116 research outputs found

    Edge and Bulk of the Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids

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    An effective Chern-Simons theory for the Abelian quantum Hall states with edges is proposed to study the edge and bulk properties in a unified fashion. We impose a condition that the currents do not flow outside the sample. With this boundary condition, the action remains gauge invariant and the edge modes are naturally derived. We find that the integer coupling matrix KK should satisfy the condition ∑I(K−1)IJ=ν/m\sum_I(K^{-1})_{IJ} = \nu/m (ν\nu: filling of Landau levels, mm: the number of gauge fields ) for the quantum Hall liquids. Then the Hall conductance is always quantized irrespective of the detailed dynamics or the randomness at the edge.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, one figure appended as a postscript fil

    Impurity scattering and transport of fractional Quantum Hall edge state

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    We study the effects of impurity scattering on the low energy edge state dynamic s for a broad class of quantum Hall fluids at filling factor ν=n/(np+1)\nu =n/(np+1), for integer nn and even integer pp. When pp is positive all nn of the edge modes are expected to move in the same direction, whereas for negative pp one mode moves in a direction opposite to the other n−1n-1 modes. Using a chiral-Luttinger model to describe the edge channels, we show that for an ideal edge when pp is negative, a non-quantized and non-universal Hall conductance is predicted. The non-quantized conductance is associated with an absence of equilibration between the nn edge channels. To explain the robust experimental Hall quantization, it is thus necessary to incorporate impurity scattering into the model, to allow for edge equilibration. A perturbative analysis reveals that edge impurity scattering is relevant and will modify the low energy edge dynamics. We describe a non-perturbative solution for the random n−n-channel edge, which reveals the existence of a new disorder-dominated phase, characterized by a stable zero temperature renormalization group fixed point. The phase consists of a single propagating charge mode, which gives a quantized Hall conductance, and n−1n-1 neutral modes. The neutral modes all propagate at the same speed, and manifest an exact SU(n) symmetry. At finite temperatures the SU(n) symmetry is broken and the neutral modes decay with a finite rate which varies as T2T^2 at low temperatures. Various experimental predictions and implications which follow from the exact solution are described in detail, focusing on tunneling experiments through point contacts.Comment: 19 pages (two column), 5 post script figures appended, 3.0 REVTE

    Current and charge distributions of the fractional quantum Hall liquids with edges

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    An effective Chern-Simons theory for the quantum Hall states with edges is studied by treating the edge and bulk properties in a unified fashion. An exact steady-state solution is obtained for a half-plane geometry using the Wiener-Hopf method. For a Hall bar with finite width, it is proved that the charge and current distributions do not have a diverging singularity. It is shown that there exists only a single mode even for the hierarchical states, and the mode is not localized exponentially near the edges. Thus this result differs from the edge picture in which electrons are treated as strictly one dimensional chiral Luttinger liquids.Comment: 21 pages, REV TeX fil

    Spin swap gate in the presence of qubit inhomogeneity in a double quantum dot

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    We study theoretically the effects of qubit inhomogeneity on the quantum logic gate of qubit swap, which is an integral part of the operations of a quantum computer. Our focus here is to construct a robust pulse sequence for swap operation in the simultaneous presence of Zeeman inhomogeneity for quantum dot trapped electron spins and the finite-time ramp-up of exchange coupling in a double dot. We first present a geometric explanation of spin swap operation, mapping the two-qubit operation onto a single-qubit rotation. We then show that in this geometric picture a square-pulse-sequence can be easily designed to perform swap in the presence of Zeeman inhomogeneity. Finally, we investigate how finite ramp-up times for the exchange coupling JJ negatively affect the performance of the swap gate sequence, and show how to correct the problems numerically.Comment: published versio

    An NMR-based nanostructure switch for quantum logic

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    We propose a nanostructure switch based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) which offers reliable quantum gate operation, an essential ingredient for building a quantum computer. The nuclear resonance is controlled by the magic number transitions of a few-electron quantum dot in an external magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 separate PostScript figures. Minor changes included. One reference adde

    Bulk Versus Edge in the Quantum Hall Effect

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    The manifestation of the bulk quantum Hall effect on edge is the chiral anomaly. The chiral anomaly {\it is} the underlying principle of the ``edge approach'' of quantum Hall effect. In that approach, \sxy should not be taken as the conductance derived from the space-local current-current correlation function of the pure one-dimensional edge problem.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 1 postscript figur

    Universal structure of the edge states of the fractional quantum Hall states

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    We present an effective theory for the bulk fractional quantum Hall states on the Jain sequences on closed surfaces and show that it has a universal form whose structure does not change from fraction to fraction. The structure of this effective theory follows from the condition of global consistency of the flux attachment transformation on closed surfaces. We derive the theory of the edge states on a disk that follows naturally from this globally consistent theory on a torus. We find that, for a fully polarized two-dimensional electron gas, the edge states for all the Jain filling fractions ν=p/(2np+1)\nu=p/(2np+1) have only one propagating edge field that carries both energy and charge, and two non-propagating edge fields of topological origin that are responsible for the statistics of the excitations. Explicit results are derived for the electron and quasiparticle operators and for their propagators at the edge. We show that these operators create states with the correct charge and statistics. It is found that the tunneling density of states for all the Jain states scales with frequency as ∣ω∣(1−ν)/ν|\omega|^{(1-\nu)/\nu}.Comment: 10 page

    Quantum cellular automata quantum computing with endohedral fullerenes

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    We present a scheme to perform universal quantum computation using global addressing techniques as applied to a physical system of endohedrally doped fullerenes. The system consists of an ABAB linear array of Group V endohedrally doped fullerenes. Each molecule spin site consists of a nuclear spin coupled via a Hyperfine interaction to an electron spin. The electron spin of each molecule is in a quartet ground state S=3/2S=3/2. Neighboring molecular electron spins are coupled via a magnetic dipole interaction. We find that an all-electron construction of a quantum cellular automata is frustrated due to the degeneracy of the electronic transitions. However, we can construct a quantum celluar automata quantum computing architecture using these molecules by encoding the quantum information on the nuclear spins while using the electron spins as a local bus. We deduce the NMR and ESR pulses required to execute the basic cellular automata operation and obtain a rough figure of merit for the the number of gate operations per decoherence time. We find that this figure of merit compares well with other physical quantum computer proposals. We argue that the proposed architecture meets well the first four DiVincenzo criteria and we outline various routes towards meeting the fifth criteria: qubit readout.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, 5 figures, See http://planck.thphys.may.ie/QIPDDF/ submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Direct observation by resonant tunneling of the B^+ level in a delta-doped silicon barrier

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    We observe a resonance in the conductance of silicon tunneling devices with a delta-doped barrier. The position of the resonance indicates that it arises from tunneling through the B^+ state of the boron atoms of the delta-layer. Since the emitter Fermi level in our devices is a field-independent reference energy, we are able to directly observe the diamagnetic shift of the B^+ level. This is contrary to the situation in magneto-optical spectroscopy, where the shift is absorbed in the measured ionization energy.Comment: submitted to PR

    Fermion Chern Simons Theory of Hierarchical Fractional Quantum Hall States

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    We present an effective Chern-Simons theory for the bulk fully polarized fractional quantum Hall (FQH) hierarchical states constructed as daughters of general states of the Jain series, {\it i. e.} as FQH states of the quasi-particles or quasi-holes of Jain states. We discuss the stability of these new states and present two reasonable stability criteria. We discuss the theory of their edge states which follows naturally from this bulk theory. We construct the operators that create elementary excitations, and discuss the scaling behavior of the tunneling conductance in different situations. Under the assumption that the edge states of these fully polarized hierarchical states are unreconstructed and unresolved, we find that the differential conductance GG for tunneling of electrons from a Fermi liquid into {\em any} hierarchical Jain FQH states has the scaling behavior G∼VαG\sim V^\alpha with the universal exponent α=1/ν\alpha=1/\nu, where ν\nu is the filling fraction of the hierarchical state. Finally, we explore alternative ways of constructing FQH states with the same filling fractions as partially polarized states, and conclude that this is not possible within our approach.Comment: 10 pages, 50 references, no figures; formerly known as "Composite Fermions: The Next Generation(s)" (title changed by the PRB thought police). This version has more references and a discussion of the stability of the new states. Published version. One erroneous reference is correcte
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