6 research outputs found

    原発性非小細胞肺癌患者における骨髄中癌細胞の検出とその臨床的意義 : 細胞間接着分子E-カドヘリン,α-カテニン,β-カテニン蛋白発現との関連も含めて

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    取得学位 : 博士(医学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1359号,学位授与年月日:平成11年3月31日,学位授与年:199

    p-IIIA-N2 期肺癌の手術成績: 腫瘍径, リンパ節転移の拡がりとの相関を中心に

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域医学系Systematic lymph node dissection was performed for every patients undergoing surgical intervention. Since 1981, there were 218 stage IIIA-N2 patients who underwent resection with two operative mortality. The five-year survival rate of whole cases was 22.6%, and that of 152 completely resected cases was 30.0%. Favorable factors on long-term survival of pN2 patients were cN0, T1-2 N2M0, single mediastinal node involvement, and tumor less than 20 mm or less. The five-year survival rates of stage IIIA-N2 patients with tumor diameter of or = 51 mm were 48.1%, 27.7%, 31.2%, and 16.7%, respectively. When micrometastases to lymph node in the p-stage I patients (diagnosed by H-E staining) were examined by immunohistochemical staining, 36 patients (27%) out of 132 verified micrometastases in the lymph nodes

    Possible Contribution of a Diverticulum to the Development and Rupture of Colonic Lymphangioma <Case Report>

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    A 55-year-old Japanese man with a history of diverticulitis underwent colonoscopy for careful evaluation of progressive anemia. A 5-mm depressed lesion oozing spontaneously was observed at the hepatic flexure. On suspicion of depressed-type of cancer, right-sided hemicolectomy was performed. Histopathological examination indicated a collapsed lymphangioma exactly over a diverticulum, which had previously been complicated diverticulitis. The colonic mucosa and lymphangioma prolapsed beyond the subserosal layer via the muscularis propria defect, resulting in a depressed lesion and mucosal laceration with hemorrhage. This case suggests the contribution of a colonic diverticulum to the development and rupture of lymphangioma, which needed to be distinguished from depressed-type colon cancer