652 research outputs found

    Phase Diagram of Gross-Neveu Model at Finite Temperature, Density and Constant Curvature

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    We discuss a phase structure of chiral symmetry breaking in the Gross-Neveu model at finite temperature, density and constant curvature. The effective potential is evaluated in the leading order of the 1/N1/N-expansion and in a weak curvature approximation. The third order critical line is found on the critical surface in the parameter space of temperature, chemical potential and constant curvature.Comment: 11 pages, Latex. 3 figures (eps files

    Search for lepton flavor violation via the intense high-energy muon beam

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    A deep inerastic scattering process \mutau is discussed to study lepton flavor violation between muons and tau leptons. In supersymmetric models, the Higgs boson mediated diagrams could be important for this reaction. We find that at a muon energy (EμE_{\mu}) higher than 50 GeV, the predicted cross section significantly increases due to the contribution from sea bb-quarks. The number of produced tau leptons can be O(104)\mathcal{O}(10^4) at EμE_{\mu}= 300 GeV from 102010^{20} muons, whereas O(102)\mathcal{O}(10^2) events are given at Eμ=50E_{\mu}= 50 GeV.Comment: Contribution to the 6th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories & Superbeams(NuFact04), Jul. 26-Aug. 1, 2004, Osaka Univerisity, Osaka, Japan, talk given by S.K., to appear in the Proceedings, 3 pages, 4 figure

    Yukawa Matrix for the Neutrino and Lepton Flavour Violation

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    We estimate the magnitude of Lepton Flavour Violation (LFV) from the phase of the neutrino Yukawa matrix. In the minimal supersymmetric standard model with right-handed neutrinos, the LFV processes l_i \to l_j \gamma can appear through the slepton mixing, which comes from the renormalization group effect on the right-handed neutrino Yukawa interaction between the Grand Unified Theory scale and the heavy right-handed neutrino mass scale. Two types of phases exist in the neutrino Yukawa matrix. One is the Majorana phase, which can change the magnitude of the LFV branching ratios by a few factor. The other phases relate for the size of the Yukawa hierarchy and its phase effect can change the LFV branching ratios by several orders of magnitude.Comment: Talk given by K. Tsumura at NuFact04, Osaka, Japan, July 26 - August 1,2004 - 3 pages, 2 figure

    Determining the Chirality of Yukawa Couplings via Single Charged Higgs Boson Production in Polarized Photon Collision

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    When the charged Higgs boson is too heavy to be produced in pairs, the predominant production mechanism at Linear Colliders is via the single charged Higgs boson production processes, such as e−e+→bcˉH+,τνˉH+e^-e^+ \to b \bar c H^+, \tau \bar \nu H^+ and γγ→bcˉH+,τνˉH+\gamma\gamma \to b \bar c H^+, \tau \bar \nu H^+. We show that the yield of a heavy charged Higgs boson at a γγ\gamma\gamma collider is typically one or two orders of magnitude larger than that at an e−e+e^-e^+ collider. Furthermore, a polarized γγ\gamma\gamma collider can determine the chirality of the Yukawa couplings of fermions with charged Higgs boson via single charged Higgs boson production, and thus discriminate models of new physics.Comment: Version accepted by Physical Review Letters (references added, minor rewording, RevTex4

    Some aspects of radiative corrections and non-decoupling effects of heavy Higgs bosons in two Higgs Doublet Model

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    The possibility of having relatively large non-decoupling effects of the heavy Higgs particles within the two-Higgs doublet extension of the electroweak standard model is briefly discussed and demonstrated on an example of the one-loop amplitude of the process e^+e^- -> W^+W^-Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; to appear in the proceedings of the AM2003 conferenc

    Bi-maximal mixing at GUT, the low energy data and the leptogenesis

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    In the framework of the minimum supersymmetric model with right-handed neutrinos, we consider the Bi-maximal mixing which is realized at the GUT scale and discuss a question that this model can reproduce the low energy phenomena and the leptogenesis.Comment: Talk given by E. Takasugi at NuFact04, Osaka, Japan, July 26 - August 1,2004 - 3 pages, 4 figure

    Enhancement of Loop Induced H±W∓Z0H^\pm W^\mp Z^0 Vertex in Two Higgs-doublet Model

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    The non-decoupling effects of heavy Higgs bosons as well as fermions on the loop-induced H±W∓Z0H^\pm W^\mp Z^0 vertex are discussed in the general two Higgs doublet model. The decay width of the process H+→W+Z0H^+ \to W^+ Z^0 is calculated at one-loop level and the possibility of its enhancement is explored both analytically and numerically. We find that the novel enhancement of the decay width can be realized by the Higgs non-decoupling effects with large mass-splitting between the charged Higgs boson and the CP-odd one. This is due to the large breakdown of the custodial SU(2)VSU(2)_V invariance in the Higgs sector. The branching ratio can amount to 10−2∼10−110^{-2} \sim 10^{-1} for mH±=300m_{H^\pm} = 300 GeV within the constraint from the present experimental data. Hence this mode may be detectable at LHC or future e+e−e^+e^- linear colliders.Comment: 31+1 pages, Latex with 8 eps-file
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