, and social and economic status. Methods: This descriptive study targeted 492 students of Al-Azhar University-Gaza. The participants completed self-administered questionnaires that included the following dimensions: socio-demographic, measurements of student's knowledge level and measurement of student's attitudes towards HIV/AIDS. Results: Findings showed moderate level of knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS although there was a very low of perception regarding the acceptance and sharing of HIV/AIDS persons. It means that only one third of the study respondents are willingness to be in close touch with people living with HIV or even communication with them, and less than fifty percent thought that it is their right to be engaged in a public or governmental job, stigma and discriminatory attitudes toward HIV/AIDS persons is high only 48% of the students thought it right to employ people living with HIV (PLHIV) and 35.5% refused to work in the same place with PLHIV. Conclusion: This study indicates the need for improving the level of knowledge as well as promoting the students' towards positive attitude

    Weight Reduction Perception and Practice among Female Students in Al-Azhar University-Gaza, Palestine

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    Objectives: The present study aimed to determine the frequency of weight reduction perception. Methods: A sample of 467 female students from Al-Azhar University in the Gaza Strip was selected on a convenience basis. Information obtained from the participants included: age, marital status, place of residence, employment status, health status, methods of weight reduction, sources of information about weight control, and current physical activities. Results: The present study found that 38.8% of female students had practiced weight reduction. The most prevailing attitudes for reducing weight described by the students was sports with 83.3%, followed by exclusion of some principal meals or principal nutrients (57.8%). It was found that 38.5% of the students did not practice any physical exercise. An inverse association was also present between the satisfaction about body weight and the practice of weight reduction

    Mother knowledge, attitudes, perception regarding intestinal parasites and diarrhoea in three regions of Gaza strip, Palestine

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    The knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) among mothers towards intestinal parasites and diarhoea in three regions in Gaza strip were studied. A total of 659 mothers of children attended a primary health care centre (PHCC) for medical services were selected. Data were obtained through self administered questionnaire which distributed to each mother attending the PHCC. The questionnaire included some sociodemographic, economical information and implemented in year 2006. In the present study age group ranged between 15 and more than 35 years. It was found that children belonging to mothers in the age groups 15-25 years and > 35 years old were found infected with intestinal parasites and diarrhea and had similar prevalences (37.3 & 37.1%). Mother education had a positive effect for the decreasing of parasitosis among children. The variation in the prevalence of intestinal parasites due to region was noted where the south of Gaza Strip had the high prevalence (40.6%) with a significant difference (p = 0.004). Children living in houses with sandy yards was infected with intestinal parasites more those living in houses with tiles (p = .02)

    Mother knowledge, attitudes, perception regarding intestinal parasites and diarrhoea in three regions of Gaza strip, Palestine.

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    The knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP) among mothers towards intestinal parasites and diarhoea in three regions in Gaza strip were studied. A total of 659 mothers of children attended a primary health care centre (PHCC) for medical services were selected. Data were obtained through self administered questionnaire which distributed to each mother attending the PHCC. The questionnaire included some sociodemographic, economical information and implemented in year 2006. In the present study age group ranged between 15 and more than 35 years. It was found that children belonging to mothers in the age groups 15-25 years and> 35 years old were found infected with intestinal parasites and diarrhea and had similar prevalences (37.3 & 37.1%). Mother education had a positive effect for the decreasing of parasitosis among children. The variation in the prevalence of intestinal parasites due to region was noted where the south of Gaza Strip had the high prevalence (40.6%) with a significant difference (p= 0.004). Children living in houses with sandy yards was infected with intestinal parasites more those living in houses with tiles (p=. 02)

    Mother knowledge, attitudes, perception regarding intestinal parasites and diarrhoea in three regions of Gaza strip, Palestine

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    The knowledge, attitudes and practice ( KAP among mothers towards intestinal parasites and diarhoea in three regions in Gaza strip were studied. A total of 659 mothers of children attended a primary health care centre ( PHCC for medical services were selected. Data were obtained through self administered questionnaire which distributed to each mother attending the PHCC. The questionnaire included some sociodemographic, economical information and implemented in year 2006. In the present study age group ranged between 15 and more than 35 years. It was found that children belonging to mothers in the age groups 15-25 years and > 35 years old were found infected with intestinal parasites and diarrhea and had similar prevalences ( 37.3 & 37.1% . Mother education had a positive effect for the decreasing of parasitosis among children. The variation in the prevalence of intestinal parasites due to region was noted where the south of Gaza Strip had the high prevalence ( 40.6% with a significant difference ( p = 0.004 . Children living in houses with sandy yards was infected with intestinal parasites more those living in houses with tiles ( p = .02

    Evaluation of the relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and health education among school children in Gaza city, beit-lahia village and jabalia refugee camp, Gaza strip, Palestine

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    This study aimed to test the impact of health education programmer's intervention on the prevalence of intestinal parasites among school children in Gaza city, Beit labia villages and Jabalia refugee camp "Gaza Strip" over 6 month. In this study 432 stool samples were collected from school children aged 6- 11 years old, each stool sample was examined using wet mount and formalether sedimentation technique. Of these 432 stool sample 125 were found to be positive with a prevalence of (28.9%). The infected children were treated with suitable anti- parasitic drug under the supervision of school of health in the ministry of health. Then the treated children were divided into two groups the first group remained on the treatment only but the second group received treatment and health education. After 6-month a second stool sample was collected from each child in the two groups then analyzed. The final result indicated that prevalence of intestinal parasites had declined from 21.5% to 5.1%. Ration was 3.4% in first group which received treatment only and 1.62% in second group which received treatment and health education. The rule of health education in decreasing prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was statistically significancant (P= 0.001). The relationship between intestinal parasites and sex, residence, age, school, job, of father and other relations were investigated and studied.تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى اختبار تأثير برامج التدخل بواسطة التثقيف الصحي على انتشار الطفيليات المعوية بين أطفال المدارس في كل من مدينة غزة، قرية بيت لاهيا ومخيم جباليا للاجئين الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة. تم في هذه الدراسة فحص 432 عينة برازية والتي جمعت من أطفال المدارس والذين تتراوح أعمارهم من 6-11 سنة. تم فحص كل عينة براز بواسطة المسحة المباشرة وطريقة الترسيب باستعمال الفورمالين والايثر. دلت نتائج الدراسة أن 28.9% من الأطفال كانوا مصابين بمختلف أنواع الطفيليات المعوية، في نفس الوقت تم علاج جميع الأطفال المصابين بالأدوية المناسبة تحت إشراف طبي. تم تقسيم الأطفال المعالجين إلى مجموعتين الأولى بقيت على العلاج فقط والمجموعة الثانية تلقت العلاج والتثقيف الصحي معا. بعد ستة أشهر تم جمع عينة براز أخرى من المجموعتين وتم فحصها كما سبق. أظهرت النتائج أن هناك انخفاضا في معدل انتشار الطفيليات المعوية من % 21.5 إلى % 5.1 . أوصت الدراسة بعمل حملات تثقيف صحي وعلاج جماعي لطلبة المدارس الابتدائية للتخفيف من وطئ الإصابة بالطفيليات المعوية

    Nutritional status compared with nutritional history of preschool aged children in Gaza Strip: Cross sectional study

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    Breast Feeding (BF) is critical for sustaining new born and infant health. Complementary Feeding (CF) is the introduction of foods other than breast milk or infant formula into the infants diets where their primary role is to increase dietary diversity, not to reduce breast milk intake. Weaning is the term used to describe the process of cessation of BF after a time period of its successful feeding. The study aims to compare anthropometric nutritional indicators of Preschool Children (PSC) aged 5-6 years in Gaza Strip (GS) with their nutritional history during in fanthood that included: Exclusive Breast feeding (EBF), CF and Weaning Practices (WP). The study design was a cross sectional. The study sample consisted of 571 cases aged 5-6 years old. Data were collected through face to face interviews with the children's mothers. The questionnaire contained issues about anthropometric measures, history of feeding and

    Evaluation of the relationship between intestinal parasitic infection and health education among school children in Gaza city, beit-lahia village and jabalia refugee camp, Gaza strip, Palestine

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    This study aimed to test the impact of health education programmer's intervention on the prevalence of intestinal parasites among school children in Gaza city, Beit labia villages and Jabalia refugee camp "Gaza Strip" over 6 month. In this study 432 stool samples were collected from school children aged 6- 11 years old, each stool sample was examined using wet mount and formalether sedimentation technique. Of these 432 stool sample 125 were found to be positive with a prevalence of ( 28.9% . The infected children were treated with suitable anti- parasitic drug under the supervision of school of health in the ministry of health. Then the treated children were divided into two groups the first group remained on the treatment only but the second group received treatment and health education. After 6-month a second stool sample was collected from each child in the two groups then analyzed. The final result indicated that prevalence of intestinal parasites had declined from 21.5% to 5.1%. Ration was 3.4% in first group which received treatment only and 1.62% in second group which received treatment and health education. The rule of health education in decreasing prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection was statistically significancant ( P= 0.001 . The relationship between intestinal parasites and sex, residence, age, school, job, of father and other relations were investigated and studied.تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى اختبار تأثير برامج التدخل بواسطة التثقيف الصحي على انتشار الطفيليات المعوية بين أطفال المدارس في كل من مدينة غزة، قرية بيت لاهيا ومخيم جباليا للاجئين الفلسطينيين في قطاع غزة. تم في هذه الدراسة فحص 432 عينة برازية والتي جمعت من أطفال المدارس والذين تتراوح أعمارهم من 6-11 سنة. تم فحص كل عينة براز بواسطة المسحة المباشرة وطريقة الترسيب باستعمال الفورمالين والايثر. دلت نتائج الدراسة أن 28.9% من الأطفال كانوا مصابين بمختلف أنواع الطفيليات المعوية، في نفس الوقت تم علاج جميع الأطفال المصابين بالأدوية المناسبة تحت إشراف طبي. تم تقسيم الأطفال المعالجين إلى مجموعتين الأولى بقيت على العلاج فقط والمجموعة الثانية تلقت العلاج والتثقيف الصحي معا. بعد ستة أشهر تم جمع عينة براز أخرى من المجموعتين وتم فحصها كما سبق. أظهرت النتائج أن هناك انخفاضا في معدل انتشار الطفيليات المعوية من % 21.5 إلى % 5.1 . أوصت الدراسة بعمل حملات تثقيف صحي وعلاج جماعي لطلبة المدارس الابتدائية للتخفيف من وطئ الإصابة بالطفيليات المعوية

    Nutrition and eating patterns among preschoolers in Gaza Strip

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    The study aim to assess the nutrition and eating patterns among Preschool Age Children (PSC) in Gaza Strip. The study design was cross sectional study carried-out in the five governorates of Gaza Strip. The study population was preschool children that were chosen from eligible Kindergartens (KG). Official approval to conduct the research study was obtained from the ministry of education and higher education and consent form from parents to participate mother and coming to the KG was obtained. Data were collected through face to face interviews with the children's mothers. The questionnaire was designed to include two parts: sociodemographic part and food frequency of animal and plant product. The results showed that about 44% of the surveyed children were given milk once daily, while 11.2% of them did not receive it at all. About 32.9% of the surveyed children were give fish once per week while 8.8% did