99 research outputs found

    Impact of quality and safety product on competitiveness

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    This work should indicate how an integrated approach to continuous improvement of quality and safety of products affecting the competitiveness goals as product and company. The impact of Quality Management System (QMS) and compatibility with the requirements of the New Approach Directives (the CE mark) we conducted in three directions. First we developed a model that includes all the essential steps. By using the modeling method of the complex dynamic system, three macro variables are determined in the model. Each of the macro variables has its structure, variables in the in order to research the practical impact of QMS and CE mark on the competitiveness of enterprises in Serbia, we created a questionnaire on the basis of established models. On the results we apply methods of statistical analysis. In order to further research mentioned impacts on the competitiveness of products in Serbia, we have created a simulation software. This paper presents some of the results that have a dominant impact on competitiveness. From all this we can conclude that the implementation of QMS and CE creates a positive image of the product on the market, and enables the growth of profits and the competitiveness of organization

    Regeneration of sessile oak forests with the undergrowth of accompanying tree species in northeastern Serbia : doctoral dissertation

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    Истраживања у овом раду су извршена у шумама храста китњака (Quercetum montanum Cer. et Jov. 1953) на подручју Северног Кучаја у североисточној Србији. Предмет истраживања су биле састојине храста китњака са подстојним спратом у коме су као пратеће врсте доминантно заступљене: граб (Carpinus betulus), бела липа (Tilia tomentosa), црни јасен (Fraxinus ornus), бели јасен (Fraxinus excelsior) и др. Издвајање огледних површина је извршено на три локалитета: ГЈ „Равна река I“ и ГЈ „Ујевац“ које се налазе у склопу шумског газдинства „Северни Кучај“ Кучево у оквиру ЈП „Србијашуме“ и ГЈ „Црна река“ у оквиру Наставне базе „Мајданпечка домена“ Шумарског факултета Универзитета у Београду. Проучаване састојине се налазе на веома купираном терену, на надморским висинама између 290 и 550 m, нагибима до 30° и јужним, југоисточним, југозападним и западним експозицијама. Истраживане састојине су груписане у 2 вегетацијско - еколошка типа: шума храста китњака са шумским вијуком (Festuco drymeiae - Quercetum petraeae Janković 1974) на дистричном смеђем земљишту на гнајсу и шума храста китњака са длакавим шашем (Carici pilosae - Quercetum petraeae B. Jov. 1989) на дистричном и еутричном смеђем земљишту на гнајсу и на неутралним и базичним еруптивним стенама. Климатске карактеристике проучаваног подручја су истраживане за надморске висине од 300 до 600 m, односно за висински појас у ком се налазе китњакове шуме које су биле предмет истраживања. У периоду од 1981. до 2010. године проучавано подручје карактерише семихумидна клима, при чему просечна температура на доњој граници проучаваног висинског појаса (300 m н.в.) износи 10,3°С, а просечна годишња количина падавина 679 mm, док је на горњој граници проучаваног појаса (600 m н.в.) просечна температура 8,8°С, а просечна годишња количина падавина 715 mm. У поређењу са референтним периодом (од 1981 - 2010. године) у свим годинама када су вршена истраживања (од 2015. до 2018. године) и на свим проучаваним надморским висинама просечне годишње температуре су значајно веће. У 2015. и 2017. години на проучаваном подручју пала је значајно мања количина падавина, док је насупрот томе у 2016. и 2018. години било значајно више падавина у поређењу са референтним периодом...The research in this paper was performed in the forests of sessile oak (Quercetum montanum Cer. et Jov. 1953) in the area of north Kučaj in northeastern Serbia. The subject of the study were stands of sessile oak with the undergrowth of accompanying tree species: hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), silver linden (Tilia tomentosa), manna ash (Fraxinus ornus), European ash (Fraxinus excelsior), etc. Experimental plots were placed in three localities: FMU „Ravna reka I“ and FMU „Ujevac“ which are part of the Forestry Management Unit „North Kučaj“ Kučevo in PE „Srbijašume“ and FMU „Crna reka“ in the Educational base of the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, „Majdanpečka domena“. The investigated stands are located on highly sloped terrain, at altitudes between 290 m and 550 m, slopes up to 30° and southern, southeastern, southwestern and western exposures. The investigated stands are grouped into two vegetation - ecological types: forest of sessile oak with forest fescue (Festuco drymeiae - Quercetum petraeae Janković 1974) on a dystric brown soil on gneiss and forest of sessile oak with hairy sedge (Carici pilosae - Quercetum petraeae B. Jov. 1989) on dystric and eutric brown soil on gneiss and on neutral and basic eruptive rocks. Climate characteristics of the studied area were investigated for altitudes from 300 m to 600 m, or for the altitudinal belt where sessile oak forest which are subject of reserach are located. In the period 1981-2010 the studied area is characterized by semihumid climate with average temperature 10.3°C and average annual rainfall 679 mm at the lower boundary of the studied altitude belt (300 m a.s.l.), as well as with the average temperature 8.8°C and average annual rainfall 715 mm at the upper boundary of the studied altitude belt (600 m a.s.l.). Compared to the reference period (1981-2010) the average annual temperatures are significantly higher in all survey years (2015 to 2018) and at all altitutdes. In 2015 and 2017 significantly less precipitation fell in the study area, while in 2016 and 2018 there was significantly more precipitation compared to the reference period..

    Perspectives on regeneration of alveolar bone defects

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    Bone atrophy of the alveolar process is an important parameter in patients undergoing dental implants. There are several methods for preserving the alveolar process, with the autologous bone graft as the gold standard. Other approaches include the use of allografts, xenografts and synthetic bone grafts. In recent years, the use of stem cells has increased in importance. Th e most common type of stem cells used are mesenchymal stem cells from various sources, including bone marrow, adipose tissue and dental pulp. The discovery of induced pluripotent stem cells and the continued research on embryonic stem cells open new possibilities in this field. However, further research is needed to optimise protocols for isolation, diff erentiation and transplantation of cells with or without appropriate scaff olds, and to determine the correct clinical and therapeutic implications

    Sexual Dimorphism in the Dimensions of Teeth in a Serbian Population

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    The study of teeth is of great interest to anthropologists, biologists, orthodontists and forensic scientists. The existence of sexual dimorphism in permanent teeth is a known phenomenon. Aim of this study was to analyze the presence of sexual dimorphism in the mesiodistal and vestibulolingual diameter of permanent teeth in the sample of Serbian population. Measurements were taken on plaster casts of 201 individuals of both sexes, ages between 18-25 years, using a digital caliper with 0.01 mm precision. The mesiodistal and vestibulolingual diameter of each permanent tooth was determined. A Student’s t-test and a Mann-Whitney U test were used to statistically analyze the obtained results. There were no statistically significant differences in the teeth crown diameter between the right and left side of the same dental arch. Majority of the teeth examined were larger in male than in female patients. Statistically significant difference in the mesiodistal diameter of male and female maxillary and mandibular canines was found. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in teeth size between sexes in Serbian population. Males have larger diameters in teeth crowns than females. Canines show the greatest dimorphism

    Uticaj direktiva novog pristupa na bezednost proizvoda i konkurentnost industrije Srbije

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    In this paper, effect of different priming treatments in the pregerminative phase of wheat seeds (Triticum aestivum L.) on the concentration of photosynthetic pigments and total soluble proteins in the leaf of seedling was investigated. Seeds were treated with solutions of the phytohormones gibberellin and auxin (hormone priming), salts of potassium and magnesium (halo priming), ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide (chemo priming) and water (hydro priming). Based on the obtained results, it was determined that the content of pigments and total soluble proteins can be increased by applying the appropriate priming treatment. The most favorable effect on the examined parameters was observed in the treatment with potassium nitrate.Publishe

    Genotoxic effect of gallic and ellagic acids in somatic and germ cells of Drosophila melanogaster

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    Phenolic acids are a large class of compounds occur naturally in a variety of plants and exhibit a wide range of biological activities, but toxic effects have also been observed. This study was designed to assess genotoxic effect of two selected phenolic acids, gallic and ellagic, in somatic and germ cells of Drosophila melanogaster using the sex-linked recessive lethal (SLRL) test and comet assay in vivo. The obtained results revealed that tested phenolic acids did not induce genotoxic effect and therefore have a safety margin for therapeutic use.Publishe

    Evaluation of seed priming on germination and growth of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. cv. 'Genovese')

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    The priming method is a technique that can greatly improve seed performance and provide high-quality seeds for successful production. In this study, the effect of hormopriming (GA3 and IAA), halopriming (MgSO4 and KNO3), osmopriming (AA, H2O2) and hydropriming (H2O) on the germination, as well as initial stages of growth and development of basil (Ocimum basilicum L. cv. 'Genovese') were investigated. The application of different priming methods not only improved the germination performances of basil, but also significantly influenced the growth of seedlings (root length, shoot length, fresh mass, and vigor index) with the best results achieved by priming with GA3 and H2O2. In addition, it has been found that the concentration of photosynthetic pigments and soluble protein content can be improved by the appropriate priming treatment. The most favorable effect on the examined parameters was achieved during treatment with H2O2.Publishe

    Effect of seed halopriming on improving salt tolerance in Raphanus sativus L

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    In this paper, effect of halopriming on germination, initial growth and development of radish under salt stress conditions was investigated. The seeds were treated with different concentrations salts of calcium, potassium, and sodium chloride (CaCl2, KCl, NaCl, respectively) in the form of a standard germination method and priming method, which involves modification of the metabolic activity of seeds in the pregerminative phase. The obtained results showed that all applied salts had inhibitory effects on germination characteristics (GP, RG and U, except MTG) and development of radish seedlings (shoot and root elongation, weight and vigour). Halopriming contributed to the improvement of tolerance to stress conditions, because the obtained values of all germination and growth characteristics were significantly increased. The best effect being achieved by priming with CaCl2 for germination characteristics and vigour and with KCl for initial development.Publishe