33 research outputs found


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    A key indicator of methane fermentation process which influences the cost-effectiveness of the biogas plant is efficient production of methane per 1 m3 of reactor. It depends on the proper selection of environmental and process parameters. This article present collected and analyzed the effect of the most important parameters of continuous methane fermentation (CSTR), which include temperature, pH, nutrient content and the C/N ratio in the feed medium, the presence of inhibitors, and the volume load of reactor, retention time and mixing of digestion reactor. Still, the impact of many factors remain unknown, hence there is a need for more comprehensive studies

    Real estate brokering

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    praca magistersk

    Types of fermentation tanks used in biogas plants

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    Jednym z istotnych sektorów energetyki odnawialnej w Polsce jest produkcja biogazu rolniczego, który powstaje w wyniku prowadzonego w kontrolowanych warunkach - procesu fermentacji metanowej. Wraz z obserwowanym w ostatnich latach wzrostem mocy zainstalowanej przewiduje się budowę kolejnych instalacji biogazowych. Należy jednak pamiętać, że oprócz określenia i utrzymania prawidłowych parametrów procesowych fermentacji konieczne jest również zapewnienie odpowiednich warunków technicznych do produkcji biogazu. Wybór odpowiedniego rodzaju zbiornika fermentacyjnego jest jednym z kluczowych zadań podczas planowania inwestycji biogazowej. Błędy popełnione przy doborze materiałów i urządzeń w instalacji mogą doprowadzić do szybkiego bankructwa inwestycji po jej uruchomieniu. W pracy przedstawiono dotychczasowy stan wiedzy na temat rodzajów zbiorników wykorzystywanych w instalacjach biogazowych. Materiał ten pozwoli na usystematyzowanie dostępnych w literaturze przedmiotu informacji dotyczących technicznych rozwiązań stosowanych w skali przemysłowej.One of the important sectors of renewable energy in Poland is the production of agricultural biogas, which is produced as a result of a methane fermentation process carried out under controlled conditions. With the increase of installed electric power, it is anticipated that further biogas plants will be built. However, in addition to determining and maintaining the correct parameters of the fermentation process, it is also necessary to provide appropriate technical conditions for the production of biogas. The choice of the right type of fermentation tank is one of the key tasks during planning of a biogas investment. The mistakes in the selection of materials and equipment in the installation can lead to a rapid bankruptcy of the investment. This review presents the current state of knowledge on tanks used in biogas plants, and was prepared to systematize information available in the literature concerning technical solutions applied on industrial scale

    Current State, Challenges and Perspectives of Biological Production of Hydrogen in Dark Fermentation Process in Poland

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    The increasing demand for electrical energy and environmental concerns associated with conventional means of its generation drive the interest in alternative fuels. Biohydrogen, widely considered as fuel of the future, is one of such alternatives. To date, research results suggest that biological routes are the most promising for hydrogen production, especially dark (hydrogen) fermentation. Hydrogen fermentation can be performed with agricultural and food processing wastes as substrates. In this paper the most important factors influencing dark fermentation are reviewed and analyzed. These are: pH, partial pressure, temperature, and retention time. The biohydrogen generation efficiency is also presented with respect to different substrates. It should be also pointed out that many factors are still unknown; thus, the process requires conducting further research

    Czynniki kształtujące właściwości reologiczne oraz ślad węglowy mieszanek betonowych do pali wierconych

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    Współczesne projektowanie betonu oprócz doboru odpowiedniego składu, determinującego jakość i użyteczność wyrobu, powinno również kształtować jego cechy środowiskowe. Odpowiednie proporcje składników oraz nowoczesne rozwiązania materiałowe pozwalają kreować w szerokim spektrum właściwości mieszanki betonowej i betonu stwardniałego, stwarzając również możliwość znacznej redukcji śladu węglowego

    Methane Fermentation of Slurry with Chemical and Biological Additive

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    The problem of proper slurry management is primarily present in intensive livestock production. Industrialized livestock farms generate enormous quantities of manure droppings in a livestock-litter-free system. The traditional management of slurry is made by using it as a fertilizer. Alternative techniques used for neutralizing the detrimental effect of slurry are based on the use of chemical and biological additives, as well as by introducing aerobic environment through aerobic or anaerobic digestion, leading to methane fermentation. In the experiment, cattle manure was used, which came from the Przybroda farm belonging to the University of Life Sciences in Poznan. The aim of the study was to determine the biogas yield of slurry using the chemical and biological additive available on the Polish market. Mesophilic and thermophilic fermentation was used for the indication of the effectiveness of the employed fermentation process. The slurry was supplemented by a biological and chemical additive, i.e. effective microorganisms and – PRP, respectively. The experiment allowed to achieve a higher biogas yield during the use of effective microorganisms


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    A key indicator of methane fermentation process which influences the cost-effectiveness of the biogas plant is efficient production of methane per 1 m3 of reactor. It depends on the proper selection of environmental and process parameters. This article present collected and analyzed the effect of the most important parameters of continuous methane fermentation (CSTR), which include temperature, pH, nutrient content and the C/N ratio in the feed medium, the presence of inhibitors, and the volume load of reactor, retention time and mixing of digestion reactor. Still, the impact of many factors remain unknown, hence there is a need for more comprehensive studies