13 research outputs found

    Успрыманне Польшчы і палякаў у беларускім Інтэрнэт-дыскурсе у 2013–2019 гадах: якасны аналіз заяў жанчын-імігрантаў

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    Recently, Poland has become an important emigration country for many Belarusians. Immigrants publicly comment on the host country and its inhabitants in various media, thus influencing ethnic stereotypes. Their voice may be important for other people considering emigration or for people who do not have direct contact with Poles, and who learn about their neighbours, among others, from media reports. The aim of the study was to establish the socio-cultural images of Poland and Poles from the perspective of Belarusian female immigrants. The researcher attempts to answer the following questions: how is Polish society presented in selected Belarusian online media in the statements of migrant women? What are the characteristics of Poles that may be similar to or different from Belarusians? What are the readers’ reactions in the comments to the press articles? The study was carried out using the qualitative method, namely media discourse analysis. The corpus of materials, compiled as part of purposive sampling, includes 12 reports from journalistic interviews published in popular Belarusian online news and entertainment editions between 2013–2019. The analysed responses present the views of a group of young women with higher education, living in large cities, most of whom use the Pole’s Card. The image of Poland is presented in relation to four dimensions: the cultural and ethnic dimension, the socio-economic dimension, the moral dimension and the efficiency dimension. Belarusian women have a positive image of the socio-economic living conditions in Poland, as well as social relations. Readers’ comments are varied and indicate a more critical reading of positive images of Poland and Poles.W ostatnim czasie Polska staje się ważnym krajem emigracji dla wielu Białorusinów. Imigranci publicznie wypowiadają się na temat kraju przyjmującego oraz jego mieszkańców w różnych mediach, wpływając tym samym na etnostereotypy. Ich głos może być ważny dla innych osób rozważających emigrację lub też dla osób, które nie mają bezpośrednich kontaktów z Polakami, a wiedzę na temat sąsiadów czerpią między innymi z przekazów medialnych. Celem badania było ustalenie społeczno-kulturowych wizerunków Polski i Polaków z perspektywy białoruskich emigrantek. Poszukiwano odpowiedzi na pytania: W jaki sposób przedstawiane jest społeczeństwo polskie w wybranych internetowych mediach białoruskich w wypowiedziach migrantek? Jakie są cechy Polaków podobne lub różniące się od Białorusinów? Jakie są reakcje czytelników zawarte w komentarzach do publikacji prasowych? Badanie zrealizowano metodą jakościową z zastosowaniem analizy dyskursu medialnego. Korpus materiałów, sporządzony w ramach celowego doboru próby, obejmuje 12 relacji pochodzących z dziennikarskich wywiadów opublikowanych w popularnych na Białorusi internetowych wydaniach informacyjnych oraz rozrywkowych w latach 2013–2019. Analizowane odpowiedzi przedstawiają poglądy grupy młodych kobiet z wyższym wykształceniem, mieszkających w dużych miastach, w większości korzystających z Karty Polaka. Obraz Polski przedstawiono w odniesieniu do czterech wymiarów: kulturowo-etnicznego, społeczno-ekonomicznego, wymiaru moralności oraz wymiaru sprawności. Białorusinki pozytywnie postrzegają społeczno-ekonomiczne warunki życia w Polsce, jak również relacje społeczne. Komentarze czytelników są zróżnicowane oraz wskazują na bardziej krytyczne odczytanie pozytywnych wizerunków Polski i PolakówАпошнім часам Польшча стала важнай эміграцыйнай краінай для многіх беларусаў. Імігранты публічна выказваюцца на тэму краіны, якая іх прымае, і яе жыхароў у розных сродках масавай інфармацыі, уплываючы такім чынам на этнастэрэатыпы. Іх выказванні могуць мець важнае значэнне для іншых асоб, якія разважаюць магчымасць эміграцыі, альбо для людзей, якія не маюць непасрэдных кантактаў з палякамі, а якія ведаюць пра іх з паведамленняў СМІ. Мэтай даследавання было ўсталяванне сацыякультурных вобразаў Польшчы і палякаў з пункту гледжання беларускіх імігрантаў. Даследчыца шукала адказ на наступныя пытанні: Як прадстаўлена польскае грамадства ў выбраных беларускіх Інтэрнэт-СМІ ў выказваннях жанчын-эмігрантак? Якія рысы палякаў падобныя да беларусаў, а якія адрозніваюцца? Як выглядаюць рэакцыі чытачоў у каментарыях да публікацый? Даследаванне праводзілася з выкарыстаннем якаснага метаду, а таксама аналізу дыскурсу ў СМІ. Корпус матэрыялаў, складзены ў выніку мэтанакіраванай выбаркі, уключае 12 наратываў, узятых з журналісцкіх інтэрв'ю, апублікаваных у папулярных у Беларусі інфармацыйных і забаўляльных інтэрнэт-выданнях у 2013–2019 гг. Прааналізаваныя выказванні адлюстроўваюць меркаванне групы маладых жанчын з вышэйшай адукацыяй, якія жывуць у буйных гарадах Польшчы, большасць з іх мае Карту паляка. Вобраз Польшчы прадстаўлены ў чатырох вымярэннях: культурна- этнічным, сацыяльна-эканамічным, вымярэнні маральнасці і вымярэнні эфектыўнасці. Беларускія жанчыны станоўча ўспрымаюць сацыяльна-эканамічныя ўмовы жыцця ў Польшчы, а таксама сацыяльныя адносіны ў польскім грамадстве. Каментарыі чытачоў характарызуюцца разнастайнасцю і сведчаць пра больш крытычны падыход да станоўчых вобразаў Польшчы і палякаў

    Media masowe wobec biedy w Polsce

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    The mass media on poverty in PolandThe main goal of this article is to present how poverty is depicted by the Polish mass media (in the press, television, radio, film) and what empowering ways there are of illuminating problems of people living in poverty. The perspectives of journalists and the researchers of poverty and the mass media are all taken into consideration. Media masowe wobec biedy w Polsce Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie, jak jest pokazywana bieda w różnych środkach masowego przekazu (w prasie, telewizji, radiu, filmie) w Polsce oraz jakie są sposoby upodmiotawiającego opisu problemów ludzi żyjących w ubóstwie. Artykuł ma charakter przeglądowy i uwzględnia zarówno perspektywę dziennikarzy, jak i badaczy ubóstwa oraz mediów

    Zmiany kultury emocjonalnej pracowników socjalnych w Polsce

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    As the theoretical framework of this text serves the concept of S. Gordon’s emotional culture. It includes emotion dictionaries, norms, and beliefs about emotions. I am interested in some aspects of the emotional culture of professionals in the social welfare sector. The results obtained are intended to provide further discussion on the transformations of emotional culture in the sphere of help.Ramą teoretyczną niniejszego tekstu jest koncepcja kultury emocjonalnej Stevena Gordona. Obejmuje ona słowniki emocji, normy i przekonania wobec emocji. Interesują mnie aspekty kultury emocjonalnej profesjonalistów w sektorze pomocy społecznej. Uzyskane wyniki mają służyć dalszym dyskusjom na temat przemian kultury emocjonalnej w sferze pomocy

    Emotions in the Context of Andrzej Stasiuk’s Literary Journeys to the East: Sadness, Fear, Nostalgia

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    Celem artykułu jest interpretacja literackich podróży na Wschód Andrzeja Stasiuka z perspektywy socjologii emocji. Refleksji poddano motywy podróży, eksplorowano nazwy uczuć, których Stasiuk używa w podróży na Wschód i emocje, które przypisuje Innemu oraz sposób ich wyrażania i kontekstualizacji. Wyobrażony oraz doświadczany Wschód jest przedstawiany w odniesieniu do smutku, strachu i nostalgii, co wpisuje się w kontekst przeżywania komunizmu oraz podróży do miejsc peryferyjnych, nieturystycznych. Wyniki badania motywują do wykorzystania literatury jako kulturowo istotnego źródła danych w odkrywaniu reguł odczuwania oraz reżimów emocjonalnych wyrażanych przez autora oraz bohaterów.The aim of the article is to interpret Andrzej Stasiuk's literary journeys to the East from the perspective of the sociology of emotions. Motives of the journey, the names of feelings that Stasiuk uses in his journey to the East and the emotions he assigns to the Other, as well as the manner of their expression and contextualization were examined. The imagined and experienced East is presented in relation to sadness, fear and nostalgia, which fits in the context of experiencing communism and traveling to peripheral, non-touristic places. The findings motivate treating literature as a culturally significant source of data for exploring feeling rules and emotional regimes expressed by the author and characters

    Uwarunkowania szcz\u119\u15bcia. Socjologiczna analiza wyobra\u17ce\u144 m\u142odzie\u17cy akademickiej o szcz\u119\u15bciu i udanym \u17cyciu

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    S\u142owa kluczowe:szcz\u119\u15bcie; zadowolenie z \u17cycia; dobrosta

    Teaching sociological subjects in English to university students: a case study of the Polish university

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    Nowadays, the role of English in teaching sociology has been increasing significantly, as far as the English language is an international medium of academic communication worldwide. Polish universities also follow this global trend. Students are offered not only general English courses but also specialised facultative courses in English. Taking into account the last one, a reflexive qualitative research has been carried out at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw. The objective of four face-to-face expert interviews with the academic teachers was exploring teaching methods and techniques, as well as difficulties in the process of teaching sociology with the use of English as a foreign language. An expert interview was designed starting from the teaching background, followed by teaching reflections on their didactic practice and ending with the academic teachers’ thoughts on the role of English in sociology. The following issues were considered: 1) methods and techniques of incorporating English in teaching sociology to Polish students; 2) strategies of motivating students to use English in sociology; 3) the perception of difficulties; 4) reflections on empowering students.The research results in the field of the sociological facultative English-based courses revealed the dominance of some ways of using the language over others. All experts acknowledged that they aimed to develop sociological English through the communicative and task-based approaches. They engaged students in reading sociological texts and critically discussed them. Some of the academic teachers referred also to watching and listening to native speakers as important ways to activate students during their classes. Moreover, the experts took into account students specific interests and encouraged them to prepare a presentation or to write a short essay. Some experts used also the collaborative methods when students were involved in group projects and group presentations. In general, the experts developed interesting and important topics of social life and research to strengthen the students’ intrinsic motivation. It was noticed that the presence of foreign students becomes a reasonable factor of improving English-based communication among Polish and foreign students in classroom. The experts pointed out that there were various linguistic, psychological and institutional barriers in teaching sociological subjects in English for Polish university students. Nevertheless, they tried to overcome those obstacles whenever it was possible

    From the sociology of social well-being and catastrophes towards the sociology of prosocial activities – a contemporary interpretation of Pitirim A. Sorokin’s selected works

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia problematyki dobrostanu i katastrof w odniesieniu do twórczości Pitirima A. Sorokina, dwudziestowiecznego socjologa amerykańskiego, politycznego emigranta, jednego z prezydentów Amerykańskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego, który przyczynił się do utworzenia kierunku, określanego współcześnie mianem socjologii działań pozytywnych, czy działań prospołecznych. Punktem wyjścia są rozważania na temat dobrostanu i szczęścia społecznego, cyklicznego rozwoju społecznego z fazami kryzysów i katastrof. Omówione jest prawo pozytywnej i negatywnej polaryzacji społecznej oraz propozycja Sorokina w krzewieniu oraz wzmacnianiu postaw twórczego altruizmu jako sposobowi przezwyciężania sytuacji kryzysowych. Refleksja teoretyczna została uzupełniona o najnowszą literaturę przedmiotu.The aim of the article is to present the issue of social well-being and catastrophes in relation to the works of Pitirim A. Sorokin, the 20th-century American sociologist, political emigrant, one of the Presidents of the American Sociological Association, who contributed to the creation of the field, nowadays referred to as the sociology of positive actions or prosocial actions. The starting point is reflection on social well-being and happiness, cyclical social development with phases of crises and catastrophes. The law of positive and negative social polarisation is discussed as well as Sorokin’s proposal in promoting and strengthening the attitudes of creative altruism as a means of overcoming crisis situations. The theoretical reflection has been supplemented with the latest literature on the subject

    Buying Food for a Hungry Person in Poland: A Case of an Internet Discussion

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    The goal of this paper is to investigate the communication emotions used by internet users when facing a situation in whichwhen a needy person asks for food; and, as well as to explore socio-emotional discourse practices for constructing a cultural image of a giver and a receiver of help. The results are discussed in light of Arlie Russel Hochschild’s concept of the emotion management and feeling rules and Candance Clark’s concept of sympathy margin

    Emotional issues in prosocial behavior in the light of selected social theories and empirical research

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    This paper presents an issue of contemporary charity activities as seen in sociological perspectives, including sociology of emotions and sociology of social problems. The main thesis states that prosocial behavior is a complex phenomenon due to the various motives and conditions. The author argues that emotions play an important role in individual and institutional charity. The empirical implication of theoretical assumptions is the analysis of the content of the websites of three charitable organizations with the highest level of trust in Poland: the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, the Polish Caritas and the Polish Red Cross.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia współczesnych działań prospołecznych z uwzględnieniem dorobku socjologii emocji oraz perspektywy problemów społecznych. Tezą jest stwierdzenie, że zachowania prospołeczne są zjawiskiem złożonym ze względu na motywy oraz uwarunkowania oraz że istotną rolę w indywidualnej oraz instytucjonalnej dobroczynności odgrywają emocje. Empiryczną implikacją założeń teoretycznych jest analiza zawartości stron internetowych trzech organizacji dobroczynnych o najwyższym poziomie zaufania w Polsce: Fundacji Wielkiej Orkiestry Świątecznej Pomocy, Caritas Polska oraz Polskiego Czerwonego Krzyża

    Attitudes of Poles towards prosocial activity in 1988-2016

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    The purpose of this article is to present the specific nature of the Polish society’s attitude towards prosocial activity in the period of the beginning of transformation and later on. The article describes in more detailed form the assumption on the growing complexity of prosocial activities and complexity of related motivations. The research questions are focuesdon several issues: how Poles perceive assistance, if they willingly help the ones in need, who they help, what forms of prosocial activities they prefer and what motivates them, how they change their attitude and pro-social activities in helping other people. The analysis of available representative survey-based research leads to the conclusion that the nature of Poles' attitudes towards prosocial activity is ambivalent