559 research outputs found

    Novel Anterior Cranial Base Area for Voxel-Based Superimposition of Craniofacial CBCTs.

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    A standard method to assess changes in craniofacial morphology over time is through the superimposition of serial patient images. This study evaluated the reliability of a novel anterior cranial base reference area, principally including stable midline structures (EMACB) after an early age, and compared it to the total anterior cranial base (TACB) and an area including only midline structures (MACB). Fifteen pairs of pre-existing serial CBCT images acquired from growing patients were superimposed with all techniques by applying a best-fit registration algorithm of corresponding voxel intensities (Dolphin 3D software). The research outcomes were the reproducibility of each technique and the agreement between them in skeletal change detection, as well as their validity. The TACB and EMACB methods were valid, since the superimposed midline ACB structures consistently showed adequate overlap. They also presented perfect overall reproducibility (median error < 0.01 mm) and agreement (median difference < 0.01 mm). MACB showed reduced validity, higher errors, and a moderate agreement to the TACB. Thus, the EMACB method performed efficiently and mainly included the stable midline ACB structures during growth. Based on the technical, anatomical, and biological principles applied when superimposing serial 3D data to assess craniofacial changes, we recommend the EMACB method as the method of choice to fulfil this purpose

    Reliability of Different Anterior Cranial Base Reference Areas for Voxel-Based Superimposition.

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    The study aimed to evaluate the reliability and reproducibility and compare the outcomes of two 3D voxel-based superimposition techniques for craniofacial CBCT images, using anterior cranial base areas of different extent as references. Fifteen preexisting pairs of serial CBCTs (initial age: 11.7 ± 0.6 years; interval: 1.7 ± 0.4 years) were superimposed on total anterior cranial base (TACB) or middle anterior cranial base (MACB) structures through the Dolphin 3D software. The overlap of the reference structures was assessed visually to indicate reliability. All superimpositions were repeated by the same investigator. Outcomes were compared to assess the agreement between the two methods. Reliability was perfect for the TACB and moderate for the MACB method (p = 0.044). Both areas showed good overall reproducibility, though in individual cases there were notable differences for MACB superimpositions, ranging from -1.84 to 1.64 mm (TACB range: -0.48 to 0.31 mm). The overall agreement in the detected T0/T1 changes was also good, though it was significantly reduced for individual measurements (median < 0.01 mm, IQR: 0.46 mm, range: -2.81 to 0.73 mm). In conclusion, the voxel-based superimposition on TACB was more reliable and showed higher reproducibility than the superimposition on MACB. Thus, the extended anterior cranial base area is recommended for the assessment of craniofacial changes

    Valid 3D surface superimposition references to assess facial changes during growth.

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    Currently, the primary techniques applied for the assessment of facial changes over time utilize 2D images. However, this approach has important limitations related to the dimensional reduction and the accuracy of the used data. 3D facial photography has been recently introduced as a risk-free alternative that overcomes these limitations. However, the proper reference areas that should be used to superimpose serial 3D facial images of growing individuals are not yet known. Here, we tested various 3D facial photo superimposition reference areas and compared their outcomes to those of a standard anterior cranial base superimposition technique. We found that a small rectangular area on the forehead plus an area including the middle part of the nose and the lower wall of the orbital foramen provided comparable results to the standard technique and showed adequate reproducibility. Other reference areas that have been used so far in the literature were less reliable. Within the limitations of the study, a valid superimposition reference area for serial 3D facial images of growing individuals is suggested. The method has potential to greatly expand the possibilities of this highly informative, risk free, and easily obtained 3D tool for the assessment of facial changes in growing individuals

    Facial asymmetry and midsagittal plane definition in 3D: A bias-free, automated method.

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    Symmetry is a fundamental biological concept in all living organisms. It is related to a variety of physical and social traits ranging from genetic background integrity and developmental stability to the perception of physical appearance. Within this context, the study of human facial asymmetry carries a unique significance. Here, we validated an efficient method to assess 3D facial surface symmetry by best-fit approximating the original surface to its mirrored one. Following this step, the midsagittal plane of the face was automatically defined at the midpoints of the contralateral corresponding vertices of the superimposed models and colour coded distance maps were constructed. The method was tested by two operators using facial models of different surface size. The results show that the midsagittal plane definition was highly reproducible (maximum error < 0.1 mm or°) and remained robust for different extents of the facial surface model. The symmetry assessments were valid (differences between corresponding bilateral measurement areas < 0.1 mm), highly reproducible (error < 0.01 mm), and were modified by the extent of the initial surface model. The present landmark-free, automated method to assess facial asymmetry and define the midsagittal plane of the face is accurate, objective, easily applicable, comprehensible and cost effective

    Smile Reproducibility and Its Relationship to Self-Perceived Smile Attractiveness.

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    The reproducibility of facial expressions has been previously explored, however, there is no detailed information regarding the reproducibility of lip morphology forming a social smile. In this study, we recruited 93 young adults, aged 21-35 years old, who agreed to participate in two consecutive study visits four weeks apart. On each visit, they were asked to perform a social smile, which was captured on a 3D facial image acquired using the 3dMD camera system. Assessments of self-perceived smile attractiveness were also performed using a VAS scale. Lip morphology, including smile shape, was described using 62 landmarks and semi-landmarks. A Procrustes superimposition of each set of smiling configurations (first and second visit) was performed and the Euclidean distance between each landmark set was calculated. A linear regression model was used to test the association between smile consistency and self-perceived smile attractiveness. The results show that the average landmark distance between sessions did not exceed 1.5 mm, indicating high repeatability, and that females presented approximately 15% higher smile consistecy than males (p &lt; 0.05). There was no statistically significant association between smile consistency and self-perceived smile attractiveness (η2 = 0.015; p = 0.252), when controlling for the effect of sex and age

    Prenatal diagnosis for CF using High Resolution Melting Analysis and simultaneous haplotype analysis through QF-PCR

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    AbstractBackgroundHigh Resolution Melting (HRM) Analysis is a validated, robust, low-cost, high throughput CF screening method. Here, we report the development and retrospective evaluation of the diagnostic value of a novel multiplex HRM, genotyping and haplotyping method for CF prenatal diagnosis (generic HRM/haplotyping).Methods80 study samples from 20 carrier couples referred for PND (whole blood in EDTA and CVS or amniotic fluid) were genotyped retrospectively using the suggested protocol.ResultsAll DNA samples (variable sources, extraction methods and unknown concentrations) were successfully amplified by the 1st and 2nd round PCR. The Se, Sp, NPV and PPV for the generic HRM/haplotyping method are calculated at 100%.ConclusionsThis generic protocol for PND using HRM, facilitates the simultaneous analysis of DNA samples from various sources in a fast, robust and efficient way. It can be easily adapted and applied for any genetic condition

    Third Molar Agenesis Is Associated with Facial Size.

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    Individuals with congenitally missing permanent teeth, other than third molars, present smaller craniofacial configurations compared to normal controls. However, it is not known if agenesis of third molars is part of the same mechanism. Therefore, this study assessed individuals with and without isolated third molar agenesis and tested the relation of this condition to the size of their facial configurations, using geometric morphometric methods. We show that the absence of one or more third molars is associated with a smaller maxilla, smaller mandible and a smaller overall facial configuration. The effect was larger as the number of missing third molars increased. For example, the size of the mandibular centroids in five 16-year-old females with no, one, two, three or four missing third molars showed a size reduction of approximately 2.5 mm per missing third molar. In addition, in cases with third molar agenesis in one jaw only, the effect was also evident on the opposite jaw. Our findings suggest that isolated third molar agenesis is part of a developmental mechanism resulting also in craniofacial size reduction. This might be the effect of an evolutionary process observed in humans, leading to fewer and smaller teeth, as well as smaller facial structures

    Number of Teeth Is Related to Craniofacial Morphology in Humans.

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    One of the most common dental anomalies in humans is the congenital absence of teeth, referred to as tooth agenesis. The association of tooth agenesis to craniofacial morphology has been previously investigated but remains unclear. We investigated this association by applying geometric morphometric methods in a large sample of modern humans. In line with previous studies, we report here that a reduced teeth number is linked to a less convex profile, as well as to a shorter face. The effects were similar for males and females; they increased as the severity of the tooth agenesis increased and remained unaltered by the inclusion of third molars and of allometry in the analysis. Furthermore, in cases with tooth agenesis only in the maxilla, there was no detectable effect in mandibular shape, whereas maxillary shape was affected independently of the location of missing teeth. The robustness of the present sample along with the shape analysis and the statistical approach applied, allowed for thorough testing of various contributing factors regarding the presence but also the magnitude of effects. The present findings suggest a relationship between number of teeth and overall craniofacial development and have evolutionary implications

    The effect of orthodontic treatment on smile attractiveness: a systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND Smile attractiveness is a primary factor for patients to seek orthodontic treatment, however, there is yet no systematic evaluation of this topic in the literature. OBJECTIVES To assess the current evidence on the effect of orthodontic treatment on smile attractiveness. SEARCH METHODS Seven electronic databases (MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, Virtual Health Library, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar and Embase) were searched on 14 September 2022. SELECTION CRITERIA Studies evaluating smile attractiveness before and after orthodontic treatment or only after completion of orthodontic treatment. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Extracted data included study design and setting, sample size and demographics, malocclusion type, treatment modality and method for outcome assessment. Risk of bias was assessed with the ROBINS-I tool for non-randomised studies. Random-effects meta-analyses of mean differences and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were planned a priori. METHODS After elimination of duplicate studies, data extraction and risk of bias assessment according to the Cochrane guidelines, an evaluation of the overall evidence was performed. The included studies were evaluated based on the characteristics of their study and control groups and based on their main research question. Also, all outcome measures were standardized into a common assessment scale (0-100), in order to obtain more easily interpretable results. RESULTS Ten studies were included in this review, nine of which were assessed as being at serious risk of bias and one at moderate risk of bias. The large heterogeneity between the included studies did not allow for a meta-analysis. Orthodontic treatment has a moderately positive effect on smile attractiveness. When compared to no treatment, orthodontic treatment with premolar extractions improves smile attractiveness by 22%. Also, surgical correction of Class III cases increases smile attractiveness by 7.5% more than camouflage treatment. No other significant differences were shown between different types of treatment. CONCLUSION Based on the available data, orthodontic treatment seems to moderately improve the attractiveness of the smile. There is significant bias in the current literature assessing the effect of orthodontics on smile attractiveness; therefore, the results cannot be accepted with certainty
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