8,471 research outputs found

    Heat and Mass Transfer in Cold Regions Soils

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    The work upon which this report is based was made possible by a cooperative aid agreement between the U.S. Forest Service, Institute of Northern Forestry, Fairbanks, Alaska, and the Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska. Contributions to this study were also made by the University of California at Davis and Ohio State University. The collection of winter data on pore pressures was made possible by a separate grant by the Office of Water Research and Technology (project A-053 ALAS)

    A giant planet beyond the snow line in microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0251

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    Aims. We present the analysis of the gravitational microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0251. This anomalous event was observed by several survey and follow-up collaborations conducting microlensing observations towards the Galactic bulge. Methods. Based on detailed modelling of the observed light curve, we find that the lens is composed of two masses with a mass ratio q = 1.9 × 10^(-3). Thanks to our detection of higher-order effects on the light curve due to the Earth’s orbital motion and the finite size of source, we are able to measure the mass and distance to the lens unambiguously. Results. We find that the lens is made up of a planet of mass 0.53 ± 0.21 M_J orbiting an M dwarf host star with a mass of 0.26 ± 0.11 M_⊙. The planetary system is located at a distance of 2.57 ± 0.61 kpc towards the Galactic centre. The projected separation of the planet from its host star is d = 1.408 ± 0.019, in units of the Einstein radius, which corresponds to 2.72 ± 0.75 AU in physical units. We also identified a competitive model with similar planet and host star masses, but with a smaller orbital radius of 1.50 ± 0.50 AU. The planet is therefore located beyond the snow line of its host star, which we estimate to be around ~1−1.5 AU

    Quantum Hall line junction with impurities as a multi-slit Luttinger liquid interferometer

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    We report on quantum interference between a pair of counterpropagating quantum Hall edge states that are separated by a high quality tunnel barrier. Observed Aharonov-Bohm oscillations are analyzed in terms of resonant tunneling between coupled Luttinger liquids that creates bound electronic states between pairs of tunnel centers that act like interference slits. We place a lower bound in the range of 20-40 μ\mum for the phase coherence length and directly confirm the extended phase coherence of quantum Hall edge states.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Quantum and Classical Binomial Distributions for the Charge Transmitted through Coherent Conductor

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    We discuss controversial results for the statistics of charge transport through coherent conductors. Two distribution functions for the charge transmitted was obtained previously, first by L.Levitov and G.Lesovik, [JETP Letters Vol.55 p.555 (1992)] and the other initially by the same authors [ibid. Vol.58 p.230 (1993)], and later the result was reproduced by several authors. The latter distribution functions actually coincides with classical binomial distribution (though obtained purely quantum mechanically) former (result of 1992) is different and we call it here quantum binomial distribution. The two distribution function represent two opposite universal limits - one is purely quantum, where interference is important, and the other is semiclassical, where interference is smeared out. We show, that high order charge correlators, determined by the either distribution functions, can all be measured in different setups. The high order current correlators, starting the third order, reveal (missed in previous studies) special oscillating frequency dependence on the scale of the inverted time flight from the obstacle to the measuring point. Depending on setup, the oscillating terms give substantially different contributions.Comment: 4 pages; english versio

    Spin- and charge-density oscillations in spin chains and quantum wires

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    We analyze the spin- and charge-density oscillations near impurities in spin chains and quantum wires. These so-called Friedel oscillations give detailed information about the impurity and also about the interactions in the system. The temperature dependence of these oscillations explicitly shows the renormalization of backscattering and conductivity, which we analyze for a number of different impurity models. We are also able to analyze screening effects in one dimension. The relation to the Kondo effect and experimental consequences are discussed.Comment: Final published version. 15 pages in revtex format including 22 epsf-embedded figures. The latest version in PDF format is available from http://fy.chalmers.se/~eggert/papers/density-osc.pd

    Inflation without Inflaton(s)

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    We propose a model for early universe cosmology without the need for fundamental scalar fields. Cosmic acceleration and phenomenologically viable reheating of the universe results from a series of energy transitions, where during each transition vacuum energy is converted to thermal radiation. We show that this `cascading universe' can lead to successful generation of adiabatic density fluctuations and an observable gravity wave spectrum in some cases, where in the simplest case it reproduces a spectrum similar to slow-roll models of inflation. We also find the model provides a reasonable reheating temperature after inflation ends. This type of model may also be relevant for addressing the smallness of the vacuum energy today.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    W-band 0.3W PHEMT MMIC power amplifier module

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    A compact (1.8 by 3.0 by 3.8 cm) WR-10 waveguide amplifier module providing 310-mW power output, 20-dB gain, and 5 GHz of 1-dB bandwidth at a center frequency of 96 GHz is described. The module is comprised of 22 identical PHEMT chips, 4-way microstrip power combiners and dividers, and a 4-way waveguide power combiner

    The LeFE Algorithm: Embracing the Complexity of Gene Expression in the Interpretation of Microarray Data

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    The LeFE algorithm has been developed to address the complex, non-linear regulation of gene expression. Interpretation of microarray data remains a challenge, and most methods fail to consider the complex, nonlinear regulation of gene expression. To address that limitation, we introduce Learner of Functional Enrichment (LeFE), a statistical/machine learning algorithm based on Random Forest, and demonstrate it on several diverse datasets: smoker/never smoker, breast cancer classification, and cancer drug sensitivity. We also compare it with previously published algorithms, including Gene Set Enrichment Analysis. LeFE regularly identifies statistically significant functional themes consistent with known biology.National Cancer Institute's Center for Cancer Researc
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