38 research outputs found

    Dance Teaching by a Robot: Combining Cognitive and Physical Human-Robot Interaction for Supporting the Skill Learning Process

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    This letter presents a physical human-robot interaction scenario in which a robot guides and performs the role of a teacher within a defined dance training framework. A combined cognitive and physical feedback of performance is proposed for assisting the skill learning process. Direct contact cooperation has been designed through an adaptive impedance-based controller that adjusts according to the partner's performance in the task. In measuring performance, a scoring system has been designed using the concept of progressive teaching (PT). The system adjusts the difficulty based on the user's number of practices and performance history. Using the proposed method and a baseline constant controller, comparative experiments have shown that the PT presents better performance in the initial stage of skill learning. An analysis of the subjects' perception of comfort, peace of mind, and robot performance have shown a significant difference at the p < .01 level, favoring the PT algorithm.Comment: Presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA-201

    The CARESSES study protocol: testing and evaluating culturally competent socially assistive robots among older adults residing in long term care homes through a controlled experimental trial

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    Background : This article describes the design of an intervention study that focuses on whether and to what degree culturally competent social robots can improve health and well-being related outcomes among older adults residing long-term care homes. The trial forms the final stage of the international, multidisciplinary CARESSES project aimed at designing, developing and evaluating culturally competent robots that can assist older people according to the culture of the individual they are supporting. The importance of cultural competence has been demonstrated in previous nursing literature to be key towards improving health outcomes among patients. Method : This study employed a mixed-method, single-blind, parallel-group controlled before-and-after experimental trial design that took place in England and Japan. It aimed to recruit 45 residents of long-term care homes aged ≥65 years, possess sufficient cognitive and physical health and who self-identify with the English, Indian or Japanese culture (n = 15 each). Participants were allocated to either the experimental group, control group 1 or control group 2 (all n = 15). Those allocated to the experimental group or control group 1 received a Pepper robot programmed with the CARESSES culturally competent artificial intelligence (experimental group) or a limited version of this software (control group 1) for 18 h across 2 weeks. Participants in control group 2 did not receive a robot and continued to receive care as usual. Participants could also nominate their informal carer(s) to participate. Quantitative data collection occurred at baseline, after 1 week of use, and after 2 weeks of use with the latter time-point also including qualitative semi-structured interviews that explored their experience and perceptions further. Quantitative outcomes of interest included perceptions of robotic cultural competence, health-related quality of life, loneliness, user satisfaction, attitudes towards robots and caregiver burden. Discussion : This trial adds to the current preliminary and limited pool of evidence regarding the benefits of socially assistive robots for older adults which to date indicates considerable potential for improving outcomes. It is the first to assess whether and to what extent cultural competence carries importance in generating improvements to well-being

    ニホンゴパン BIS/BAS シャクド ノ サクセイ

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    本研究では、人の行動がどのような構造によって成り立っているのかについて、本質となる目的の志向性、行動が生じる一連の認知的プロセス、神経システムによる解釈、パーソナリティとの関連などの点に注目してレビューを行った。レビューの中では、行動の接近と回避の傾向に関するパーソナリティとして、行動抑制システム(BIS)と行動活性化システム(BAS)の感受性について触れている。両システムは独立した神経システムによって支えられている。BASは、報酬・無罰・罰からの解放の信号によって活性化され、目的達成に向かう行動を担うシステムであり、BIS は、罰・無報酬・新規性の信号によって活性化され、ネガティブな結果に至ると予測される行動の回避を担う。この両システムの感受性を測定するために、Carver & White(1994)によってBIS/BAS 尺度が作成されており、レビューの後に同尺度の日本語版を作成した。両システムの感受性を測定するBIS/BAS 尺度を翻訳し、他の関連する尺度(MAS, MPI)と併せて、数回質問紙調査を実施することにより、日本語版BIS/BAS 尺度の信頼性と妥当性を検討した。その結果、本研究で作成した日本語版BIS/BAS 尺度における、平均値と分散の程度、下位因子の内的信頼性や、他の尺度との相関関係などに関して、Carver & White(1994)のBIS/BAS 尺度とほぼ同様の結果を示した。これらのことから、本研究で作成した日本語版BIS/BAS 尺度は、Carver & White(1994)の作成した尺度と同様に、BIS とBAS の感受性を測定する目的で使用可能であると結論づけられた。This article reviewed several prominent issues concerning the mechanism which explained the structure of behavior. These issues are the concept of goal, cognitive processes, neural substrates of emotional experiences, and personality. After briefly reviewing these issues, a Japanese version of the BIS/BAS scale was developed in order to assessing two general motivational systems that underlie behavior and affect. Factor analysis revealed that the Japanese version of the BIS/BAS scale consists of four factors and , corresponding to an original scale. And convergent and discriminate validity in the formof correlations with alternativemeasures ware reported

    ニホン 二オケル well-being ヲ タカメル ドウキヅケ

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    本研究では、well-being や認知的な判断力の向上に関連する動機づけを測定する、GMI(Growth MotivationIndex: Bauer et al., 2008)の日本語版を作成し、本邦においてwell-being と関連する動機づけの構造を検討することを目的とした。GMI を翻訳し、認知的な能力を反映する情動知能を測定するEQS、well-being を測定するPWBを用いて、156 名の男女大学生を対象に質問紙調査を行った。その結果、アメリカにおいては、認知的な思考をより深く複雑に行おうとする認知的発達に関わる動機づけと、自己や他者に対してよりポジティブに受け入れようとする感情的な発達に関わる動機づけが示されていたのに対し、本邦においては、「社会貢献」、「自己成長」、「対人関係の向上」といった、社会構造の対象を区別した因子が抽出された。これらの因子は、それぞれ情動知能やwell-being と関連していることが確認された。本邦における相互依存的な対人関係の特徴から、個人のwell-beingにとっては、個人の思考や感情といった問題ではなく、自己や他者、あるいはより広い社会に対してどのように関わるのかという動機づけが重要となることが示唆されたといえる。This study aimed to develop Japanese version of GMI (Growth Motivation Index; Bauer et al., 2008) that measures motivation related to well-being and cognitive skills and investigate the structure of the motivation for well-being in Japan. We translated the GMI into Japanese and used other scales including PWB measuring well-being and EQS measuring emotional intelligence and 156 students completed the scales. Results showed that the three factors appeared in motivation; social contribution, self-deepening, and enhancement of interpersonal relationships in Japan, whereas cognitive growth and emotional growth appear in America. The three factors are found to relate to well-being and emotional intelligence significantly. We discussed cultural background that interdependent relationships in Japan require the motivation to approach to self, others, and broader society and this is not the matter of cognition or emotion as personal focus

    Growth Motivation and Well-Being in the U.S., Japan, Guatemala, and India

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    The present study examined how the Growth Motivation Index (GMI; J. J. Bauer et al., 2015) related to well-being and identity exploration in samples from the U.S., Japan, Guatemala, and India. The GMI has two facets. GMI-reflective measures the motive to cultivate critical self-reflection and intellectual development, whereas GMI-experiential measures the motive to cultivate personally meaningful activities and relationships. We expected and found that, when comparing the two GMI facets simultaneously, GMI-reflective predicted well-being in countries ranked as having collectivist but not individualist cultures, whereas GMI-experiential predicted well-being in countries ranked as having individualist but not collectivist cultures. GMI-reflective predicted identity exploration across cultures. Implications for growth motivation and culture are discussed

    タイジン カンケイ ニ オイテ ニンチ サレタ ジコ ト シンミツド ノ カンレン ゲンダイ ノ ダイガクセイ ノ サマザマナ シンミツナ カンケイ

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    本研究では、第1の目的として、現代の大学生に焦点を当て、様々な親密な関係がどのような他者との間に展開されているのかを明らかにした。さらに第2の目的として、それぞれの親密な関係においてどのように自己を表現し、認知していることが、当該の他者との親密性の深さに関連するのかを検討した。99名の大学生を対象に、個人が関連する実在の様々な親密な他者を5名ずつ想起させ、各他者との関係の自由記述、各他者との親密度(岡田,1999)、各他者と一緒にいる場合の自己認知(林,1978; 個人的親しみやすさ、社会的望ましさ、活動性の3次元)について測定を行った。また、個人のパーソナリティとの関連についても考慮するため、基本的な行動の動機づけとして接近傾向と回避傾向についても回答を求めた(上出・大坊,2005; 日本語版BIS/BAS尺度)。その結果、親密な関係の自由記述から、現代の大学生の親密な関係は、「小学校以前からの友人」、「中学校からの友人」、「高等学校からの友人」、「大学の友人」、「アルバイトの友人」、「恋愛関係」、「その他」の7つに分類された。この分類に基づき、各関係での自己認知得点と新密度の関連を検討した結果、概ねすべての関係において個人的親しみやすさが関連しており、冗談を言ったりユーモラスにふるまっていると認知していることが、ほとんどの親密な他者との間に感じる親密さを高めていた。「小学校以前からの友人」にのみ、社会的望ましさの自己認知得点が関連しており、交際期間が大学生にとっては極めて長く、将来的な付き合いの可能性のある他者に対する責任感や誠実さの重要性が示唆されていた。大学の友人においては、回避傾向のパーソナリティが親密度を高めており、大学で比較的最近友人となった他者との間には、新規なことや楽しいことを追及する接近傾向ではなく、できるだけ葛藤を避けたりコストやリスクを低減しようとする行動傾向が親密性に関連することが明らかになった。This study aimed to classify close relationships of university students in Japanese today and to investigate the relationships between intimacy and self-perception in each interpersonal relationship. 99 students described what kind of relationships with 5 close others in an open ended style. They also evaluated the degree of intimacy with each other (Okada,1999) and self-perception when they were with each other(Hayashi, 1978; individual familiarity, social desirability, activeness). From the view of personality, a Japanese version of the BIS / BAS scale(Kamide & Daibo, 2005)was evaluated to assess two general motivational systems that underlay behavior and affect. Results showed that close interpersonal relationships of college students in Japanese today were classified into 7 categories of “before elementary school”,“junior high school”,“high school”,“university”,“a part-time job”,“romantic relationships”and“other”. We regressed self-perception on intimacy per 7 categories and found that self-perception of individual familiarity increased the degree of intimacy across most categories. This means that if they were telling jokes or entertaining close others with humor, they felt high degree of intimacy with the others. Self-perception of social desirability was related to intimacy just in“before elementary school”, and this result suggested that they needed social desirability like conscience or earnestness to maintain good relationships with longtime friends that would be well-connected persons in years to come. In a category of“university”, BIS (propensity of avoidance)increase the degree of intimacy, so they might maintain good relationships with relatively new friends to avoid conflicts or reduce in daily life risk