4 research outputs found

    Embodied Learning Implementation in EFL Classroom: A Qualitative Study

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    Motivating students for learning a foreign language in classrooms needs several updated techniques, strategies, and methods. Modern methods and approaches play important roles in language teaching in a learning environment. Recently, Embodied learning, as one of the modern approaches shows its effectiveness on developing speaking skills in foreign language classes. Embodied learning means the connection between bodily movements during the activities and cognitive ability; it adds a modern pedagogical theory of learning which shows the role of body in education and learning. This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of embodied learning in educational practice in teaching English as a foreign language in Erbil, Kurdistan Region. Data were collected from language learners through interviews. The students’ responses, motivation and development were analysed in the data analysis. It was found that embodied learning affects the learners to be more motivated to learn the language also reinforces them to use the target language effectively in the classroom

    The Washback of Midterm Examination on First-Year Students’ Perception Regarding the Final Exam

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    The examinations are an essential part of the education system. Therefore, the importance of examinations cannot be dismissed. However, assessments and evaluations affect the program of the study, students, and teachers. These effects cause different types of washback which has been defined as the impact of testing and evaluation on both students and teachers. The negative washback from the examination makes the students study to pass the exams rather than learn the class objectives. On the other hand, positive washback motivates the students to work harder and learn. This study investigates the washback of midterm exams on students’ perception regarding the final exam. A mixed method has been used for conducting this research project. A survey and an interview have been implemented for the data collection. The data have been collected from 108 first-year students in the Departments of English Language Teaching (ELT), Biology Education, Computer Education, Physics Education, and Mathematics Education department in Tishk International University Erbil, Kurdistan. In brief, the examinations determine the type of washback that the students have after exams, either positive or negative. The results showed a positive washback


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    For the past thirty years, language education researchers have concentrated on improving writing abilities. Several methods and strategies have been used by language teachers to enhance the students’ writing skills. One of these crucial methods for enabling the students to write their thoughts more effectively is peer feedback. The researchers also defined peer feedback as helpful criticism from other students majoring in the same subject. It enables the language learners to deal with issues of writing anxiety, discomfort, and mistake-making fear. Additionally, peer feedback allows the students to comment on one other’s papers. Peer criticism sharpens the language learners’ perceptions and critical faculties. This study aims to highlight the value of peer feedback in classroom writing. Data collection method included a questionnaire distributed to the participants of this study which included 90 participants from Tishk International University (TIU) studying in the faculty of Education. The researchers analyzed the data by using Minitab 19. One sample t-test and analysis of variance are used. It is concluded that peer feedback is positively significant in enhancing writing skill neither the grades nor the departments affect their decision. The students consider peer feedback as an essential dialogue in writing

    Teacher’s Perspective on The Challenges of Using ICT in Teaching: A Case Study in Education Faculty

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    Over the last decade, the rapid development of the technology has become a significant interest in Education. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has integrated into learning and teaching along with delivering more chances for students and teachers to operate better in teaching and learning. Conversely, the obstacles may prevent teachers from applying ICT in the classroom. Analyzing the barriers of ICT integration can help and encourage educators to be creative and try to use a new approach for integrating technology into their everyday teaching process. This study investigates teachers’ perspectives on those obstacles for integrating ICT in teaching at the university level. It also aims to find out other uncommon barriers in teaching that any facilitators who are applying ICT can face. Sixty-seven participants from different positions and departments in the education field, who integrate ICT have participated in the study. A mixed method has been implemented. The data was collected through a survey with Google form. The quantitative data were analyzed by IBM SPSS version 28, while the thematic analysis was used for qualitative data. The study’s results have declared that most of the teachers have solid demand to apply ICT in teaching, even with these barriers. The most difficulties were internet connection and electricity in the process. It also indicated that ICT makes the class more effective through student engagement, time management, and student-student interactions