244 research outputs found
Rodzina i sprawy rodzinne w staropolskich pismach polemicznych
The article presents ways of using motives related to family matters in Old Polish documents written by catholic and Protestant polemicists in both metaphorical and reality oriented content. As the analysed materials shows it was a common practice to use family related motives in religious polemics and to describe real or fictitious pathological phenomena. However, there is no a positive vision of marriage and family in the discussed polemic works. Recalling phenomena unacceptable for the society of that period was aimed at creating a proper image of a religious opponent. However, it led to significant simplification of theological argumentation
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Strategic Regulatory Planning in the Management of Hazardous Materials
The failure to coordinate policy formulation with policy implementation in hazardous waste regulation has hindered the identification of potential obstacles to achieving compliance. In an effort to integrate policy formulation with implementation, this paper develops a strategic regulatory planning model and applies it to a specific case, the underground storage tank provision of the 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments. The final plan, submitted to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, emphasises 'induced compliance'. The study shows that the model provides policymakers with a practical tool for combining policy formulation with implementation and identifying possible impediments to achieving compliance
Полемика с католицизмом и православием в Несвижском Катехизисе Симона Будного
The “Catechism of Nesvizh” refers to a very long tradition of this genre. It is; however, the first catechism published in the old Belarusian language. It contains first of all rules of the Calvinist doctrine presented on the basis of three texts important for all Christians: the Decalogue, Our Father prayer and the Creed. Catechisms were not used for the purpose of a regular faith-related discussion; however, the analysed text contains parts that are a polemic with teaching in the Roman Catholic Church and in the Orthodox Church. Especially the following theses were discussed in great detail: the Harrowing of Hell, celibacy of the clergy, prayers to saints and iconolatry. In this article, I present methods used by the author of the “Catechism of Nesvizh” (Nesvizh – in Polish „Nieśwież” – a place in Poland) – Szymon Budny, while criticizing formal statements contrary to the Calvinist doctrine. I also pay attention to knowledge of both reality and the literature of the Orthodox Church shown by the author of the discussed work as well as to methodological reliability. This can be seen in the light of the fact that Szymon Budny presents his critical attitude towards theological theses rather than towards religious communities authorizing those statements.Katechizm nieświeski nawiązuje do bardzo długiej tradycji tego gatunku. Jest on jednak pierwszym katechizmem wydanym w języku starobiałoruskim. Zawiera przede wszystkim wykład doktryny kalwińskiej, przedstawiony za pomocą trzech ważnych dla wszystkich chrześcijan tekstów: Dekalogu, modlitwy Ojcze nasz i wyznania wiary. Katechizmy nie były używane do prowadzenia systematycznej dyskusji wyznaniowej, jednak analizowany katechizm zawiera fragmenty, które są polemiką z nauczaniem Kościoła katolickiego oraz prawosławnego. Szczególnie dokładnie omówione zostały takie tezy, jak: zstąpienie Chrystusa do otchłani, celibat duchowieństwa, modlitwa do świętych i kult obrazów. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiam metody, jakimi posługuje się autor Katechizmu nieświeskiego - Szymon Budny - krytykując twierdzenia niezgodne z doktryną kalwińską. Zwracam również uwagę na znajomość realiów i literatury prawosławnej, prezentowaną przez autora omawianego dzieła oraz na rzetelność metodologiczną, która przejawia się w tym, że Szymon Budny odnosi się krytycznie raczej do określonych tez teologicznych niż do wspólnot wyznaniowych, które te twierdzenia autoryzowały.Несвижский катехизис восходит к долгой традиции этого жанра. При этом он является первым катехизисом, изданным на старобелорусском языке. Прежде всего он содержит изложение кальвинистской доктрины в виде трех важнейших для всех христиан текстов: Десять заповедей, молитва «Отче наш» и основные постулаты веры. Катехизисы не использовались в религиозных дискуссиях, однако анализируемый текст содержит фрагменты, которые полемизируют с учением католического костела и православной церкви. Особенно подробно они затрагивают такие тезисы, как сошествие Христа в Лимб, безбрачие духовенства, молитвы к святым, культ икон. В данной статье представлены методы, которыми пользовался автор Несвижского катехизиса – Симон Будный, критикуя постулаты, противоречащие кальвинистской доктрине. Обращается также внимание на знание православных реалий и православной литературы, демонстируемое Симоном Будным, и продуктивность его методологии, проявляющуюся в критическом отношении к теологическим тезисам, но не к религиозным общинам, их исповедющим
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The generation of mechanical work by overturning tropical circulations
Global climate models inadequately represent aspects of tropical convection; many studies
that underpin the parametrisation of convection incorporate the interactive effects of largescale circulations using the Weak Temperature Gradient or Weak Pressure Gradient approximations. This thesis examines the thermodynamic consequences of these approximated circulations, in particular for the generation of mechanical work that they imply. It develops
approximate analytical formulae for conversions from potential to kinetic energy by circulations generated by the Weak Temperature Gradient approximation and explores the energetic
processes involved. Furthermore, a recently proposed isentropic analytical framework for the
mechanical energy budget is extended and applied to results from two coupled cloud resolving models. This confirms that the use of the Weak Temperature Gradient approximation does
not introduce any thermodynamic anomalies, and the results produced by the cloud resolving
models provide confirmation of the analytical results derived earlier. Scaling arguments for
the components of the mechanical energy budget are presented. The same technique is also
applied to re-analysis data to show how the mechanical energy generated by circulations such
as the Walker and Hadley circulations can be calculated from this data
EVA as a Tool for Estimation of Management Eciency and Value Creation in Polish Telecom Sector, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2016, nr 4
The paper presents results of empirical study on creation of added value in Polish telecom sector, based on Economic Value Added (EVA) indicator. First, an EVA analysis was performed for publicly traded telecom companies. Next, the eectiveness of EVA itself in management of telecom companies was evaluated. A statistical analysis was made to investigate dependence between EVA and other indicators of company value, confirming that EVA sign and magnitude are in agreement with indicators based on data from financial books. Finally, the effectiveness of using EVA for prediction of market capitalization of telecom companies was investigated. Overall results do not give a clear picture and cannot allow to state that EVA is a better determinant of value of telecom company than financial indicators like Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Herausforderung für beide Seiten
Im Juni letzten Jahres hat der Europäische Rat in Göteborg die Europäische Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie verabschiedet. Um der Bedeutung der Strategie für Polen gerecht zu werden, initiierte das Institut für Nachhaltige Entwicklung ein Projekt zur Meinungsbildung der Zivilgesellschaft (1). Im Folgenden werden die Ergebnisse zu den drei für die Erweiterung wichtigsten Themen Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Verkehr vorgestellt
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The implications of an idealised large-scale circulation for mechanical work done by tropical convection
A thermodynamic analysis is presented of an overturning circulation simulated by two cloud resolving models, coupled by a weak temperature gradient
parametrisation. Taken together, they represent two separated regions over
different sea surface temperatures, and the coupling represents an idealised
large-scale circulation such as the Walker circulation. It is demonstrated that a
thermodynamic budget linking net heat input to the generation of mechanical
energy can be partitioned into contributions from the large-scale interaction
between the two regions, as represented by the weak temperature gradient
approximation, and from convective motions in the active warm region and
the suppressed cool region. Model results imply that such thermodynamic
diagnostics for the aggregate system are barely affected by the strength of
the coupling, even its introduction, or by the SST contrast between the regions. This indicates that the weak temperature gradient parametrisation does
not introduce anomalous thermodynamic behaviour. We find that the vertical
kinetic energy associated with the large-scale circulation is more than three
orders of magnitude smaller than the typical vertical kinetic energy in each
region. However, even with very weak coupling circulations, the contrast between the thermodynamic budget terms for the suppressed and active regions
is strong and is relatively insensitive to the degree of the coupling. Additionally, scaling arguments are developed for the relative values of the terms in
the mechanical energy budget
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