3 research outputs found

    Estimasi Dosis Radiasi 3D Energi Foton Berbasis Percentage Depth Dose (PDD) dan Profile Dose untuk Treatment Planning System (TPS) Pesawat LINAC

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai estimasi dosis radiasi 3D energi foton berbasis percentage depth dose (PDD) dan profile dose untuk treatment planning system (TPS) pesawat LINAC menggunakan Matlab. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempermudah dan meningkatkan ketelitian pada pembacaan distribusi dosis radiasi permukaan di beberapa kedalaman secara langsung dalam satu kurva.  Estimasi dosis radiasi dilakukan menggunakan data PDD dan data profile dose pada kedalaman 5, 10, 15, 20, dan 25 cm.  Data PDD dan profile dose diambil dengan berkas foton 6 MV dan 10 MV pada luas lapangan 10x10 cm2 dan source surface distance (SSD) 100 cm.  Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengolahan data PDD dan profile dose adalah teknik interpolasi agar data-data tersebut memiliki nilai dengan interval 0,1 mm.  Interval 0,1 mm berguna untuk memberikan jarak antar titik distribusi dosis radiasi bernilai sebesar 0,1 mm.  Hasil penelitian adalah estimasi dosis radiasi 3D yang menunjukkan distribusi dosis radiasi permukaan pada setiap kedalaman yang digunakan dalam penelitian.  Estimasi dosis radiasi pada setiap kedalaman memiliki pola distribusi dosis radiasi yang menyerupai pola distribusi dosis radiasi pada TPS standar di Rumah Sakit Universitas Andalas. Estimasi dosis radiasi menunjukkan bahwa distribusi dosis radiasi akan semakin lebar dan nilai dosis radiasi menjadi semakin menurun seiring peningkatan kedalaman target penyinaran.  A research has been conducted on estimating the 3D radiation dose with photon energy based percentage depth dose (PDD) and profile dose for treatment planning system (TPS) of LINAC using Matlab.  The purpose of this study is to simplify and improve accuracy in reading the distribution of surface radiation dose at several depths directly in one curve.  Estimating of radiation dose is done using percentage depth dose (PDD) and profile dose data at depths of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm.  PDD and profile dose data were obtained using photon energy 6 MV and 10 MV in field size of 10x10 cm2 and source surface distance (SSD) of 100 cm.  The technique used in processing PDD and profile dose is interpolation technique, so that the data have values with interval of 0.1 mm.  The interval of 0.1 mm is useful for giving the distance between points of radiation dose distribution is 0.1 mm.  The results were estimating of 3D radiation dose at each depth used in the study.  The radiation dose estimation for each depth produced has a radiation dose distribution pattern similar to the radiation dose distribution pattern at a standard TPS at Andalas University Hospital.  The radiation dose estimation show that the distribution of radiation dose will get wider and the value of radiation dose will decrease with increasing depth of the radiation target

    Analisis Kurva Profile Dose Menggunakan Lapangan Radiasi Elektron pada Pesawat LINAC Tipe Clinac-Cx di Rs Unand

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    Telah dilakukan analisis kurva profile dose menggunakan lapangan radiasi elektron pada pesawat LINAC tipe Clinac-CX di RS Unand. Penelitian ini menggunakan berkas elektron energi 9, 12, 15,18 MeV pada lapangan radiasi no off-set, off-set 1 cm, off-set 3 cm yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh energi dan lapangan radiasi terhadap nilai symmetri, flatness dan penumbra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai symmetry dan flatness pada tiap energi dan lapangan radiasi masih dalam batas toleransi yang ditetapkan oleh AAPM TG-40 yaitu 3%. Begitu juga dengan nilai penumbra yang diperoleh masih dalam batas toleransi yaitu (10-15) mm. Research on the analysis of profile dose curves has been carried out using electron radiation fields on LINAC Clinac-CX type aircraft at Unand Hospital.  This study uses electron beam energy 9, 12, 15.18 MeV using a radiation field no off-set, off-set 1 cm, off-set 3 cm which aims to determine the effect of energy and radiation field on the symmetry, flatness and penumbra values. The results showed that the symmetry and flatness values in each energy and radiation field were still within the tolerance limits set by the AAPM TG-40 at 3%. As well the penumbra value obtained is still within the tolerance range of 10-15 mm

    Corona Discharge Plasma Technology to Accelerate the Growth of Black Soybean Plants

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    Corona glow discharge plasma has been used to accelerate the growth of soybean black seed plants. This system consists a corona reactor with configuration of electrodes of multi points to plane. Multi points to plane electrodes system are designed with the distance between the electrodes 2 cm and number of points electrode was 64 of needles. Seeds were grouped to 5 groups of samples. Grouping was based on treatment time of plasma that were 6 minutes, 12 minutes, 18 minutes, 24 minutes and 30 minutes. The growth of the soybean seed black’s crop has been carried out by analyzing the amount of percentage germination, measuring the length of the stem, the width of the leaves. Measurement have been taken each five days until 30 days. The research results showed that 5 groups of samples irradiated by glow discharge corona plasma (IGDCP) more progressive growth comparing with seeds without irradiated by corona plasma (control).  Moreover, we found that the effectiveness of growth increases with increase of treatment irradiation time. For treatment irradiation time of 30 minutes after planted for 30 days, and compared with control samples, we found that escalates in length of 71.38%, number of leaves increases of 3.27%, wide leaves augment of 16.47%.  Percentage germination of samples with 30 minutes’ treatment time was 314.28% compare with control. We suppose that the increasing growth parameter of soybean black seed is cause of increasing nitrogen in seed by intrusion of nitrogen ion when irradiation corona discharge plasma. Keywords: electrodes, irradiation, plasma, soybean black seed, nitrogen ion