22 research outputs found
Technical and Technological Factors and Economic Results in Watermelon Production
Watermelon production in Croatia has stagnated for a number of years and it could be mostly found on individual farms as their source of income in summer months. According to official data, production in Croatia in the year 2005 amounted to 66.280 tons. Growing watermelons from transplants is the most intensive way of production and it provides the highest yield. In combination with polyethylene mulch and drip irrigation it provides a stable and early yield. Transplants on mulch with drip irrigation were used in our example. The subject of research of this paper is organization of watermelon production on the area of three hectares. Based on calculated standards and developed technological map, the consumption of 44,3 hours of machine work and 332 hours of human labour per hectare were determined. The total costs amount to €3.475,38, and, with 120 tons of yield and production value of €4.563.65, the realized income was €1.088,27. Based on the coefficient of economy of 1,31, the conclusion was made that watermelon production is efficient, and every €100 invested in production resulted in €31,3 of profit.watermelon production
Technologische und Technische Faktoren und Wirtschaftliche Resultate Bei der Gurkenproduktion
Für die Produktion von Gurken, die für die Verarbeitung vorgesehen sind, bestehen in Kroatien ideale Voraussetzungen und ein gesicherter Markt. Gleichfalls sind Gurken eine Kultur, für die auch auf ausländischen Märkten großes Interesse besteht. Die Produktion ist arbeitsintensiv und sehr einträglich, sodass sie als solche sehr interessant für Familienbetriebe ist, die relativ geringe Ackerfl ächen bearbeiten. In dieser Arbeit wird die Organisation der Gurkenproduktion auf einer Fläche von einem Hektar untersucht, in die anhand von berechneten Normen und einer erstellten technologischen Karte 49 Stunden Maschinenarbeit und 534 Stunden menschlicher Arbeit investiert wurden. Die Gesamtkosten belaufen sich auf 23.934,20 Kn, bei einem Ertrag von 20.700 kg und einem erzielten Wert von 39.675,00 Kn. Der Gewinn beträgt daher 15.742,00 Kn, was für einen Familienbetrieb ziemlich zufrieden stellend ist. Der größte Kostenanteil entfällt auf die menschliche Arbeit und auf die Polyethylenfolie, was über 50 % der Kosten ausmacht. Durch Berechnung der wirtschaftlichen Indikatoren wurde festgestellt, dass der Koeffi zient der Wirtschaftlichkeit einen Wert von 1,65 besitzt, was zur Schlussfolgerung verleitet, dass die Produktion wirtschaftlich ist. Bei der Aussaat der Gurken werden 1,5 Kilo Samen/ha verbraucht, was bedeutet, dass man für deren Anschaffung 1.170,00 Kn aufwenden muss. Für Mineraldünger, organischen Dünger und Blattdünger wurden 2.869,00 Kn/ha und 770,00 Kn/ha für Pfl anzenschutzmittel benötigt. Die Ausgaben für die Polyethylenfolie betrugen 4.900 Kn/ha. Mittelschwere Traktoren wurden 21,66 Stunden und leichte Traktoren 31,34 Stunden in Anspruch genommen, wobei die gesamten Arbeitskosten für die Traktoren 5.491,20 Kn betragen. Die Saat, das Auslegen der Folie und die Ernte wurden manuell verrichtet, sodass deswegen 534 Stunden pro Hektar aufgewendet wurden; bei einem Preis von 15,50 Kn/h entstanden so Kosten in einer Höhe von 8.277,00 Kn/ha. Der erwirtschaftete Ertrag beträgt 20.700 kg/ha, wovon 15 % Gurken der Klasse I, 45 % Gurken der Klasse II und 35 % Gurken der Klasse III sind. Gurken gehören zu einer Kultur, die Ende Mai gesät wird und schon nach 50 Tagen Gewinn bringt. Auch die Anwesenheit von Verarbeitungsanlagen weist auf eine gesteigerte und intensivere Gurkenproduktion hin, die den wissenschaftlichen und fachmännischen Erkenntnissen und Erfahrungen Rechnung trägt.Gewinn, Gurken, Technik, Technologie, Kosten
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja proizvodnje šećerne repe na površini od 21 ha na obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu s područja Vukovarsko-srijemske županije. Tehnološki proces proizvodnje korijena šećerne repe obavljen je izvođenjem 35 radnih procesa, pri čemu je utrošeno 26,9 sati/ha rada strojeva i 65,8 sati/ha rada ljudi. Ukupno je u proizvodnju uloženo 15.947,05 kn/ha. Od toga je za sjeme izdvojeno 1.405,44 kn/ha ili 9,4 % ukupnih troškova, a za 1.100 kg utrošenih mineralnih gnojiva plaćeno je 2.217,50 kn/ha što predstavlja 14,8% ukupnih troškova. Troškovi primjene 9 l/ha sredstava za zaštitu čine 15,2% ukupnih troškova. Zbog povećane razine korištenja troškovi uporabe sredstava mehanizacije iznose 5.070,96 kn/ha i s udjelom od 33,9% predstavljaju najznačajniju stavku u ukupnim troškovima, a djelomično su posljedica povećane udaljenosti proizvodnih površina. Prinosom od 70,30 t/ha korijena i poticajem, ostvarena je ukupna vrijednost proizvodnje od 20.759,59 kn/ha. Za sat rada ljudi proizvedeno je 1.068,82 kg korijena, a za tonu proizvoda utrošeno 0,94 sati rada ljudi. Uzgoj korijena šećerne repe na istraživanom gospodarstvu, prema koeficijentu ekonomičnosti 1,36, ekonomičan je, jer je na 100 kn uloženih u proces proizvodnje ostvareno 36,6 kn dobiti.Croatian quota of 180.000 tones of sugar beet per year is approved for export to EU countries. For that amount of sugar it is necessary to produce about 30.000 ha of sugar beet. Sugar beet production requires deep and fertile soils, and crop rotation requirement is at least five year. Therefore, Slavonia and Baranya don’̉t have enough areas under sugar beet. An additional problem is so called “sugar reform” applied by EU aiming to decrease price of sugar produced from sugar beet root and its equalization to sugar cane price. Consequences of this movement will be decreasing of sugar beet domestic redemption price. In that way, sugar beet production will be increased only within producers with relative good soils, suitable mechanization and knowledge. The research shows the results of production sugar beet on family farm of Vukovar – Srijem County on 21 ha. Technical and technological process includes 35 working operations spending 26.9 hours/ha of mechanization and 65.8 hours/ha of labor. Total costs amount to 15.947,05 kn/ha. Producers paid for seed 1.405,44 kn/ha or 9.4% and for 1.100 kg of fertilizers 2.217,50 kn/ha or 14.8% of total costs. Significant values are also costs for plant protection (9 l/ha) being 15.2% of total cost. Mechanization fee is 5.070,96 kn/ha with share of 33.9% what indicates that this is the most important element in total costs, partly as a consequence of increased distance between arable land and farm. Total value of production is 20.759,59 kn/ha, with yields of the root (70.30 t/ha) and government subsidies. Amount of 1.068,82 kg root is produced per hour of human labour; while 0.94 hour of human labour is necessary per tone of products. Economic coefficient is 1.36. Profit of 36.67 kn is achieved on 100 invested kunas in production process
Za potrebe ovoga rada obavljena su istraživanja tijekom 2009. godine na obiteljskom poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu Đambić u Širokom Polju. Na površini od jednog hektara praćeni su i evidentirani agrotehnički zahvati, tehnologija i organizacija uzgoja začinske paprike. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka, izračunatih normi i izrađene tehnološke karte utvrđen je utrošak od 41,5 sati rada strojeva i 950,74 sati rada ljudi po hektaru. Podatci pokazuju da je proizvodnja radno intenzivna s velikim utroškom ljudskog rada. Ukupni troškovi iznose 41.174,80 kn, a uz prinos od 1 t ha-1 i vrijednost proizvodnje od 70.000,00 kn, ostvarena dobit je 28.825,20 kn. Na temelju koeficijenta ekonomičnosti proizvodnje od 1,70 utvrđeno je da je proizvodnja začinske paprike ekonomična, a na 100 kn uloženih u proizvodnju ostvareno je 70 kn dobiti.For purposes of this research work was carried out during 2009 on the family farm Đambić at Široko Polje. The area of one hectare was monitored and agricultural operations, technology and organization of growing condiment peppers recorded. Based on the data collected, calculation and made technological norms the consumption of 41.5 hours machine work and 950.74 hours of labor people per hectare were established. The data show that the production was labor intensive with large expenditure of human labor. Total costs amounted to 41174.80 HRK, with the yield of 1 t ha-1 and the output value of 70000.00 HRK, the operating profit was 28825.20 HRK. On the basis of production efficiency coefficient of 1.70 it was determined that the production of pepper was profitable, and the 100 HRK invested in the production realized 70 HRK profit
Za potrebe ovog rada obavljeno je istraživanje tijekom 2010. godine na proizvodnim površinama PZ Korođ u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Praćeni su i evidentirani agrotehnički zahvati i organizacija proizvodnje. Na temelju prikupljenih podataka i izrađene tehnološke karte utvrđeni su ukupni troškovi proizvodnje od 7.437,05 kn ha-1. S prinosom zrna od 5,5 t ha-1, uz tada važeću cijenu od 1,15 kn kg-1 zrna, dobiveno je 6.325,00 kn ha-1. Na temelju ostvarenog prinosa i utrošenih sati rada ljudi utvrđeno je da PZ Korođ proizvodi 367 kg zrna ječma po satu, a za proizvodnju jedne tone troši 2,7 sati rada ljudi. Vrijednost proizvodnje s poticajima tada od 2.250,00 kn ha-1 iznosi 8.575,00 kn ha-1, a dobit nakon podmirenja troškova iznosila je 1.137,95 kn ha-1.A reaserch was conducted during 2010 on the production areas of PZ Korod in the Vukovar-Srijem county for purposes of this paper. Agrotechnical measures and production organization were monitored and recorded. Total costs of production of 7.437,05 kn ha-1 were determined on the basis of the collected data and technological map. With the grain yield of 5,5 t ha-1 and the grain price of 1,15 kn kg-1, 6.325,00 kn ha-1 were earned. It was determined, on the basis of the achieved yield and human labour hours, that PZ Korod produced 367 kg of barley grain per hour, and for the production of one ton spends 2,7 human labour hours. Production value with incentives of 2.250.00 kn ha-1 was 8.575,00 kn ha-1. The profit after the costs payoff was 1.137.95 kn ha-1