88 research outputs found

    Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression and Suicidal Behavior in College Students: Conditional Indirect Effects of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Self-Compassion

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    Young adults of college age are at particular risk for psychopathology, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and consequent suicidal behavior, perhaps in a continuum of increasing severity. However, not all persons who experience psychopathological symptoms, or who self-harm, go on to engage in suicidal behavior, perhaps due to protective factors such as self-compassion that buffer this progression. We examined the mediating effect of NSSI on the relation between anxiety/depressive symptoms and suicide risk, and the moderating role of self-compassion on these linkages. Our collegiate sample (N=338) completed: Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Self-Harm Inventory, Suicidal Behavior Questionnaire-Revised, and the Self-Compassion Scale. Students with greater psychopathology reported more engagement in NSSI and, consequently, more suicide risk; self-compassion weakened the psychopathology-NSSI linkage. Therapeutically addressing risk factors for suicidal behavior (e.g., psychopathology, NSSI), and promoting self-compassion, may halt progression from symptomology to self-harm, thereby ultimately reducing suicide risk in college students

    An Examination of Teacher Experience and Perception of Leadership Effort on Commitment to Stay Using Mediation Analysis

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    This study approaches the idea of teachers’ commitment to stay at their job by considering their perceptions of efforts by leadership to support working conditions in schools. Data from 85,000 teachers from the 2016 school year in North Carolina were used in the mediation analysis. Results show that administrative effort had a direct effect on teachers’ commitment to stay. This effort was mediated by how teachers view the working conditions in their schools, and new and veteran teachers view the impact of administrative effort on their commitment to stay in a similar manner. Policy implications are discussed, along with suggestions for unpacking these data to reveal a more discreet understanding of the internal dynamics of schools. Résumé Cette étude porte sur l’engagement des enseignants à rester à leur poste en fonction de leurs perceptions des efforts déployés par le leadership pour maintenir de bonnes conditions de travail dans les écoles. Les données de 85 000 enseignants de l’année scolaire 2016 en Caroline du Nord ont été utilisées dans une analyse de médiation. Les résultats montrent que l’effort administratif a eu un effet direct sur l’engagement des enseignants à rester. Toutefois, l’impact de cet effort administratif dépendait de la manière dont les enseignants percevaient les conditions de travail dans leurs écoles, ainsi que de la manière dont les nouveaux et anciens enseignants percevaient cet impact sur leur engagement. Cette étude évalue aussi les implications de cet état des choses pour la formulation de politiques et propose des pistes pour interpréter les données afin d’en arriver à une compréhension plus fine de la dynamique interne des écoles. Keywords / Mots clés : leadership preparation, university-school partnerships, leadership field experience, leadership-focused coaching, leadership mentoring / préparation au leadership, partenariats université-école, expérience de terrain en matière de leadership, coaching axé sur le leadership, mentorat en matière de leadershi

    The Association of Neighborhood Schools Assignment Plan with Economic, Racial and Academic Outcomes in One North Carolina District

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    When unified status was granted to numerous school districts, school boards developed redistricting plans to implement neighborhood schools. Social justice advocates decried these plans as they reversed over 40 years of progress, as many of these efforts resulted in resegregating schools homogenously grouped by race and wealth. Using piecewise and Difference in Difference regression with publicly facing data, this study assessed the association between neighborhood school attendance plans, school racial and economic balance, and student reading achievement. The results indicate that in one North Carolina school district over 15 years, (a) schools became more racially segregated, and (b) the achievement of students attending racial homogenous schools had lower academic performance. Policy and societal implications are discussed

    A history of the Iowa State University press

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    Book Chapte


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    Currently, offenses against animals, in particular, dogs are often committed. Many scientists developed theory and methodology to study animal hair. However, today there remained certain difficulties in establishing genus assignment and species of hair. It is noted that animal hair that belong to related genera is the most difficult to differentiate. The Article purpose is to establish diagnostic features of an intermediate type of hair of an animal in order to trace its origin from a domestic dog. Micro-objects similar to hair have been received for study. Objects were examined macroscopically and microscopically. The length was measured with a metal ruler, thickness was determined using an ocular screw micrometer MOV 1-16x on the “MIKMED-2-20” microscope with a binocular body. A cuticle imprint was obtained on the “BF-6” glue; thermochemical treatment (alkaline hydrolysis) was carried out in a 20% sodium hydroxide solution. The established morphological structure of the objects under study confirms the fact that intermediate hair is somewhere in the middle between down and guard hairs with a different number of features specific to mentioned categories. Objects have features attributed to animal hair of the Canidae family: complex cuticle pattern, medulla begins at some distance from the root end, medulla thickness and the shape of medulla cells. Thus, one feature that is characteristic of guard hairs, namely a complex cuticle pattern in the form of various cones can give a forensic expert a reason to state that objects under study can originate from a domestic dog. It can be concluded that in order to establish taxonomic identity of an intermediate hair in a domestic dog, it is necessary: 1) to determine features of guard hairs and signs of down hair in an object under study; 2) to identify and evaluate signs of guard hair (in this case, a specific cuticle pattern, medulla thickness) 3) to compare the information obtained while research with literature data and make a positive or negative conclusion.У сучасному світі нерідко скоюють правопорушення по відношенню до тварин, зокрема – до собак. Теорії та методології дослідження волосся тварин розробляли багато науковців. Однак, до сьогодні під час визначення родової та видової належності волосся залишаються певні складнощі. Зазначено, що найскладніше диференціювати волосся тварин, які належать до близьких родів. Метою роботи було з’ясувати діагностичні ознаки волосся перехідного типу тварин для визначення його походження від Пса свійського. На дослідження надійшли мікрооб’єкти, схожі на волосся. Об’єкти досліджували макро-і мікроскопічно. Довжину вимірювали металевою лінійкою, товщину визначали за допомогою мікрометра окулярного гвинтового МОВ-1-16х на мікроскопі «МІКМЕД-2-20» із бінокулярною насадкою. Відбиток кутикули отримували на клею «БФ-6», термохімічну обробку (лужний гідроліз) проводили у 20 %-му розчині гідроксиду натрію. Визначена морфологічна будова досліджуваних об’єктів підтвердила той факт, що перехідне волосся посідає проміжне положення між пуховим та остьовим з різною кількістю ознак, характерних для зазначених категорій. Об’єкти мають ознаки, характерні для волосся тварин родини Псових: складний малюнок кутикули, відповідні товщину серцевини та форму клітин серцевини, серцевина починається на деякій відстані від кореневого кінця. Отже, одна ознака, характерна для остьового волосся, а саме складний малюнок кутикули у вигляді різноманітних шишок, дає експертові підставу стверджувати, що досліджувані об’єкти можуть походити від Пса свійського. Можна дійти висновку, що для визначення таксономічної належності перехідного волосся Пса свійського необхідно: 1) визначити ознаки остьового й ознаки пухового волосся в досліджуваному об’єкті; 2) виокремити й оцінити ознаки остьового волосся (у цьому разі – специфічний малюнок кутикули, товщину серцевини); 3) порівняти здобуту в ході дослідження інформацію з літературними даними та зробити вірогідно позитивний або негативний висновок

    The Impact of Teacher-Lead Professional Development Programs on the Self-Efficacy of Veteran Teachers

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    This study examined the impact of a teacher-lead professional development program based on the Instructional Talk-Through (ITT) model, created to address the unique needs of high-performing veteran teachers. Focusing on the professional development of veteran teachers is not a regular occurrence in schools and it is our opinion that these teachers possess a wealth of knowledge that heretofore has not been utilized to improve their overall skill set. The program was designed to capitalize on peer coaching, professional learning communities, classroom observation, and experiential knowledge while incorporating the unique strengths and abilities of these teachers in a collaborative environment

    International Education in the U.S. Through the Prism of Fulbright Program: Historical Analysis

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    The scale and speed of global change challenge higher education and other national sectors to internationalize, to have an understanding of the relationship of various nations, including the United States, with the rest of the world, and to realize the importance of the latter. International education plays a prominent role in the shaping of a new global society. However, it seems there has not been enough support from the federal government in regards to the efforts promoting international education in the United States. Many studies touched on the role of the federal government when it comes to the higher education; however, there have not been enough efforts on providing a comprehensive analysis of the United States higher education system’s internationalization and the role of the internal and external factors. This study attempts such an analysis from 1944 to 1975 focused on the federal government support in the context of one highly successful program in the international education – Fulbright’s Amendment to the Surplus Property Act of 1946 (or Fulbright Program). The program was identified for its explicit interest in and continuous support for higher education’s international capacity between 1944 and 1975. This study takes a longitudinal approach to provide the context of the implementation and development of the program under examination during the period of time identified. The study seeks to answer the following questions: 1) how did major historical external and internal events affect the federal support of international education in the USA on the example of the successful program – Fulbright Program? 2) what are the factors that have determined the success of the program? In order to answer those research questions, it was important to research the context of the time and circumstances in which the program was implemented. That is why at first, I attempted to describe internal and external events taking place that shaped the environment of the program under examination. Then, it was imperative to discuss what the program entailed and to show its development overtime in regards to its capacity and scope. Finally, I attempted to analyze the factors that determined its success.Polina KaniukaIndiana State Universit

    International Education in the U.S. Through the Prism of Fulbright Program: Historical Analysis

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    The scale and speed of global change challenge higher education and other national sectors to internationalize, to have an understanding of the relationship of various nations, including the United States, with the rest of the world, and to realize the importance of the latter. International education plays a prominent role in the shaping of a new global society. However, it seems there has not been enough support from the federal government in regards to the efforts promoting international education in the United States. Many studies touched on the role of the federal government when it comes to the higher education; however, there have not been enough efforts on providing a comprehensive analysis of the United States higher education system’s internationalization and the role of the internal and external factors. This study attempts such an analysis from 1944 to 1975 focused on the federal government support in the context of one highly successful program in the international education – Fulbright’s Amendment to the Surplus Property Act of 1946 (or Fulbright Program). The program was identified for its explicit interest in and continuous support for higher education’s international capacity between 1944 and 1975. This study takes a longitudinal approach to provide the context of the implementation and development of the program under examination during the period of time identified. The study seeks to answer the following questions: 1) how did major historical external and internal events affect the federal support of international education in the USA on the example of the successful program – Fulbright Program? 2) what are the factors that have determined the success of the program? In order to answer those research questions, it was important to research the context of the time and circumstances in which the program was implemented. That is why at first, I attempted to describe internal and external events taking place that shaped the environment of the program under examination. Then, it was imperative to discuss what the program entailed and to show its development overtime in regards to its capacity and scope. Finally, I attempted to analyze the factors that determined its success.Polina KaniukaIndiana State Universit