19 research outputs found

    Change of Pore-Fracture Structure of Anthracite Modified by Electrochemical Treatment Using Micro-CT

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    The electrochemical method can strengthen gas desorption and seepage from coal. The study on change of the pore-fracture structure of coal after electrochemical modification can help to reveal the mechanism. Anthracite was modified by the electrochemical method using our own self-developed experiment apparatus. The pore-fracture structure of modified samples was measured by micro-CT. Combined with the Matlab software, its characteristics such as pore number, porosity, and average pore diameter were analyzed. The results show that (1) the number of fractures in modified coal samples increases. The shape of new fractures in samples in the anodic and cathodic zones was irregular voids and striola, respectively. The effect of electrochemical treatment on the section of samples close to the electrode is relatively obvious. (2) With increasing pore size, the number of pores in samples changes according to negative exponential rules. After electrochemical modification, the porosity of modified samples in the anodic zone increases from 11.88% to 31.65%, and the porosity of modified samples in the cathodic zone increases from 12.13% to 36.71%. (3) The main reason for the increase in the number of pores of coal samples in the anodic and cathodic zones is the treatment of electrolytic dissolution of minerals and electrophoretic migration of charged particles, respectively

    Analysis of Active Ion-Leaching Behavior and the Reaction Mechanism During Alkali Activation of Low-Calcium Fly Ash

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    Abstract The dissolution and release of active ions, such as Si4+, Al3+ and Ca2+, from fly ash directly affect the rate and extent of reaction product formation, which in turn affect the physical and mechanical properties of fly ash filling materials. In this study, low-calcium fly ash was soaked and activated in NaOH solutions with different concentrations (approximating the optimum dose range) for different lengths of time. The amounts of active ions leached and the changes in the mineral composition, chemical functional groups and surface morphology were tested and analyzed via ICP-OES, XRD, FTIR and SEM/EDS techniques. Based on these analyses, the reaction mechanism of alkali activation of low-calcium fly ash was further investigated. The results showed that the NaOH activation effect can significantly increase the amount of active ions leached from low-calcium fly ash. Notably, the amount of Si4+ and Al3+ leached clearly increased with increases in both NaOH concentration and soaking time. The plausible reaction mechanism is discussed in detail, which is that the alkali activator principally affected the surface of the vitreous particles of low-calcium fly ash and induced differing surface modifications in the dissolution stage, depolymerization stage, polycondensation and polymer gel stage and diffusion stage. It was observed that the progress of the reaction is controlled by dissolution in the early stages, whereas activation is governed by diffusion when the surfaces of the fly ash particles are covered by precipitates

    Effect of Pressure and Temperature on CO2/CH4 Competitive Adsorption on Kaolinite by Monte Carlo Simulations

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    The adsorption of CO2 and CO2/CH4 mixtures on kaolinite was calculated by grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulations with different temperatures (283.15, 293.15, and 313.15 K) up to 40 MPa. The simulation results show that the adsorption amount of CO2 followed the Langmuir model and decreased with an increasing temperature. The excess adsorption of CO2 increased with an increasing pressure until the pressure reached 3 MPa and then decreased at different temperatures. The S C O 2 / C H 4 decreased logarithmically with increasing pressure, and the S C O 2 / C H 4 was lower with a higher temperature at the same pressure. The interaction energy between CO2 and kaolinite was much higher than that between CH4 and kaolinite at the same pressure. The interaction energy between the adsorbent and adsorbate was dominant, and that between CO2 and CO2 and between CH4 and CH4 accounted for less than 20% of the total interaction energy. The isothermal adsorption heat of CO2 was higher than that of CH4, indicating that the affinity of kaolinite to CO2 was higher than that of CH4. The strong adsorption sites of carbon dioxide on kaolinite were hydrogen, oxygen, and silicon atoms, respectively. CO2 was not only physically adsorbed on kaolinite, but also exhibited chemical adsorption. In gas-bearing reservoirs, a CO2 injection to displace CH4 and enhance CO2 sequestration and enhanced gas recovery (CS-EGR) should be implemented at a low temperature

    Influence Law of Interbedded Strata and Their Collapse on the Mining of Extremely Thick Coal Seam under Goaf

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    Interbedded strata and their collapse are vital to mining pressure control for extremely thick coal seam under goaf. To ensure the stability of the support and to avoid roof collapse, some traditional underground pressure theoretical models had been widely used in the control of surrounding rock and the selection of support. However, one of the challenges for extremely thick coal seam under goaf is that the abnormal disasters, such as support crushing and water inrush that were occurring frequently. To solve this problem, the movement characteristics of overburden rocks during the mining of extremely thick coal seam under the conditions of the interlayer thickness of 5 m and 40 m were studied by using the similar simulation experiments, while the numerical simulation experiments were carried out for the interval between coal seams of 15 m and 60 m, respectively. Finally, the structure and mechanical transfer mechanism of overburden in stope under different thickness interbedded strata were analyzed dynamically, and the condition of full-thickness connection between upper goaf and lower goaf and corresponding judgment criteria are obtained. These results can guide future research on the mechanical of extremely thick coal seam under goaf, which can provide a theoretical basis and engineering reference for similar projects

    Effect of Mining Thickness on Overburden Movement and Underground Pressure Characteristics for Extrathick Coal Seam by Sublevel Caving with High Bottom Cutting Height

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    Because the coal seam is particularly thick and the mining intensity is large, the mining of extremely thick coal seams often causes a wide range of disturbed fractures, which in turn induces the phenomenon of strong underground pressure such as induced support crushing and water inrush. Through theoretical analysis, laboratory similarity simulation test, and other methods, this paper studies the effect of mining thickness on overburden movement and underground pressure characteristics for extremely thick coal seams by sublevel caving with high bottom cutting height. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows: (i) under the “beam-hinged cantilever beam rocks” structure theory, the rock pillar thickness which needs to be controlled increases linearly as a function of mining thickness is achieved, and the reason of increased of support resistance in full-mechanized caving mining in extremely thick seams is explained in the theory; (ii) based on the results of the theoretical analysis and the lab simulation tests, the law of the abutment pressure peak is inverse to the full-seam mining thickness, and the distance between abutment peak and working face is proportional to the full-seam mining thickness, that is to say that the damage range of overlying strata increased; (iii) there are three working states of loading support in extrathick coal seams, such as normal circumstance, lower main roof pressure, and higher main roof pressure, meanwhile these states keep changing; (iv) under the guarantee of stope safety conditions, due to lower support strength, it will benefit the special thick seam top-coal caving under normal circumstance; (v) increasing the supporting strength can balance the impact loading under the lower main roof pressure, guaranteeing valid support for roof strata; (vi) by releasing high pressure, due to lower production, lower recovery rate of coal and other measures guarantee the stability of the stope support in the case of the higher main roof pressure

    Revealing the water vapor transport during the Henan “7.20” heavy rainstorm based on ERA5 and Real-Time GNSS

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    In July 2021, a heavy rainstorm was sweeping across Henan Province, causing geological disasters such as floods, mudslides, and landslides, which seriously threatened the safety of human life and property. Precipitable water vapor (PWV) is related to the occurrence and scale of rainfall. Here, based on Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations, in-situ meteorological files (GMET), ephemeris products, ERA5 data, and weather station data, the relationship between PWV and rainstorm from July 1st to 30th was studied. The results show that GMET and ERA5 in July 2021 have high consistency in some stations, with a root mean square error (RMSE) for temperature below 1.6 °C, for pressure below 0.5 hPa, and for relative humidity below 9 %. During the week before the heavy rainstorm, the temperature dropped remarkably and the temperature difference decreased, while the relative humidity increased and the relative humidity difference decreased. Compared with ERA5 PWV, the RMSE of GNSS PWV retrieved using real-time ephemeris is 3.238 mm. Different from the normal rainfall, we found that the PWV variation during the Henan rainstorm experienced a unique “accumulation” period. We also observed a clear correlation between PWV and the rainstorm, both temporally and spatially. In addition, the PWV in the severely damaged area was 20 mm higher than the average value of the past decade. Ten days after the rainstorm, the surface of this area had subsided by 1.5–3 mm. Finally, we found that the topography of Henan, the low vortex, the north-biased subtropical high, and the double typhoons all played a role in the successful transport and deposition of water vapor