80 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pendidikan merupakan salah satu jalan utama bagi manusia untuk meningkatkan kompetensi diri dan wawasan serta pengembangan sikap dan kepribadian yang profesional dan bertanggungjawab. Pendidikan diselenggarakan dengan memberdayakan semua komponen masyarakat tak terkecuali terhadap anak-anak jalanan, melalui peran serta dalam penyelenggaraan dan pengendalian mutu layanan pendidikan kelompok belajar “Suket Teki” menyelenggarakan program pembinaan anak jalanan melalui pendidikan paket C. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran fasilitator dalam meningkatkan kemandirian anak jalanan yang mengikuti pembinaan pendidikan paket C di kelompok belajar “Suket Teki” kota Kediri serta mengetahui apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya dalam pelaksanaan pembinaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitian studi kasus, sumber data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data diuji melalui uji kredibilitas, dan dependabilitas. Setelah tahapan tersebut data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data Creswell.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peran fasilitator di kelompok belajar “Suket Teki” kota Kediri mampu meningkatkan kemandirian anak jalanan dengan beberapa peranan penting dalam memberikan pelayanan pendidikan nonformal paket C. Fasilitator yang ada di kelompok belajar “Suket Teki” bekerja secara sukarela, mereka tidak di gaji namun mereka secara iklas bersungguh-sungguh membimbing, mendampingi, mengajar dan melatih anak-anak jalanan dari yang awalnya mereka berada dijalanan, tidak sekolah, serta tidak memiliki pekerjaan kini mereka dapat belajar, memiliki keterampilan, menjadikan sikap pribadi anak jalanan menjadi lebih mandiri, lebih sopan dan tidak berkata maupun berperilaku kasar, serta beberapa dari mereka sudah ada yang diterima kerja di hotel, salon, pabrik, dan juga rumah makan. Kelompok belajar “Suket Teki” memiliki banyak relasi narasumber pelatihan, maupun praktisi-praktisi yang mendukung jalannya pembinaan, sehingga dengan fasilitas yang masih minimalis anak-anak jalanan tetap semangat dalam mengikuti pembinaan khususnya anak-anak binaan paket C di kelompok belajar “Suket Teki”. Kata kunci: Peran fasilitator, Kelompok Belajar, Kemandiria

    Balancing quality, cost, and uncertainty in pharmaceutical supply chain: A robust possibilistic flexible programming approach

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    The pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC) plays a crucial role in ensuring the timely and reliable availability of essential drugs while maintaining high-quality standards. Balancing the triad of cost, time, and quality is paramount in optimizing the complexities of this supply chain. In this research, a multi-objective PSC optimization model is developed to maximize the key business factors. The dynamic nature of the PSC can significantly compromise the effectiveness of the decision making process. To deal with this challenge, a robust possibilistic flexible programming approach (RPFPA) solution methodology is proposed. This methodology provides a robust and flexible framework to tackle the uncertainties within the supply chain. To validate the proposed model and methodology, a computational analysis of a case study is conducted. The results of the analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the model and methodology in addressing the uncertainties and complexities of the PSC. Specifically, the findings reveal that by accepting a 23.8% increase in costs, decision-makers can achieve a desirable level of robustness in their decisions. Moreover, the study identifies that the assignment of higher priority to cost objectives leads to more centralized decisions within the supply chain, while a greater emphasis on quality objectives results in a more decentralized approach. By employing the proposed approach, decision-makers can efficiently deal with the complexities and uncertainties inherent in the PSC, making well-informed choices that balance cost, time, and quality

    An Overview Regarding the U.S domestic Economic Strategies: Role of Think Tanks

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    Even though federal government of U.S play the primary role in managing the nations various systems such as fiscal policy, healthcare, defense and welfare, the existence of different political ideologies plays a part in national and international stability[1] , in sense that each ideology strategy in managing economic issues reach a different conclusion, proved by the numerous economical tragedies such as the greater recession , implements the bases of each ideologies perspective on government\u27s role in reducing economic inequality, addressing job displacement due to technological change, and striking a balance between free market principles and government intervention during economic crises.1 To discuss the economical view of each side, one must fully understand in clarity the differences between two ideologies, in simplest form liberalism is described by the government\u27s sole responsibly in preserving freedom protections its citizens individual liberty while also minimizing  its intervention in its citizens lives, on the other hand, conservatism allows the government vast influence thus to conserve the established norms and institutions such as the cultural and religious traditions of its nation. While this is nearly the correct definition of what each ideology stands for, such political movements do tend to abuse power through the ideological privileges they stand for. Furthermore, the existence of the federal government is crucial in interfering with conservative or liberal administrations when their policies threaten economic stability. Federal governments’ regulatory agencies such as federal reserves and the Environmental protection agencies exist to act as checks on extreme economic policies. Under a conservative administration that Favors deregulation and reduced taxes, the federal government may intervene to prevent excessive corporate power or environmental harm that could arise from such policies.[2]  Conversely, in a liberal administration pushing for expansive social programs or aggressive tax hikes, the federal government’s budgetary and constitutional frameworks can limit excessive spending or prevent overreach that may stifle economic growth.[3] Thus, regardless of the political ideology in power, the federal government ensures a balanced approach to economic management by safeguarding essential public interests while keeping national economic stability.   [1] Conservatives vs. Liberals: The Economic Debate - Cameron School of Business Blog (stthom.edu) [2] https://doi.org/10.1596/978-1-4648-0057-3 [3] https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2017/10/24/5-views-of-the-economy-and-the-social-safety-net

    A New Generalization of Power Garima Distribution with Applications in Blood Cancer and Relief Times

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    The present study deals with the weighted version of power Garima distribution and its various statistical properties have been obtained. For estimating its parameters, the technique of maximum likelihood estimation have been used and also observed its Fisher’s information matrix. Finally, the two real lifetime data sets from medical sciences have been used to discuss the superiority of new distribution

    A New Hybrid Root-Finding Algorithm to Solve Transcendental Equations Using Arcsine Function

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a new hybrid root finding algorithms for solving non-linear equations (NLEs) or transcendental equations (TEs). The proposed algorithm is based on the trigonometrical algorithm using arcsine function to find a root. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed algorithms, and comparisons are presented with other existing methods to show efficiency and accuracy. Implementation of the proposed algorithms is presented in a mathematical software tool Maple

    study the repair of the various difficult forms of hypospadias using one-stage Island – flap Technic (Modification of Hodgsin and Device method).

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    This research is important because hypospadias is very common, there are many surgical methods to repair this defect , and there are many difficult forms of this deformity requiring a selected technique for the repair. This prospective study was conducted on 30 patients diagnosed to have difficult forms of hypospadias  (penile , scrotal , chordee , proximal , and  hypospadias with shortening of urethra) at Al-Assad  University Hospital , Lattakia , Syria , during the period between October 2014 – October 2016.  The surgical technique (Hodgsin and Device) was performed with some modification. It was done without neither cystostomy nor  compression ligament as described in the original technique and a permanent urinary catheter was inserted with normal dressing instead of cystostomy .                     Camera imaging for each patient was done before and after surgery .                    Patients were followed-up for 6 months, and complications were documented . A total of 30 children  with mean age of 3.6 years presented for hypospadias repair . Indications for surgical repair were penile or scrotal hypospadias (18 patients) (60%) , unsuccessful previous surgery (8 patients) (26.7%) , and shortening of urethra (4 patients) (13.3%) . Complications occurred  in 7 patients (23.3%) . The most common complications were fistulas (3 patients – 10%) , meatal stenosis (1 patient – 3.3% ) , stricture (1 patient – 3.3%) , diverticulum (1 patient – 3.3%) , and dehiscence (1 patient -3.3%) . The outcomes  of our study were good compared with the results of other studies on different surgical techniques worldwide , with almost a similar complication rate , despite the lack of resources in our country. دراسة إصلاح مختلف الأشكال الصعبة للمبال التحتاني بتقنية شريحة جلدية موعّاة بمرحلة واحدة (Island-Flap Technic) (Hodgsin and Deviceتعديل لطريقة ( تنبع أهمية البحث من شيوع هذا التشوه وكثرة الطرق الجراحية لإصلاح المبال التحتاني و وجود بعض الاشكال الصعبة من المبال التحتاني تحتاج لتقنية منتقاة من أجل هذا الإصلاح. أُجريت هذه الدراسة المستقبلية على 30 مريض مع تشخيص مبال تحتاني في مشفى الأسد  الجامعي , اللاذقية, سوريا , في الفترة الممتدة ما بين شهري تشرين أول 2014 و نشرين أول 2016 .  تم اختيار الاطفال الذين لديهم مبال تحتاني من الاشكال الصعبة و التي تشمل المبال التحتاني القضيبي أو الصفني  , المبال التحتاني مع انحناء القضيب , و قصرالاحليل . كما تم اختيار بعض الأطفال الذين لديهم المبال التحتاني قريب(قضيبي أو صفني) بدون أذية للقلفة . تم إجراء التقنية الجراحية (Hodgsin and Device)  مع بعض التعديل و هو عدم وضع فغر مثانة و لا رباط ضاغط حسب ما هو موصوف بالتقنية الأصلية و وضع قثطرة بولية دائمة بدلاً عن الفغر مع ضماد عادي .  قمنا بإجراء تصويربالكاميرا و توثيق لكل مريض قبل و بعد العمل الجراحي و متابعة المرضى لمدة 6 اشهر و توثيق حدوث المضاعفات . حيث بلغ متوسط أعمار المرضى 3.6 سنة , شكل المبال التحتاني ذو التوضع القضيبي أو الصفني غالبية استطبابات التداخل الجراحي في دراستنا بواقع 18 مريض (60% من مرضى العينة) , في حين  شكل التداخل الجراحي السابق غير الناجح 26.7% بواقع 8 مرضى , و قصر الإحليل 13.3% بواقع 4 مرضى .  كان معدل حدوث المضاعفات في دراستنا 23.3% (7 مرضى) , أشيع المضاعفات التي حدثت هي النواسير (3 مرضى – 10%) ,  تضيق في صماخ الإحليل مريض واحد (3.3%) , تضيق في منطقة الوصل مريض واحد (3.3%) , رتج إحليلي مريض واحد (3.3%) , و تفزر الجرح مريض واحد (3.3%)  . و كانت نتائج دراستنا حول إصلاح مختلف الأشكال الصعبة للمبال التحتاني بتقنية شريحة جلدية موعاة بمرحلة واحدة  (تعديل لطريقة Hodgsin and Device) , جيدةً بالمقارنة مع نتائج الإصلاح الجراحي للمبال التحتاني عالمياً بمختلف التقنيات و ذات معدل مضاعفات مماثل لها تقريباً , و ذلك على الرغم من قلة الإمكانيات لدينا

    A hybrid deep neural network approach to recognize driving fatigue based on EEG signals

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    Electroencephalography (EEG) data serve as a reliable method for fatigue detection due to their intuitive representation of drivers' mental processes. However, existing research on feature generation has overlooked the effective and automated aspects of this process. The challenge of extracting features from unpredictable and complex EEG signals has led to the frequent use of deep learning models for signal classification. Unfortunately, these models often neglect generalizability to novel subjects. To address these concerns, this study proposes the utilization of a modified deep convolutional neural network, specifically the Inception-dilated ResNet architecture. Trained on spectrograms derived from segmented EEG data, the network undergoes analysis in both temporal and spatial-frequency dimensions. The primary focus is on accurately detecting and classifying fatigue. The inherent variability of EEG signals between individuals, coupled with limited samples during fatigue states, presents challenges in fatigue detection through brain signals. Therefore, a detailed structural analysis of fatigue episodes is crucial. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed methodology's ability to distinguish between alertness and sleepiness, achieving average accuracy rates of 98.87% and 82.73% on Figshare and SEED-VIG datasets, respectively, surpassing contemporary methodologies. Additionally, the study examines frequency bands' relative significance to further explore participants' inclinations in states of alertness and fatigue. This research paves the way for deeper exploration into the underlying factors contributing to mental fatigue.</p