14 research outputs found

    Measuring the positive psychological well-being of people with rheumatoid arthritis: a cross-sectional validation of the subjective vitality scale

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    Introduction: People with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) frequently suffer from compromised physical and psychological health, however, little is known about positive indicators of health, due to a lack of validated outcome measures. This study aims to validate a clinically relevant outcome measure of positive psychological well-being for people with RA. The first study examined the reliability and factorial validity of the Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS), whilst study 2 tested the instruments convergent validity. Methods: In study 1, National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society members (N = 333; M age = 59.82 years SD = 11.00) completed a postal questionnaire. For study 2, participants (N = 106; M age = 56 years, SD = 12 years) were those recruited to a randomized control trial comparing two physical activity interventions who completed a range of health-related questionnaires. Results: The SVS had a high level of internal consistency (α = .93, Rho = .92). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the uni-dimensional factor structure of the questionnaire among RA patients [χ = 1327 (10), CFI = 1.0, SRMSR = .01 and RMSEA = .00 (.00 - .08)]. Support for the scales convergent validity was revealed by significant (p < .05) relationships, in expected directions, with health related quality of life (r = .59), physical function (r = .58), feelings of fatigue (r = −.70), anxiety (r = −.57) and depression (r = −.73). Conclusions: Results from two studies have provided support for the internal consistency, factorial structure and convergent validity of the Subjective Vitality Scale. Researchers and healthcare providers may employ this clinically relevant, freely available and brief assessment with the confidence that it is a valid and reliable measure of positive psychological well-being for RA patients

    Assessment of the incidence rate of end-stage renal disease in patients with and without diabetes in Poland

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    Introduction. Several studies have suggested, that diabetes is very important factor of the risk of the chronic a renal disease. The paper aims to present a retrospective analysis of incidence of end-stage renal disease in subgroups of patients with and without diabetes in Poland. Material and methods. For assessing this problem an electronic search was performed using Polish National Health Fund data base from 01.01.2011 until 31.12.2013 in general population and from 01.01.2012 until 31.12.2012 in 2 populations: with diabetes and without diabetes mellitus. Results. The 43.70 % patients with end-stage renal disease was diabetic. The incidence rate in 2012 was: 292.48 ± 90.97 diabetic men / 100,000 diabetic population; 203.10 ± 90.97 diabetic women / 100,000 diabetic population; 23.44 ± 6.34 non-diabetic men / 100,000 non-diabetic population; 17.88 ± 6.33 non-diabetic women / 100,000 non-diabetic population. Conclusions. The incidence rate of end-stage renal failure in diabetics was multiple times higher than the incidence rate in non-diabetics. The incidence rate of new ESRD cases in Poland estimated to be 36.17 per 100,000 of general populations in 2011, 35.28% in 2012 and 30.46 per 100,000 of general populations in 2013. In 2012, the incidence rate of new ESRD cases in male diabetics was 292.48 ± 90.97 per 100,000 of diabetes men population, and in women diabetics 203.10 ± 66.06 per 100,000 of diabetes women population. In the same 2012 year, the incidence of new ESRD cases in men non-diabetics was 3.44 ± 6.34 per 100,000 of non-diabetes, and in women non-diabetes 17.58 ± 6.33 per 100,000 of non-diabetes women population

    Takayasu’s arteritis: a rare disease in Poland

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    Introduction. Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) is a rare and potentially life-threatening granulomatous large-vessel vasculitis that involves mostly in the aorta and its proximal branches, and occurs most commonly in young females. This study measures the incidence and prevalence of TA, and assesses the gender distribution and territorial differences in the occurrences of this disease in Poland over a five-year period. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first evaluation of this rare disease in Poland based on a hospital morbidity database. Materials and method. Analyses were performed with population-based administrative data obtained from a national hospital morbidity study carried out between January 2011 – December 2015 by the Polish National Institute of Public Health. Yearly incidence rates and prevalence of TA were calculated using the number of TA patients and corresponding census data for the overall Polish population. Results. Data included 660 hospitalization records. The final study sample comprised 177 patients: 154 female (87%) and 23 male (13%) with first-time hospitalization for TA. The mean age was 45.4years (95% CI: 42.9–47.8; SD 16.8; range 4–81 years), median 47. The incidence rate of TA was estimated at 0.92 per million per year (95% CI: 0.68–1.16). Five-year TA prevalence was estimated to be 4,6 per million. Incidence rates of TA did not vary significantly between more urban and more rural regions. Conclusions. The incidence of TA in Poland was similar or lower to data reported by other European countries. The study provides epidemiological data on TA in Poland that may be useful while comparing it with other geographical regions

    Neutralization efficiency of alcohol based products used for rapid hand disinfection

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    Background. Alcohols are the most commonly used active substances in preparations for quick hand disinfection. They should be bactericidal in very short contact time. PN-EN 13727 + A2: 2015-12 standard, for testing hygienic and surgical handrub disinfection preparations, provides mandatory test conditions of disinfectants in contact times with the range of 30 s to 60 s (hygienic handrub disinfection) and 60 s to 5 min (surgical handrub disinfection). A short contact times for hand hygiene products require a short time of neutralization process. For contact times less than or equal to 10 minutes, the estimated neutralization time is 10 s ± 1 s. Neutralization is a process that abolishes the action of disinfectants. Correct application of this process allows for proper use of disinfectants in practice and its biocidal effect. Objectives. Verification of the effectiveness of 10-second neutralization time of alcohol based preparations for hygienic handrub disinfection. Materials and Method. Neutralization of two products with different ethanol content (89% and 70%) for hygienic handrub disinfection according to PN-EN 13727 + A2: 2015-12 was investigated. The effectiveness of the neutralizer was assessed by determining toxicity of neutralizer, activity of residual effects of the tested products and their derivatives produced during neutralization (10 s) for test organisms (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442; Enterococcus hirae ATCC 10541; Escherichia coli K12 NCTC 10538). Results. The 10-second neutralization time was sufficient to eliminate the residual activity of products for hygienic handrub disinfection with differentiated ethanol concentration. The neutralizer used did not show toxicity to bacteria and did not produce toxic products with tested preparations after neutralization. Conclusions. The use of 10-second neutralization time allows in a precise way designate the contact times for hygienic handrub disinfection products.Wprowadzenie. Alkohole są substancjami aktywnymi najczęściej stosowanymi w preparatach do szybkiej dezynfekcji rąk. Powinny one działać dezynfekcyjnie w bardzo krótkich czasach kontaktu. Norma PN-EN 13727+A2: 2015-12 przeznaczona do badania preparatów do higienicznej i chirurgicznej dezynfekcji rąk przewiduje obligatoryjne warunki badania preparatów w czasach kontaktu w zakresie od 30 s do 60 s (higieniczna dezynfekcja rąk) i od 60 s do 5 minut (chirurgiczna dezynfekcja rąk). Krótkie czasy kontaktu produktów przeznaczonych do higieny rąk wymagają zastosowania krótkiego procesu neutralizacji. Dla czasów kontaktu poniżej lub równych 10 minut przewidziany czas neutralizacji wynosi 10 s ± 1s. Neutralizacja jest procesem znoszącym działanie preparatów dezynfekcyjnych. Prawidłowe wykonanie tego procesu warunkuje prawidłowe zastosowanie preparatu w praktyce i jego działanie biobójcze. Cel. Sprawdzenie skuteczności 10-sekundowego czasu neutralizacji wobec preparatów na bazie alkoholu przeznaczonych do higienicznej dezynfekcji rąk. Materiały i metody. Badano etap neutralizacji dwóch produktów o różnej zawartości etanolu (89% i 70%) przeznaczonych do higienicznej dezynfekcji rąk wg normy PN-EN 13727+A2: 2015-12. Skuteczność neutralizatora oceniano poprzez określenie braku wpływu toksyczności neutralizatora oraz działania resztkowego badanych produktów lub ich pochodnych powstałych w czasie neutralizacji (10 s ± 1s) na badane organizmy testowe (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442; Enterococcus hirae ATCC 10541; Escherichia coli K12 NCTC 10538). Wyniki. 10-sekundowy czas neutralizacji był wystarczający do zniesienia aktywności produktów o zróżnicowanej zawartości etanolu przeznaczonych do higienicznej dezynfekcji rąk. Zastosowany neutralizator nie wykazywał działania toksycznego wobec bakterii oraz nie tworzył toksycznych produktów z badanymi preparatami po neutralizacji. Wnioski. Zastosowanie 10-sekundowego czasu neutralizacji pozwala w precyzyjny sposób wyznaczyć czasy działania produktów przeznaczonych do higienicznej dezynfekcji rąk

    Coping strategies observed in women with rheumatoid arthritis

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    When faced with a chronic disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, the patient attempts to cope with the stressful situation by applying coping strategies. The main aim of rheumatoid treatment is not only improving health but also increasing the quality of life. The research objective was to determine the relationship among socio-demographic factors, duration of the disease and its associated ailments, attitude to the disease, self-assessment of one’s knowledge of RA, and the application of coping strategies in stressful situations by women with rheumatoid arthritis. The study involved 193 patients of the Clinic of Rheumatology and Systemic Connective Tissue Diseases, and the Rheumatology Unit of the Specialist Outpatient Clinic of the Independent Public Teaching Hospital No. 4 in Lublin, from November 2016 – June 2017. The Coping Orientations to Problems Experienced Inventory (COPE) Questionnaire and an author’s Original Questionnaire were used in the study. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s range test were applied for statistical analysis. A p-value<0.05 defined the statistical differences. Analysis was performed using the commercial SPSS Statistics 19 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The respondents usually use instrumental social support (11.5±1.7), focus on and vent emotions (11.4±1.9), use emotional social support (11.4±1.8), employ active coping (11.4±2.1) and positive reinterpretation and growth (11.2±1.8), and least often rely on their sense of humour (5.5±1.4) or use alcohol or drugs (5±1.1). The factors which determine the types of strategy used are age, education, the duration of the disease, ailments experienced, and attitude towards the disease. Those respondents who declared a greater knowledge of RA more often applied positive reinterpretation and growth, and more rarely used alcohol or drugs. In the treatment and rehabilitation processes it is important to reinforce in the patient positive expectations for the treatment, seek advantages and benefits in one’s present health status, and educate patients about the disease, its therapy and appropriate coping strategies

    Asbestosis hospitalizations in Poland (2006–2016): results from the National Hospital Discharge Registry

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    Introduction and objective. Occupational asbestos exposure is one of the major public health issues. Although asbestos use in Poland has decreased, asbestosis continues to remain an important health concern in the area of occupational medicine. The aim of the study is to perform a descriptive analysis of hospitalization cases in patients suffering from asbestosis in Poland. Materials and method. The authors used hospital discharge records to conduct a retrospective, population-based study. To estimate the asbestosis hospitalization rate, data from the Nationwide General Hospital Morbidity Study conducted by the National Institute of Public Health were used. Events were defined as in-patient hospital discharges during 2006–2016. 1,101 hospitalization records of 764 patients were included in the study. Results. In the study group of first-time hospitalized patients, the mean and median ages were 68.1 and 69 years, respectively; CI: 67.3–68.9; SD: 11.1, min-max:16–99 years. In this group, significant gender differences were observed (560 males vs. 204 female; P<0.001). No statistical differences were observed regarding the place of residence. During the observation period, 61 in-hospital deaths were reported (8% of all patients), 40 of whom (5.2 % of all patients) took place during the first-time hospitalizations. Asbestosis hospitalizations were mainly clustered in the south-western region, whereas the highest hospitalization rates were clustered in several areas of Poland. Conclusions. The authors believe this study to be the first evaluation of asbestosis in Poland made on the basis of the hospital morbidity database. The data presented may be helpful in comparative studies on the epidemiology of asbestosis across European countries